
Reincarnated in sekirei

The MC dies due to a conflict between gods and after being revived, he begins a long journey through different worlds and fighting against other reincarnated people and gods, building a big family and a big empire. First world: Sekirei. second world: highschool of the dead. third world: BTOOOM! fourth world: in another world with a smartphone. fifth world: highschool DXD. Join my patreon, patreon.com/Risus_25_Arck if you want to read 13 advanced chapters

Risus_25_Arck · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

The next numbers ( part 2 )

( Yuuki's POV )

The noise of our battle attracted a group of zombies and when they reached a certain point they stopped carelessly shuffling and started moving with purpose, They joined the zombies that survived Stella's attack, but they were just cannon fodder, the real challenge was the six Megalos that accompanied them, two tigers, two flying sharks, and two giant koalas.

Tsukiumi jumped past all of them and she ran to the office building where her leader was hiding, the Megalos turned to chase her but Saeko, Saya-shi, and Miyabi intersected them, Haruhime and Mamako had ice materials and after I explained how to use them we attacked the zombies with hundreds of icicles, we made quick work of most of them and Kohta along with the police took care of anyone we missed.

I took my sword from my back, ready to help if one of the girls got into trouble but that didn't seem to be necessary, Saeko was taking care of the tigers without even using her Kagune, the sharks had no chance against Saya-shi who used Wind Materia to control her fuuma shuriken in mid-air.

Miyabi despite having barely started her training she was maintaining her ground, when the others finished their fights they all looked at her, Haruhime wanted to help her but I stopped her which surprised Mamako.

Mamako: What is it? Aren't you going to help her?

Yuuki: this is her fight, no one should intervene.

Miyabi and Haruhime had started training together and they became quite close quickly so even though she wanted to help she also understood that Miyabi wanted to finish this battle by herself, Miyabi was fighting fearlessly and her eyes were full of determination, I looked at the two with a smile and tried to calm them down.

Yuuki: she will be fine, I trust her just look at her.

The two Megalos attacked Miyabi relentlessly and she just defended, waiting for an opening and when she finally saw it she swung her battle ax with all her might sending one of the Megalos crashing into a wall, She activated her barrier bracelet to defend herself from the other's attack and immediately she created blades of water with the Materia she had, she aimed at the Megalo's eyes, He shielded his eyes and Miyabi took the opportunity to jump and finish him off with a downward slash.

The other Megalo recovered from his stupor and he ran at full speed to attack Miyabi, she tried to raise her Ax but it was stuck on the ground, unable to use her weapon she opted to use her fists, she hit the Megalo with her superhuman strength but the difference in size and weight sent Miyabi flying, she was about to crash into a streetlight but at that moment she woke up her kagune, a Rinkaku that looked like a black hook with yellow lines, she pierced the Megalo with her Kagune and she stopped her flight, Miyabi planted her feet firmly on the ground and she began to spin as she pulled her Kagune, The Megalo was flying in circles and when it reached neck-breaking speed Miyabi slammed it into the pavement.

When she finished both Megalos she let out a big sigh and fell to her knees in exhaustion, I walked towards her and offered her my hand with a smile.

Yuuki: congratulations on winning your first real fight, are you okay?

Miyabi: hehe yeah, just a little tired.

I helped Miyabi up and I turned around and gestured for her to jump on my back, blushing she put her hands around my neck and I carried her to where the others were waiting, all of us looking at the building that Tsukiumi had entered.

Saya-shi: should we go help her?

Yuuki: Nah, there's nothing in that building that she can't handle, she's probably on her way out, any minute now.


( Tsukiumi's POV )

When I entered the office building I used the radar on my Smartphone to create a precise map of the building, the enemy was on the top floor and I had two options to get there, the stairs or the elevator, the elevator is probably not working and fighting in the elevator shaft would be annoying so the stairs it is.

I started running and when I got to the second floor a big Megalo gorilla was waiting for me, Without stopping running I released one of my seals and the Megalo threw a blow towards me, I jumped and ran on his arm to decapitate him with a swift cut, The higher I went I found more Megalos and after killing seven of those monsters I reached the top floor but I didn't see anyone there, I checked my Smartphone one more time and it said that someone was hiding under a desk, I went there and I saw a guy shaking with fear.

???: H-Help, please help me, those monsters are chasing me.

I looked at the guy in an uninterested way and I extended my palm towards him and he tried to take my hand but before he could touch me I used my Ice Materia to freeze his hands and feet together.

???: W-What, what are you doing?

I hit the guy with the back of my katana to knock him out when his lame attempt at feigning innocence failed besides I still despise the idea of ​​a man other than Yuuki touching me, with that finished I took the guy by his shirt and jumped out of one of the windows when I landed everyone was looking at me and Yuuki was the first to approach me with his carefree smile.

Yuuki: what did I told you, nothing to worry about.

I threw the guy in front of Yuuki and I could see in his eyes that he recognized him, He told us to take the survivors back to the camp while he took the enemy leader to where the body of the guy who had attacked Mamako was.

thanks for reading

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