
Reincarnated in sekirei

The MC dies due to a conflict between gods and after being revived, he begins a long journey through different worlds and fighting against other reincarnated people and gods, building a big family and a big empire. First world: Sekirei. second world: highschool of the dead. third world: BTOOOM! fourth world: in another world with a smartphone. fifth world: highschool DXD. Join my patreon, patreon.com/Risus_25_Arck if you want to read 13 advanced chapters

Risus_25_Arck · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Friendly necromancer

( Yuuki's POV )

in front of the convenience store, we could hear a lot of noise coming from inside, and shortly after an employee ran out desperate and headed straight for us.

Employee: please! You guys have to help me!

Yuuki: ok what seems to be the problem?

Employee: a m-monster, a monster is destroying the store, you have to stop it!

Reina: a monster? Are you trying to make fun of us?

Employee: n-no! I'm telling you the truth, come in and see for yourself.

Lilith hadn't said anything but from her expression, I could see that she wasn't believing what he was saying either, but as a half Alien from another world, my mind was a bit more open.

Yuuki: We'll take care of this, you should hide somewhere.

Employee: thanks! I'll do that.

The clerk ran a few feet away and we walked into the store with guns at the ready.

Reina: do you really believe what he said?

Yuuki: Of course, I assure you that with me, you will see things much stranger than that.

Lilith: true, I don't doubt that.

The automatic doors opened for us and inside the store, we saw the monster, a strange combination of human and lobster that wore a school uniform and had a huge claw as its right arm, that seemed to be looking for something, that didn't look like a human transformed into a monster but a monster trying and failing to look human.

Monster: butter, butter! Where's the butter!?

The monster for some reason was looking for butter and we looked next to us, at the shelf where the butter was, the monster followed our eyes and it was silent for a few seconds.

Monster: BUTTER!!!


The monster screams at the top of its lungs and without hesitation, Lilith puts a bullet between its eyes and the monster falls on its back, Lilith and Reina shared a look and they turned to leave the store but the monster wasn't finished.

Monster: ARGGHHHH!

The monster let out an inhuman scream and threw away its disguise showing its true form, a giant lobster that still had the top of its uniform, That scene made something resonate in my head but I didn't have time to think about that, full of fury the monster hits us with its huge claw, I stop the attack with one hand but my feet slightly dig into the ground, While I was temporarily immobilized Reina attacked the lobster from its side with her long sword but that thing blocked her attack with its other claw, the lobster slammed Reina against the wall and angrily I put my hands on the pincer I had stopped and my fingers went through its shell and I tried to throw it out of the store but I ripped off its entire claw instead, Lilith shot at the monster's eyes and it screeched in pain but it didn't stop pining Reina against the wall.

I clicked my tongue and created two big balls of fire and water ready to cook the stupid lobster alive but Reina's voice stopped me.

Reina: bastard! Let me go already!

Four red and black chains with arrowheads came out from Reina's back and they go through the claw holding her, destroying it and finally freeing herself, with a surge of power, Reina swings her longsword and sends the lobster flying out of the store, I jumped through the hole that the locust had made and with my fusion sword, I cut it into four pieces.

The monster let out a river of blood before completely turning into particles of light and disappearing, the only thing that said that thing was here was the half-destroyed store and all the blood it spilled.

Reina: what the hell was that?

Lilith: a lobster, apparently?

After the fight that feeling in the back of my head told me that something was not right, that I should be remembering something important, and after a few seconds it finally clicked.

Yuuki: Megalo.

Lilith: huh? Do you know what this is?

I didn't answer Lilith's question and I activated my [Lightning Body], the thing I felt in the air was concentrated on a specific point and I went there at full speed.

Reina: hey where are you going

The girls could barely keep up with me and when I realized that the energy was coming from the largest graveyard in town, I released five of my seals and further increased my speed leaving the girls behind.


I arrived at the graveyard in a second and leaving a small crater where I landed, I walked towards the origin of the energy, Next to a big dead tree, a beautiful girl was standing looking at the sky.

She was wearing a long purple dress, with two purple ribbons in her hair and with pieces of armor on her forehead, her arms, legs, around her waist, and on top of her chest, the moonlight made her long silver hair that went past her waist shine and with big beautiful blue eyes.

Her face was expressionless and she looked young but I knew she was much older than me and much more powerful, the only ones stronger than her currently in this world were Hilda Ana and Ema, I could never forget her, she was Eucliwood Hellscythe or Eu for short.

I couldn't believe that she was here in person in front of me and I just stared at her, when she realized I was there she took out her notebook and started to write but stopped when she noticed the way I was looking at her.

I had finally found her and I couldn't help but smile, I could help her, not completely but I can stop her power from leaking out of her and give her a normal life, well sorta.

Eu: [ who are you? ]

Yuuki: ah sorry for staring, my name is Kurokawa Yuuki, nice to meet you.

Eu writes her name to introduce me and I took a couple of steps forward and she lifted her head slightly to look me in the eye.

Yuuki: I know who you are... I know this is going to sound strange but I've wanted to meet you for a long time and to help you.

Eu blinked a few times and she tilted her head slightly with her face still expressionless.

' she's so damn cute '

thanks for reading.

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