
Chapter 1

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in a blnk space. It was blnk, completely dark, with not a single light source visible. I could not feel my limbs, or my body for that matter. Yet something seemed to forcefully keep my mind in a cool mode.

"Ah! A guest! After so many Eons!"

What a creepy voice. It sounded and simultaneously felt like ants crawling across your skin. Yet I could not say anything. My mind, whatever remained of it, or perhaps my consciousness, warned me. If I overstepped my boundaries, my existence would be removed. I did not want that.

"Well, I was bored anyway. I will give you 1 thing you ask for. Anything. However in return, you must promise me, that you will entertain me."

Entertain him? Fine, I shall do that. If I had a body, I would have smiled. I also knew what I wanted. The most IQ he could grant me, the maximum he could.

"What an interesting wish mortal! You could ask for powers, yet you want IQ, huh? Very well."

Some kind of tentacles slowly started to envelop me. Before I was squashed, I felt it, and I saw it. The horror, the being that reincarnated me. A mass of black tentacles and yellow eyes peering through the darkness.

I momentarily lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes, I saw light. Oh, it seemed like I obtained a physique. Suddenly a headache started, as the memories of the body I held started to integrate into me. Adoneous Dashashanandan, an orphan, who lived with his brother. That was me, a Greek-Indian boy. I was also studying at Harry Herpson High School. Well, the name certainly seemed familiar. Ah yes, the school from Rick and Morty. Wait!

Excitement gripped me. Ah yes, there was also a Summer Smith in my class. How exciting. Now not only do I need to get enough power to secure my safety from the abomination that sent me here, but I could meet my idol. LEt's fucking go. Right, there was also the factor of my IQ. Right lets see. As I started thinking, a number appeared in my mind. 999. Huh, an odd choice. But enough. After all, the greatest geniuses of my world hardly had an IQ of 200. As I stood up, the unfamiliarity of my body gripped me. Oh, god, what did the boy do all the time, sleep? Fuck man, he had a body skinnier than a stick, and had about average looks. Well, so many things to do.

I opened the wardrobe. His clothing choice sucked as well. It was expected at this point. Swifly putting on an oversized jumper, and the single pair of jeans, I got out of my room. Going down a flight of stairs, I reached the kitchen. There was a letter on the table.

"Eat the food and take a bath asshole. The house stinks because of you."

I just smirked. Looks like my brother was in an exceptionally bad mood today, or it was the hangover from yesterday. Don't know, don't care. Familial love was sparce between us. I took the bag thrown over the couch, and went out. It was time for school.

One hour. ONE HOUR. Thats how long it took before I got fed up and exited the room. Fuck school. The first thing I'm making my brother do is sign a form for dropping school. I wanted to go home and laze about, but for now, I needed to go to the library. When I reached there, I found an old lady, seated at the reception.

"Excuse me miss. Could you please tell me where to find books on science, starting from 6th standard all the way up."

The woman just looked at me for a few seconds.

"Fucking time wasters. Shelf 3 has all the school level books. 7 and 9 has all the others. Now don't irritate me."

Rude. But I understood. After all, people were not all born equal. However I took two thick stacks of books and started my study.

By the end of the day, I completed all there was to know till the 12th standard. I knew I made the right choice. An advantageous IQ was much better than taking powers which I could not even control, ignoring all the other controlling aspects it could have. But this was not enough. I needed to complete my studies and start my research. After all, if I did not reach a suitable level with my IQ, how would I face Rick Sanchez? Also, I seemed to have developed a crush on Summer Smith. Well, she is quite pretty, considering that she is not 2D and has realistic proportions. Damn it, I'm getting distracted. Leaving the book on the table, I started to return back home. I wanted to note everything down as soon as possible. My brother's old hand me down laptop would be enough for now.