
Chapter 1

"You have 5 wishes my child. Then you will be sent to hell on earth. Zombies, Demon Dogs, Mutated Cats, and don't even get me started on the animals that were the top predators, and mutated. Food is scarce, and water even more, because of the infected air floating around everywhere. Not enough to affect humans of course. Now choose."

1. Peak Intelligence (Peak IQ, Eidetic/Photographic Memory, Pseudo-Instant Comprehension, Speed Reading,etc.)

2. Peak Body (Super-Soldier Body)

3.Weapons Mastery. (Anything that can remotely be used as a weapon)

4. Bullseye (Perfect Accuracy From Anywhere)

5. Enhanced Senses ( Daredevils senses, but x2)

Also could you start me off in a 15 year old body, 10 years before the apocalypse in a rich family that gives me access to money, but doesn't pay attention to me. The reason why they don't pay attention to me is because of my sister, whom they wanted in the first place.

Also I'd like to look like Chris Hemsworth, with the same short haircut. Can my eyes glow blue every time Bullseye activates? I'd like a mix of a Olympic gymnast/track star/swimmer body. With the ratio of 1/1/1. Alright that's it send me down now.

"Fair well, Child, and please entertain me, it'd be appreciated."