
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Help or Not?

At 6.30 p.m., Akira arrived at his apartment.

Pushing the doorknob down, pushing the door open, Akira walked in.

"I am home."

"Welcome back."

From the living room, two people's voices could be heard replying to Akira's words.

Taking off his shoes, taking the sandals off the shelf, and putting on the sandals, Akira walked into the living room.

"Only Ichika-Nee, and Itsuki-Nee, where are the others?"

On the couch, Itsuki is watching TV while eating snacks, and Ichika is playing with her cell phone.

Ichika looked away from the phone, and said with a faint smile on her face:

"Miku is in her room, Yotsuba and Nino still haven't come back."

"Then where is mom?" Akira didn't see Rena's figure.

"Mom said she would come home late, it seems there is a teacher meeting at school. For dinner, I've ordered pizza."

Mentioning pizza, Itsuki looked excited.

"Itsuki-Nee still not full?"

Akira's gaze fell on several packages of snacks, piled up near Itsuki.

Feeling Akira's strange gaze, Itsuki's face blushed a little, and she looked for an excuse.

"It's just a snack, it doesn't fill anyone up at all."

"Yes, yes, I believe Itsuki-Nee."

"Just answer yes once, and the expression on Akira's face is completely unconvincing!"

Itsuki groaned at seeing her little brother's expression, which was the complete opposite of what he said.

"I need to get changed first."

Not wanting to argue about Itsuki's appetite problem, Akira climbed the stairs, he arrived at the second floor.

Entering his room, he chose casual clothes, in the form of a plain white shirt, and shorts.

"Sir, there is a message."

Chamber reminded Akira.

"Of whom?" Asked Akira while drinking his protein liquid.

"From Miharu-sama." Chamber said emotionlessly.

Hearing the name of the girl who had just confessed that she likes him, Akira took his cell phone on the table, and opened the enchantment.

Miharu: 〔Good night, Akira-kun, am I disturbing you?〕

Akira: 〔I'm not bothered, I just got home from a club activity, do you need anything? 〕

Miharu: 〔If Akira-kun doesn't mind, may I know what your favorite food is? 〕

Reading this message, Akira could guess the end of this conversation.

Akira: 〔Why does Miharu want to know my favorite food?〕

This time, the message didn't reply immediately, it seemed Miharu was embarrassed to say the reason. Two minutes later, Miharu returned the message.

Miharu: 〔Didn't Akira-kun himself say to be friends first? I want to make a bento for you〕

"This girl… She still hasn't given up after I rejected her, not only isn't her heart broken, she has become more aggressive in her approach." Akira was speechless.

That afternoon, Akira refused Miharu's confession, arguing that he didn't really know her, and that it would be best to start a relationship with friendship.

Although sad, Miharu did not cry after being rejected by Akira. From the start, she had expected to receive a rejection. Then Miharu asked for Akira's contact information, because as friends, it is normal to have each other's contact information.

Akira didn't mind, and he gave Miharu his contact information.

Miharu: 〔No way?😢〕

Not receiving a reply to Akira's message, Miharu thought Akira had refused the bento she made.

Akira smiled a little at the emoticon, and replied to the message.

Akira: 〔Curry rice, chicken katsu and rendang. It's my favorite food, basically I'm not a picky eater. But I won't eat meat from pork〕

Whether in his previous life or present life, Akira refused to eat pork. Apart from health reasons, hygienic factors are also one of the reasons. After all, pigs are animals that eat their own excrement, that's really disgusting.

Miharu: 〔Rendang? Akira-kun likes Indonesian food? 〕

Miharu was confused when she saw the last dish, but after searching the internet, she found out that rendang is food from Indonesian.

In addition, rendang was ranked first as the most delicious food in the world on CNN International's [World's 50 Most Delicious Foods], for eight times in a row.

Miharu, who just found out about this, became curious and wanted to taste rendang.

Akira: 〔Yeah〕

Miharu: 〔Look forward to it tomorrow! 〕

Akira and Miharu chatted via messages for 10 minutes. The chat ended when Itsuki knocked on the bedroom door.

*Knock Knock*

"Pizza has arrived, let's have dinner."

"I'll be right down, don't eat all the pizza, Itsuki-Nee."

"W-What?! I won't do that!"

"I'm not sure, but if it's Itsuki-Nee, I'm sure you can finish a whole pizza pan by yourself. This is my sincere compliment to Itsuki-Nee."

"I'm not at all happy with that compliment, Akira!"

Itsuki sulked, and headed back with heavy footsteps.

"Did I tease Itsuki too much?" Akira didn't feel guilty.

Closing the window blinds, Akira went downstairs, and ate pizza with Ichika, Miku, and Itsuki.

Even though most of the pizza slices were eaten by Itsuki.

Nino and Yotsuba still weren't home, both of them were home at 8 p.m.

Worried that something happened to Rena, Akira keeps tabs on his mother's activities on the laptop, which is connected to hundreds of hidden cameras, which he has installed at school.

Luckily, nothing happened, Rena came home at 8:45 p.m.

And Maruo, Akira's biological father, and stepfather of quintuplets, he doesn't come home. Due to heart surgery.

Out of curiosity, Akira asks Chamber to secretly hack into the hospital's servers, and steal the data of the patient, who is undergoing surgery with his father.

Seeing the patient's name, Akira was slightly surprised.

"It turned out to be Miyazono Kaori... Should I help cure her illness?"

Tapping his fingers on the table, Akira contemplated whether he should take action or not.

"Forget it, she's not my acquaintance or family. I have no obligation to heal people, just because that person was an anime character in a past life."

"Let fate take its course, I am not a savior."

If Akira already knew Kaori, he wouldn't mind healing the other party, by using [Stand : Gold Experience]. But since both are just strangers, he is not obliged to help the other party.

"Hoam~ Is it late at night? It's time to go to sleep."

Seeing that it was already 11 p.m., Akira closed the laptop, lay down on the bed, hugged Dakimakura, pulled the blanket over him, and fell fast asleep in just 5 minutes after closing his eyes.


The next day.


Teiko Junior High School.

Lunch break time.

After the teacher left, the classroom atmosphere became lively. Some students took out the bento they brought with them, but most of the students didn't take their bento with them, and went to have lunch in the cafeteria.

Kise was one of the students who ate in the cafeteria. As usual, he approached Akira and asked him to go with him.

"Yo~ Akira-cchi, let's go to the cafeteria."


Before Akira could say anything, he saw Miharu stand up and walk towards him while carrying a bento box in her hand.

Miharu's action drew the attention of the other students who were still in the classroom. That included Shouko, who was looking at Akira with a dangerous look.

After all, Miharu was the #1 girl on a list of women a man wants to marry, in addition to a list of girlfriends and a list of ideal types of housewives.

By the way, there is a list of girls, made by students of class 1-D, whose name is Tsuchiya Kuota.

For example, a list of the Big Three, a list of women a man wants to marry, a list of girls you want to make girlfriends of, and a list of girls who are housewives.

Even though Shouko is a beautiful girl, because of her sedentary nature, she only ranks #4 on a list of women a man wants to marry.

80% of the first year male students agreed with the list released by Tsuchiya Kuota, and the remaining 20% of the male students were neutral.

Now the #1 ranked a list of women a man wants to marry approaches Akira, bento in hand. How could the male students in the classroom not hate and envy?

If they could, they wanted to switch places with Akira. Unfortunately, there is no 'if' in this world.

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