
Reincarnated in the Lord of the Mysteries

The main character reincarnated to the Lord of the Mysteries with his System that grants him the ability to do anything.

ePythagoras · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

The 'Irregularity'

Klein looked at the endless gray fog with excitement. He once dreamt of being The Fool himself and it now came true. 

Only those who knew the ritual and belonged to the corresponding pathways of the Above the Sequence: Lord of the Mysteries can enter the Sefirah Castle. 

Willing his aura to leak out and envelop this mysterious space, a connection slowly attached itself to him before it rapidly became stronger. 

The gray fog slowly mutated and turned into a grayish white fog that showed grandiose and divinity. 

Klein could rapidly feel the Sefirah Castle accepting him as its true owner. However, he heard a voice whistle across the space. 

"Help me awaken… I will help you become a Great Old One."

Klein's eyes widened before his mouth turned into a smirk. As if I would believe your nonsense! 

The will left behind by the former owner of the Sefirah Castle silently used the connection between Klein and the Sefirah Castle to contaminate him, pushing him on the brink of losing control. 

"...What is this?! Who are you?" 

His attempt will never work as Klein's Beyonder Characteristics originated from the System! He can't lose control. 

As the will 'He' left behind tried to escape and send a message to an unknown place, Klein hurriedly used the connection between him and the Sefirah Castle to erase the weak mental imprint. 

Struggling to keep 'His' mental imprint from disappearing, 'He' tried to wrestle away Klein's ownership of the Sefirah Castle. 

But Klein is already The Fool, even if 'His' mental imprint was way stronger, defeating Klein is no easy feat, at least it would take him a while to eject him from the castle. 

As they were in a stalemate, Klein heard a mechanical voice echo in his mind, his eyes flashing in surprise. 

<<[Irregularity] has detected a foreign corruption.>>

<<[Irregularity] will devour it.>>

The mental imprint failed to react before it permanently vanished from the Sefirah Castle. Klein looked stunned. 

Golden energy leaked out of his body before it covered the whole Sefirah Castle, forcing a mutation to occur on the Sefirot. 

The gray fog turned into grayish white fog with occasional golden strips flashing across it, the door of light rippling wildly as if prostrating before its master. 

Reflecting the mythical scene in his eyes, Klein fell into a daze, not noticing the golden lights flashing on his eyes. 

He looked at the endless grayish white fog and the occasional golden strips of light, waving his hand to conjure a long mottled table with twenty-two high back chairs. 

Sitting on the Seat of Honor, Klein saw a golden hue cover his face, masking his true appearance. 

Extending his spirituality beyond the Sefirah Castle, seven rays of light blinked in response to his 'sense' in the Spirit World. 

The Seven Lights detected the majestic sense sweeping throughout the Spirit World, falling into confusion, they extended their spirituality, tracing the sense back to its origins. 

Red Light, Aiur Moria, suddenly stopped, turning into an elder wearing red robes, he knelt on the space. In front of him, the Sefirah Castle! 

Quickly, others of the Seven Lights arrived as well, turning into their humanoid forms, kneeling on the ground, expressing their allegiance to the mighty being. 

A flow of knowledge appeared as they quickly grasped the relevant contents. Their eyes transformed and reflected a figure shrouded in golden hue, looking down on them from a majestic hall. 

Seeing the golden lights occasionally flashing in the grayish white fog, their hearts trembled, sensing the unfathomable power hidden within. 

One word entered their mind when they sensed that 'level'. A new Lord of the Mysteries was born! 

However, they soon fell into confusion, looking back that they never sensed Beyonders from the corresponding pathways ascending to godhood. 

As they were thinking of that, they felt their bodies forcefully get pulled into the Sefirah Castle, their gaze blinking in excitement and curiosity. 


Klein saw seven humanoid existences morph at his side, but his eyes instead focused on the system panel. 

<<Notice! An information about [Irregularity] has been revealed.>>

<<[Irregularity] Host's 'level' is elevated to the Oldest One. Host can drink potion from multiple incompatible pathways. Host will also not experience madness. Host is not affected by this world's restrictions.>>

Rapping the mottled table, he fell into deep thought. 'So that's the reason why Irregularity managed to quickly devour the will 'He' left behind in the core of Sefirah Castle. This explains why I can't be affected by madness as it originates from the Oldest One, the Creator of this universe.'

Klein smiled, feeling quite relieved that he discovered the essence of Irregularity. Stopping his rapping on the table, he cast his gaze on the Seven Lights in their human form. 

"We greet Your Excellency. We are truly happy that you have returned to your divine throne."

They all knelt and expressed their utmost happiness over Klein's achievement of bringing the Sefirah Castle under him. 

Klein did not explain that he was not the former Lord of the Mysteries, he did not care as he was sure that they reached such a conclusion because of his Irregularity. 

Klein nodded at them, "You can raise your heads. Introduce yourselves."

They quickly stood up, an elder in red robe taking the lead, bowing his head, "Your Excellency, I am the Red Light, Aiur Moria. These are my companions, Orange Light - Hilarion, Yellow Light - Venithan, Blue Light - Kuthumi, Green Light - Seraphis, Indigo Light - Iesus, and Violet Light - Saint Germain."

Not speaking, Klein swept his gaze on them to check for any hidden corruption from the Outer Deities. 

When his Irregularity devoured the imprint of Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth, he discovered that he could now command his Irregularity to a certain degree. 

The Seven Lights bowed their heads, waiting for Klein to finish his inspection, before they felt Klein's gaze stop on the Yellow Light - Venithan. 

Klein smirked, his eyes flashing in golden lights, a heaven wrenching power descending on Venithan. 

"Mother Goddess of Depravity…" 

His voice seemingly ethereal turned into chains that dug deep into Venithan's body, soon it pulled out a cluster of black clumps with countless eyes. 


The Seven Lights looked at the black clumps in shock, Venithan's face turning pale in fear. He never noticed anything amiss in his body! 

Klein grabbed the black clumps, creating a box that sealed them using the power of the Sefirah Castle. 

Relaxing on his Seat of Honor, Klein looked at the Seven Lights and said amiably, "You Seven Lights have helped humanity over the span of thousands of years. Commendable."

"Veniithan, you got corrupted by 'Her' when you tried to seek the answer regarding the Apocalypse. Do not attempt it again."

"Y-yes, Your Excellency."

Venithan, still pale, hurriedly bowed and expressed his gratitude and understanding towards the figure shrouded in golden hue. 

"To prevent it from happening again, accept my blessing."

A golden energy appeared in front of Klein before it turned into seven separate lights that floated before the Seven Lights. 

These golden energies transformed into items that they, the Seven Lights, needed the most. A staff, cape, a bracelet… 

They knelt, expressing their touched hearts to Klein, never expecting the great ruler above the Spirit World to be so kind to them. 

Klein smiled as he ordered them to go back and watch over the possible devious plots of the Outer Deities. 

Sighing, Klein descended back into the mortal world to prepare dinner for when Melissa gets home.