
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Bullying in the safest country in the world

In addition to the increased strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, etc., that [Gift : Last Future Embryo] provides. Akira also has excellent hearing.

Behind the school building, his footsteps stopped, and he heard several students not far from him.

"Oi, fatty, this is the only money you have?"

"That's all my pocket money this month, I really don't have any money anymore."

"Ptui! You useless fat, if you don't have money, steal your parents' money."

"Impossible! I will not steal my parents' money!"

"Bastard! Damn, fatty, you dare contradict my words. Let's teach this fat guy a lesson so he can't argue."

"Ouch, stop, this hurts."

Akira, who was quite far away from those people's location, he saw all this incident very clearly using [Universal Sense].

"Bully huuuh..."

Through [Universal Sense], he saw a man with a fat grooming, and had dark green curly hair, who was being beaten by three other men.

There is no need to ask what happened, this is bullying.

Even though Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, that doesn't mean it doesn't have a dark side. On the other hand, the well-known dark side of Japan, such as suicides, sexual harassment, bullying, etc., is very high every year.

Cases of bullying very often occur in East Asian countries such as Japan, China, and South Korea.

Bullying in schools has been happening in Japan for a long time, and students in this country have ended their lives after being abused both physically and online via email, text messages, and blogs.

Uniquely in Japan, teachers are slow to act because they think bullying is a normal part of children's relationships.

"Tsk." Akira clicked his tongue.

He couldn't stand it anymore, just watching from the side. He's not a super hero who will help anyone selflessly, like in manga and comics. But if helping others is within reach, why not help?

Akira walked over to the three students who were spitting at the fat, green haired man, who was just lying down, covering his head to avoid getting hit.

"You three, stop bullying that person."

The three people panicked for a moment, looked back, and saw that it was not the teacher, the panic disappeared.

One of the men took a few steps forward with his chin up in a display of superiority.

"Oi Oi Oi, don't pretend to be a hero of justice, that's out of age. You better pretend you don't have it like the others, that way you won't be the one being bullied."

His two friends also showed threatening expressions.

"Are you aware of the fact that bullies only bully those who are weaker than them?" Akira asked.

"Huh, what do you mean we are weak!"

"Don't get cocky just because you're just a little handsome, be careful your handsome face is ruined."

The other two bullies were not happy to hear Akira's words. The two approached Akira, and one of them grabbed his collar.

A cold glint appeared in Akira's eyes, and just as he was about to slap this guy flying, the green haired male student shouted:

"Do not disturb him! If you want to bully people, just bully me!"

The green-haired male student stood up, and glared at the three bullies.

Cross tendons appeared on the foreheads of the three bullies.

"Since when did this fatty have such audacity."

One of the bullies walked up to the green-haired male student with his fists clenched.

"Feel this fat!"

The green-haired male student closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth to endure the blow.

Five seconds passed.

Ten seconds passed.

Not feeling the pain he was waiting for, the green-haired fat man slowly opened his eyes.

What he saw, the three bullies were unconscious and lying on the ground, and only the handsome male student who was defending him, was still standing, and looking at him with a smile.

"What happened?"

The green-haired male student didn't notice the change in the situation.

"Why? I beat all three of them unconscious." Akira said it lightly, as if it were a trivial matter.

The green haired male student's mouth opened wide upon hearing this.

"What's your name? And why are you being bullied… I think I know why."

Seeing this green-haired male student's height, short, chubby, and also the odd shape of his green hair, it's no wonder he's become the target of bullying.

"Ah, thanks for helping me, my name is Nagatsuka Tomohiro, from class 1-D, any further advice please."

Tomohiro bowed his head in front of Akira, and was very grateful. Compared to her classmates, who only pretended not to see him being bullied, this was the first time someone had helped him.

"I'm Nakano Akira from class 1-A, nice to meet you."

Akira stretched out his right hand for a handshake, rather than lowering his head.

Tomohiro rubbed his palm on his pants before shaking hands.

"Nice to meet you, Nakano-kun."


After chatting for a while, the two separated because Akira still had to picket, and Tomohiro had to clean the spit from the bullies on his body.

"Why do I feel Nagatsuka Tomohiro looks familiar." Akira said as he threw the trash bag in his hand into the trash incinerator.

"Forget it, if I don't remember, then it's not something important."

No longer thinking about this, Akira walked back to the classroom with his hands in his pockets.

It is currently 8.50 am, and the school bell will soon ring. Most of the students have already arrived.

Now the hallways are filled with students walking into classrooms, or just making small talk.

Arriving at classroom 1-A, Akira pushed open the door, and walked in.

"Good morning, Akira-cchi!"

Kise was chatting with other male students, and seeing Akira coming, he raised his hand, and said hello.

"Good morning, Ryouta." Akira returned the greeting, and didn't forget to also greet the other male students.

Sitting in his seat, Akira turned his head to look at Shinju, who was reading a book.

"Good morning, Inui-san."

"G-Good morning, Nakano-kun."

Shinju recalled yesterday's incident, a blush appeared on his face, and she buried his face in the book.

Akira smiled a little, he didn't think about yesterday's incident. Taking the phone out of the bag, he opened the app with the image of the robot's head, and his fingers began to understand.

"How are my family members doing, Chamber?"

After typing that, a second later, there was a text reply.

"Everything is safe, sir." Chamber responded.

"Report immediately if an anomaly is found."

"Understood, sir."

Closing the app, Akira surfed the internet.

5 minutes before the bell rang, the figure of a pink haired girl came. Not a single student in the class greeted the girl, because she walked with her head down, and didn't dare look at other people, which made people stay away from her.

"Ah, Good morning, Akira."

Akira looked up, and greeted back.

"Good morning, Bocchi. You were almost late, did something happen?"

Hanging the bag on the hanger beside the table, Hitori looked tired, and said :

"I-I woke up late."

"This isn't normal, you stayed up late?" Akira asked curiously, he knew Hitori was not someone who liked to stay up late.

"Recently I learned to play guitar..." Hitori said shyly.

"Wow, this is surprising, let me hear you play the guitar."

Akira was stunned, he didn't expect Hitori, a gloomy girl who has trouble talking to other people, would play the guitar.

"Un, once I can play the guitar, I will show it to Akira." Hitori nodded repeatedly.


Bells rang throughout the teaching building.

Students returned to their seats, and the noisy classroom fell silent.

5 minutes later, a male teacher with a bald head, and a pot belly walked into class 1-A.

Standing at the podium, the teacher opened the attendance book, and started taking the students' attendance sheets.

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