
Reincarnated In Pokemon

Author: Lordmaedan
Ongoing · 439.2K Views
  • 18 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Reincarnated In Pokemon

Read ‘Reincarnated In Pokemon’ Online for Free, written by the author Lordmaedan, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ADVENTURE Fiction, REINCARNATION Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A person is killed by the infamous truck-kun and reincarnated in Pokemon but that Pokemon world is not what the Pokemon ...


A person is killed by the infamous truck-kun and reincarnated in Pokemon but that Pokemon world is not what the Pokemon world he recognize, Pokemon are ruthless and savage, humans become a cage bird hiding inside the walls, scared of Pokemon. Since all the people are scared of pokemon, the league start a selection program every year. The league will select 20 kids to become a trainer and protect the city. Since the people are scared they didn't even think about it's for the existence of humanity. Outside the walls nest of different kind of pokemon from different generations, the league implement a trial that the 20 kids that get picked to become a trainer will be thrown in the field to catch their own Pokemon to prove that the trainer had strength to become a trainer, but Pokemon are ruthless out of 20 most of the survivors are around 5, so what will the mc do? Well not a problem there's a system for that. *inspired by a certain novel and I created this hehe.

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Que pasaria si kazuma fuera un gran pervertido? y en lugar de conformarse con la diosa inutil pidiera algo mas? algo muy muy poderoso? capas de distorcionar la realidad sin que si quiera un dios se de cuenta? pues entonces velo por ti mismo y deja de leer la sipnosis! el titulo ya lo dice todo... si te gusta este tipo de historia puedes buscarla en CYHOA ahi es de donde me "inspiro" xD lamentablemente, no continuare esta historia, por que siento que no estoy retratando correctamente como lo queria en mi cabeza, eso y por que ando escribiendo otro fanfic con un poder diferente, pero igual de op, en el cual me siento mas comodo a la hora de escribir, en fin, que disfrutes de tus futuras leecturas, bye Nt: puedes ignorar lo de abajo xd -------------------------------------------------------------- por cierto, los capitulos los subire cada 2 dias, lamento si no es de tu agrado, pero la ultima ves me canse de estar escribiendo cada dia como una obligacion en lugar de un hobby, lo cual es curioso... por que disfruto mas escribiendo sin presion, y justo cuando publico la historia aqui, *puf* mis ganas desaparecen... espero no me canse y escriba por lo menos otro mundo antes de irme.... solo quiero dejar un grano en la arena, en el hobby que disfruto ahora bien, como pueden ver esto es un fanfic +18, y poco me interesa si no te gusta como construllo el mundo, no estoy generando nada de esto asi que es solo un joby y si quiero luego me voy, y lo dejo sin si quiera avisar, por su puesto eso no lo hare, es de mal gusto, pero solo queria dejarlo claro, por otro lado si de verdad lo dejo, o si mi fanfic te ha inspirado a ser halgo simililar, por favor hasmelo saber, queiro leerte tu trabajo, en serio, soy mas un leector que un escritor xd en fin eso es todo por ahora hasta que se me ocurra cambiar la sipnosis xd por cierto, rance sera un hijo de puta cuando viaje a otros mundos xd solo para que lo sepan, o al menos eso tengo planeado, otra cosa es que me salga como el algodon de azucar que fue en la primera version... bueno ustedes entienden.

TheZenith · Anime & Comics
7 Chs


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Not enough chap im just filling it up im just filling it up im just filling it up im just filling it up im just filling it upim just filling it upim just filling it upim just filling it up


I like your story a lot. It has really good potential to be a big time hit. I like that you made him op in a world where he actually needed to be op not just like “oh I want to make a champion level trainer in six months of the start off is journey.” Most people off set that by having said character train multiple Pokémon before their journey and have the character train as well. You did a good job of making it a necessity for him to be strong. I look forward to read info more.


Totally amazing.. This novel is a masterpiece can't wait for more chapters Totally amazing.. This novel is a masterpiece can't wait for more chapters Totally amazing.. This novel is a masterpiece can't wait for more chapters Totally amazing.. This novel is a masterpiece can't wait for more chapters


Started off really good and i was excited with how the story was going till chapter 11 where it just turn creepy with children being in love, kissing and all those stuff. The romance is forced, make no sense/wasn’t given ample time for it to actually bloom and kinda ruin the story. It would do better with the love interest and the romance removed or push back further when they’re old enough


Espero grandes cosas de las obras de pokemon y me dejan decepcionado espero que sea mejor en el futuro pero el agrada por como está ahora 👍🏻


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