
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Hero Saves Beauty

4:00 pm.

Kise and Akashi asked Akira to go to the club room together. However, he refused, and said he would skip class because he had important business.

The two of them were used to him skipping classes. As long as he performed well on the field, the coach would only turn a blind eye to his lazy behavior. Recently, Aomine imitated Akira, and often skipped classes.

The behavior of the two people gave the basketball club coach a headache, and he kept rebuking. But it was useless, both Akira and Aomine still often skipped practice.

"We're going first, Akira-cchi."

Kise waved his hand and left the classroom with Akashi.

"I have to go too, lest she change her mind."

Carrying a bag over his shoulder, Akira stood up, and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Nakano-kun."

"What do you need, Inui-san?"

Shinju stood in front of Akira with a crumpled expression.

"Nakano-kun has free time after school?" Shinju asked, not daring to make eye contact.

"I have an appointment to meet someone."

Akira didn't lie, the reason for skipping was not just because he was lazy, but because he was meeting someone.

"Oh I see..."

Shinju looked disappointed, the courage she mustered disappeared like a wind.

"How about tomorrow? I'm free tomorrow."

"En, then after school tomorrow, I want to take you somewhere."

Shinju was happy, took her bag, bowed before Akira, then she ran out of the classroom.

"I have to go too."

Akira left the classroom.


On the sidewalk.

Akira walked while listening to music with earphones in his ears.

"Sir, there is a message from Shion-sama."

Chamber reports the latest information.

"Shion? She hasn't bothered me in a long time, usually she sends messages every night."

Taking his cell phone out of his shirt pocket, he saw the message.

The contents of the message were simple, asking how they were doing and mostly telling about their vacation experiences in Okinawa.

Akira replied to the message while walking.

After 5 minutes, feeling that Shion won't stop texting, Akira informs the other party that he is on a school trip and it is dangerous to play cell phone in the street.

That excuse was effective, Shion sent a caution emoticon and no longer sent messages.

"Phew~ Shion's carefree nature is just like Yotsuba's."

Muttering to himself, he put his phone back away.

Arriving at the crosswalk, he patiently waited for the pedestrian traffic light to turn green.

Apart from him, there was also a beautiful girl, wearing a high school uniform, standing next to him.

Akira only gave her a glance, before ignoring her.

The other party was a beautiful girl who didn't lose to Miharu, Shouko, or even the quintuplets of the Nakano family. Even so, that didn't mean Akira had to take the initiative to get to know her.

There were many beauties in the world, there was no way he should know all of them, right?

The traffic light turned green, the high school girl started walking.

Akira was just about to step foot, suddenly the traffic light turned red.

Not far from the two of them, a truck carrying goods was speeding.

The driver of the truck tried to apply the brakes.

The high school girl was flabbergasted, the truck was only a few meters away from her, and it was too late to dodge.

(The traffic light is broken?! Forget the reason. First, save her first.)

Akira didn't think much, his body accelerated forward, he hugged the high school girl, and then both of them rolled to the ground.

On the other hand, the truck managed to brake after crossing the crossing.

"Are you ok?"

Letting go of his embrace, Akira stood up and stretched out his hand to the high school girl.

"T-Thank you very much."

The high school girl accepted Akira's hand, and she was pulled to her feet.

Akira observed the condition of the high school girl in front of him, besides her uniform being slightly dirty, her skin was deathly pale, and her legs were shaking. She's fine, no injuries were found.

"Are you two all right?"

The driver got out of the truck, walked over to the two teenagers, and was relieved to see that neither of them were hurt.

"We're okay, this is not your fault, uncle. The traffic light is broken, have a look for yourself."

Akira pointed at the traffic light on the other side of the road.

The driver checked the traffic lights, and they were as Akira said. Indeed, there is damage due to the alternation of red and green, which is not natural.

Because the fault lies with the traffic lights, the two sides choose to make peace.

After the driver left, the high school girl once again thanked him while bowing her head.

"Thank you very much for saving me."

"You're welcome, be more careful next time."

Akira helped the high school girl straighten her body.

"My name is Sumeragi Satsuki, a first year student at Fumizuki Academy. What's your name?"

"Nakano Akira, first year student of Teiko Junior High School."

"Eh, are you still in junior high school?"

Satsuki was flabbergasted knowing this, she thought the young man in front of her was a high school student like her.

"Nakano-kun, I thank you for your help beforehand. If you didn't help me... I might have..."

Satsuki bit her bottom lip.

She thanks Akira for saving her from a near-accident when she was almost run over by a truck.

Akira's quick and brave actions in the situation prevented a serious or even fatal accident from occurring.

Satsuki probably felt like she owed him a lot and was grateful that she was still alive thanks to his actions.

"You are overreacting, it is only a small matter. Anyone would do that in my position." Akira said humbly.

"You're wrong, Nakano-kun. Not everyone will be willing to risk their lives to help others. Especially strangers." Satsuki said seriously.

"Since Sumeragi-san is fine, I'll be going first."

Akira turned around and wanted to leave immediately.

Satsuki held the hem of Akira's clothes, and she said.

"Wait a minute, I haven't returned the favor for saving my life yet. Let's exchange contact numbers, you can tell me when you have free time."

Seeing Satsuki's firm gaze, Akira guessed the girl in front of him would not let him go before giving out his contact number.

"Okay." Akira agreed, then the two exchanged contact numbers.

"Then I'll go first."

This time, Satsuki didn't hold back Akira.


15 minutes later, Akira finally arrived at his destination, Ueno Park.

It was 4:25 p.m., and there were all kinds of people in Ueno Park. Like children playing, or people walking their dogs.

Akira looked around for the Yotsuba. He found his sister sitting on a park bench, and she was being seduced by two men who looked like bastards.

Yotsuba's expression was crumpled, and she refused the two men's offers. But instead of leaving, the two men kept insisting that she come with them.

Yotsuba was not good at refusing other people's requests, but under the insistence of the two men, she finally agreed.

"If only for a moment..."

"What did you two do to her!"

Akira appeared and didn't let Yotsuba finish her sentence.

"Hah? Who are you, brat!"

One of the men, with dyed blond hair and a pierced ear, looked displeased at the teenager in front of him.

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