
The merging

The scientists that was watching the monitors were petrified.

They have seen the mutation of the Gorge and is now seeing the Gorge eating the human alive with its stomach mouth.

The screams of pain blared out of the monitor's speakers, pure pain and suffering, and all they could see is the sadistic grin of the Gorge and the tongue tentacles slowly pulling the man deeper and deeper into the spiraling pit of dispare.

"W-what the hell is this thing.." said Scientist 1.

"M-monster!" Said scientist 2 in quick haste.

"Perfection!" said the higher up scientist with a wide, ear to ear, grin.

As the Gorge was done devouring the human alive, he quickly ate all of the corpses around him, despite them being without guts.

After he ate all of them the Gorge, put of no where, started sprinting in a random direction.

This shocked the Scientists, as they tried to switch to camera to camera, trying to keep up with the abomination.

But to no avail, they couldn't find it.. Anywhere..

Until they switched to the giant door that separated the main facility of the lab to the testing area.

As the Gorge approached the giant doors that separated him from hundreds of humans doing research of the T-Virus.

The Gorge can smell every individual human and animal there.

The humans, dogs, birds, even other turned infected of those three species.

All that the Gorge can do is drool from both its mouths, as it fantasized of devouring every single one.

The Gorge shot out its vacuum tube to penetrate the doors.. But was unsuccessful.

The Gorge was in rage but stopped its emotions as thoughts started to go through its brain; Its bloodlust settled a bit and it appears that Steven was back!

No.. it wasn't Steven... it's just the abomination realizing that it had a brain and has adopted Steven's mindset and a bit of his personality.

'Strange... It seems despite being awoken and took control of the brain of the original host, it seems his will wont die..' Thought the Gorge.

After Steven has went through those mutations, a conciousness has been born from the T-virus.

And after a bit or struggling, it managed to take control of the main conciousness and suppress it and leaving it in charge.. but it seems that after the battle of control, both conciousness's have merged a bit.. The Gorge has developed some of Steven's personality and way of thinking, and so did Steven.

And after the smallest bit of merging with each others will's and personalities, they were now compatible in a full blend and is able to create a one personality of both instead of two that will interfere with each others thoughts and desires.

The gorge thought about it and decided it was the best thing to do for its survival.. So the merging has started.