
Reincarnated in otome but only as a spirit inside of minor character!

MC died in real world and when he regained his conscious, he's a spirit inside a little boy. After the long talk with the boy, he came to know that the world he got reincarnated was just an otome game that he played in past life. Knowing exact history and future, they planned together to saved kingdom and princess a.k.a female antagonist from her despair. When the boy ask why antagonist, MC answered "because I love her voice actor". I took references from Mobuseka. I love Angelica and I make similar character like her. But this is my original story. Also.....this might be little trashy like the rest of my books.

GreedRyuga469 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

King's Troubles

Kuragari : Try making nails with rock.

George : I'll try.

Magic circle appeared on the boy's hand palm and a nail was created

George : How was it?

Kuragari : Hmm....not bad. Now, try shooting it to the tree infront of you.

The boy shoot the nail toward the tree and the nail hit the trunk of tree

George : Now what?

Kuragari : That's how we gonna assassinate dark mages. Dark mages don't wear armors. So, this attack would kill them instantly if you hit the vital point. But it seems we'll need the target board. Without it, we won't know how much progress you've made.

George : Hey oldman, I have a question. Why not just use a bow?

Kuragari : Bow only work in range combats. You'll need to able to fight in both melee and range. In that way, you won't have any disadvantages.

George : I see. But.... it looks like I have to train for months to master this.

Kuragari : Months? Are you dreaming, boy? You'll need at least three years to master this.

George : Three year??? That's too long!

Kuragari : It will worth. Anyway, I have something interesting to tell you.

George : What?

Kuragari : Boy.... I noticed that when you using your magic, you create something out of air rather than using materials.

George : What's that mean?

Kuragari : Let me ask you boy. Did you know that every mages have advantages in certain environments? Like... water mage have advantages while near water.

George : I've never heard of this.

Kuragari : Hey, hey... don't tell me..... you don't know the basic principles of magic? Or.... am I just being a genius and mankind of this world have really lower iq?

George : I don't know what you are talking about but somehow, I feel like you're mocking me.

Kuragari : Mocking you? No, I'm mocking the entire human race of this world. Just thinking about it make me feel pity on them.

George : Are we really that pathetic???

Kuragari : Put that aside, let's continue. Grab a rock and transform it into nail.

The boy take some rocks near him and activate the magic. Then, rocks turned into nails. Boy surprised

George : Amazing! I didn't know I could do like this.

Kuragari : Amazing huh? I have many other things to teach you. (Even though I'm just a ordinary salary man. This feel so wrong. I hope everything went smoothly as my plan. But again..... King would know that student's lie. After all.... he's wearing a legendary artifact that could detect every lies. He will notice the moment that boy lie. He might not say that was a lie to a man who bring a cure for his wife. But, there a chance that he might ask the boy's father. Eventually King will found out about us sooner or later. I have to prepare the best I could)


(At Palace, King's Personal Room)

The middle aged man in red robe was sitting at the table. There's tea cup infront of him but instead of drinking, he just watching the cup and trapped in deep thoughts

King : (The boy... his medicine actually saved my wife's life which no doctor could do. He said he made it but it's just a lie. Why didn't he tell the truth? Fear? Is he afraid that I would punish him because he bring medicine that wasn't his? Greed? There's must be some kind of relationship between him and the original owner. For some reason, he's the one who bring it to me. Did he stole it? Or..... they have agreement and he break it because of greed? I can see that he have greedy side. I don't care about it. Everyone want free money. I understand that. But..... who's the original owner? Why didn't they bring it by themselves?)

Just then, the door opened and the woman in white dress walked in

Queen : What are you thinking, my love?

King : Ah.... my dear. Can you really walk? You should rest today too.

Queen : Thanks for concern, but I want to talk with my dear husband. Lying on the bed for the whole day was really lonely. Ohh... tea's already cold. Shall I call the maid?

King : It's okay. Did you want some too?

Queen : Yes, my love.

King called the maids and the maid come into the room and make the tea for Queen. Then, the maid leaved and closed the door

Queen : Tell me my love. What's troubling you?

King : *sigh* did you remember the boy who bring the cure?

Queen : Yes, I did. What's wrong with him?

King : He said he create the medicine by himself. But it was a lie.

Queen surprised

Queen : A lie? Then, who's the real one?

King : That's what I want to know too. It's possible that he stole it from somewhere. Also, there's no one come to palace and claim their owner rights. This is really strange. Why no one come to complain? Didn't they angry or upset that someone stole their work?

Queen : But my love, it's possible that they let him do it.

King : What?

Queen : Everyone in this kingdom know that King won't allow any injustice. But if they didn't complain.... it must be what they want.

King confused

King : Huh? Are you saying that they intentionally let the boy have his way?

Queen : Yes.

King : Why? Why would they do that? They create the cure that no doctor couldn't and they let someone take rewards? Then, what would they get in return?

Queen : Maybe..... they didn't want anything. Keeping low identity might important to them.

King : I don't believe that my dear. Everything have give and take. They only save you because they want something back. What make me worry was... we don't know what they want. I want to give them whatever they want. But.... they don't come to me. I don't know what to do anymore.

Queen gently grab King's hands

Queen : Clam down my love. Take things easy. I don't know they're good or bad. But.... I can talk with you here because of them. I'm really glad that you don't have sadness on your face anymore. Let's take time, my love. Time will eventually tell us the answer.

King nod his head but still unconvinced

King : (Maybe.... I should investigate secretly)

[Three Days Later]

Philip regained his conscious. He could feel the presence of human but he couldn't see because of the cloth that covering his eyes. Even if his eyes wasn't covered, he won't able to see because the room doesn't have any light. He tried to move but his hands and legs are tied with the chair he's sitting. He remembered that someone knocked him out while he's studying in his house. He starting to panic. Just then someone talk

??? : Are you awake, boy? Then, we have to ask you few questions. Answer honestly and no one have to be hurt. Got it?

He was terrified but tried his best to stay clam because he could feel the threating aura from the man

Philip : Y-Yes!!

??? : Good. Is your name Philip Amenoes?

Philip : Y-Yes. That's me.

??? : Are you the one who bring a cure to King?

Philip : Y-Yes.

??? : Then, are you the one who created that cure?

Philip : Yes.

Just then, someone punch his face

??? : We both know that was a lie.

He shocked

Philip : What! No, that's the truth. I created it.

He got punched again

??? : I said "be honestly". I can see through your lies. If punch wasn't enough, I'll use blade.

He's terrified by the word blade

Philip : W-wa-wait! I'll tell the truth! I'll tell the truth! Please don't hurt me!

??? : Then, say it already.

Philip : It was someone. A little boy.

??? : Tell me the name.

Philip : I don't know. That's the truth. I don't know his name. He didn't say and I forgot to ask.

??? : His appearances?

Philip : Black hair. Black eyes. His height was around four and half foot.

??? : Four and half?

Philip : You might not believe me but he's really a little boy... although his mind wasn't.

??? : Hmm..... tell me everything.


(At Palace, King's Personal Room)

King was sitting at the table. The man in armour was standing near King and talking about event from yesterday night

El Fer : That was everything he said. Thanks to your majesty's "ring of truth", I can ask him again and again until he tell the truth. I must say... even if he's a lier, I feel sorry that he got used by a kid.

King : A kid.... huh? How could a little kid be this manipulative? That wasn't sound a little kid at all.

El Fer : Your majesty, could it be that someone possessing a kid?

King : Possession? Hmm..... great guess. But, it's that really possible to transfer a soul to other body?

El Fer : I've heard that forbidden magic could do anything as long as there's enough sacrifice. There might be a spell that could transfer a soul.

King : I really don't like forbidden magic. *sigh* what should I do.

El Fer : Your majesty, what about we make a list of every child in this kingdom?

King : A list?

El Fer : Yes. For a reason, we could say that your majesty was planning to build a new school in kingdom.

King : A new school? That's fantastic idea! As expected of El Fer, kingdom's best knight.

El Fer : I don't think I deserve that much praise.

King : But that idea was really splendid. I'm really glad that you're serving me. I'm pretty sure that I would gone mad if I don't have a trustable underman like you.

El Fer : You're giving too much credit to me, your majesty.

King : Chatters aside, El Fer..... you'll be the one to lead this. I'll leave everything to you. We don't know anything about our target. He could be a genius kid or maybe pocessed kid. We're don't yet that he's ally or enemy. Don't let your guard down and don't kill him untill that was the only choice.

El Fer : Yes, your majesty.