
Reincarnated in otome but only as a spirit inside of minor character!

MC died in real world and when he regained his conscious, he's a spirit inside a little boy. After the long talk with the boy, he came to know that the world he got reincarnated was just an otome game that he played in past life. Knowing exact history and future, they planned together to saved kingdom and princess a.k.a female antagonist from her despair. When the boy ask why antagonist, MC answered "because I love her voice actor". I took references from Mobuseka. I love Angelica and I make similar character like her. But this is my original story. Also.....this might be little trashy like the rest of my books.

GreedRyuga469 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Bird & Stone Plan

[A Week Later, The Evening]

(At El Fer's Mansion, In the Garden)

The knight and the boy fighting eachother with swords. Even though it was just a training, no one could believe that fact because of the duo's intense mode. Just then, a maid clapped louthly and interrupt the fight

El Fer : Time's up, boy. This is enought for today.

The boy sat down on the ground

George : It must be. If not, I'll die in next few minutes.

The knight laugh

El Fer : Don't worry boy. I won't kill you unless King order me to. Hahaha.

George : I see...what a terrible joke.

El Fer : Dinner was ready. Wanna join?

George : Thanks but I have to go. There's plenty of work waiting at home.

El Fer : Your uncle's work?

George : Yes, he need my help.

El Fer : I see.

George : Then, excuses me.

The boy walked away. After some seconds, the boy in noble clothes walked toward the knight. Noticing the presence, the knight start talking without turning around

El Fer : Finished studying, Albert?

The boy surprised

Albert : How did you know it was me without turning around?

El Fer : Don't answer my question with a question, Albert. That's not how a noble should act.

The boy panic a little

Albert : I'm sorry. I have finished studying.

El Fer : Now, why are you here?

Albert : I've heard that you're giving personal training to certain boy at my age. And I'm just curious who would get that kind of special treatment.

El Fer : Who told you about this?

Albert : Ohh... umm... it was just someone...

El Fer : Princess Charlotte, right?

Albert : Wha... no! That's not her.

El Fer : I see. It's not surprising. But...

The knight turned around and looked to the boy

El Fer : Why don't you ask yourself first "why Princess Charlotte didn't know about the whole thing?".

Albert : Umm... is that because it was secret?

El Fer : What make a secret?

Albert : An important fact that only certain people know.

El Fer : Then, you must know that you shouldn't come here at this hour.

Albert : But, I want to know. Father said you only train people who have chance to surpass you. As your student, I want to know what kind of boy got my teacher's attention.

El Fer : Listen Albert....sometimes, not knowing was the better. You won't get peace after knowing everything. Is your resolve strong enough to bear the burden?

The boy shocked

Albert : (Why is he that serious? Is this really a big deal? Charlotte didn't say anything like that though)

Seeing the boy's reaction, the knight sigh

El Fer : He's just a commoner boy who's chasing after his life goals. But also a realist with strong mental. He's dangerous, stay away from him as much as you can.

The boy confused

Albert : If he's just a commoner, why is he dangerous?

The knight sigh again

El Fer : It seems I've overestimated you, Albert. I thought you've become matured. But, I'm wrong. You're still a kid.

The knight walked toward the house. The boy shocked again. He can't understand why his teacher disappointed that much

Albert : What? Why?

The knight look back

El Fer : That's the answer you must find by yourself.


[In The Palace, The Garden Tea House]

Charlotte : Realist? Chasing after life goals? What kind of answer was that?

Confused Princess look to the boy

Albert : Don't look at me like that, Charlotte. I don't fully understand too.

Charlotte : If I'm not wrong, realist mean only thinking about the reality all the time.

Albert : I know that much too. But it he chasing after his dreams, is he really a realist?

Charlotte : I think realist people have dreams too. A realistic dream.

Albert : That sounds weird. El Fer also said that he have strong mental and dangerous.

Charlotte : Yeah, some realist people are dangerous. Because of their realistic thinking, they forgot important staffs like emotions or feelings. They can be really cruel and cold. Sometimes, they're gone too far and become human unlike.

Albert : How did you know about those things?

Charlotte : Don't forget that father was realist too. Although, he was just a half.

Albert : Whatever it was... why did you interest him out of nowhere? Tell me the truth.

Charlotte : Remember the guy who saved mother with unknown drug?

Albert : I remember. What's with him?

Charlotte : I've talk with him two or three times. And everytime I ask him about the drug, like how did he created or something like that, he couldn't give me proper answer. He changed the topic and even lied. It's like he don't know the answer himself.

Albert : Wait a minute.... are you saying?

Charlotte : I don't think he's the one who saved mother. Or at least, he couldn't be the one who created that drug.

Albert : How is it related with this case?

Charlotte : Did you forgot that father can see through every lies? There's no way he messed up when it related with mother's life. He purposely let that guy get away.

Albert : I think I understand why he did that. Even if that guy didn't make that drug, he's the one who bring that to the palace. There's no way King could punish him even if he's the lier.

Charlotte : It's that the way how nobles should act?

Albert : Yes.

Charlotte : I hate nobles.

Albert : But you're also one of them.

Charlotte : Don't say like that. You hate them too. Don't you, Albert?

Albert : But we borned in this society. Even if we don't like the system, we have no choice but to live this way.

Charlotte : Return to the topic. Just after that guy, father ordered to make a list of every children living in the kingdom out of nowhere.

Albert : Wasn't that for build a new school?

Charlotte : But just after that, father secretly meet with that boy. Neither father not El Fer tell me about this. Then, I heard some knight talking about how dark mages mysteriously assassinated by unknown one guy. If you think about it, the whole thing was really suspicious.

Albert : I heard about that assassination too. Did you think they all connected?

Charlotte : I don't know but I feel like they all connected. But something still missing. Something really important.

Just then, a maid comes near them

Maid : Princess Charlotte, your majesty want to see you.

Charlotte : Hmm?


[In The Palace, King's Personal Room]

The girl opened the door and saw the king sitting at the table

King : Take a seat, my love.

The girl sat on the chair

Charlotte : What do want to talk about, father?

King : It's about your future, my love.

Charlotte : My future?

King : Yes. Tell me what you think about Albert?

Realising what the King want to say, the girl tensed as bit

Charlotte : Albert? He's my friend.

King : I'm not talking about your relationship with him. I'm asking how did you see to him.

Charlotte : Umm... he's kind and really care about me. He listen everything I said.

King : Not much options, huh? Whatever... I assume that as you two get along well?

Charlotte : Yes.

King : Then, there's no problem Albert become your husband, right?

Charlotte : Huh?

King : He's son of general Idris. Diatory family has been served under royal family for generations. Idris want this for years but I told him to wait untill you're 15. And your mother would be really happy if she heard the news. I choosed Albert because I know he love you.

Charlotte : But father, isn't this too soon?

King : You're 14, Charlotte. Nobles normally married before 16. But I make a exception. This is just a engagement and marriage will come after graduation. In other words, when you're 18.

Charlotte : But father, what about Albert's option?

King : I don't think he would not like this idea. I know he really care about you. He's the best man you can have, Charlotte.

The girl getting annoyed by King's words

King : (Charlotte... Charlotte... I'm your father, Charlotte. I know what you trying to do. You want to uncover the truth about George. But I can't let you do that. Albert might realized that he couldn't help you but didn't refuse your request because he care about you. Unlike Albert, I'm your father. As a father, I can't let you do anything you want. It's not like I hate George or something. It's just he too mysterious and uncontrollable. No one know what he's thinking or what he would do. Also, there might be a traitor in palace. I can't let my guard down and let you harm. That's why I can't let you have your way. At least, not now. So,by declaring engagement... it's like 2 birds in one stone. Wait... more like 3 brirds in one stone. Sorry, Charlotte. It's all for you)

Charlotte : Father, I know I'm the only child you have. I want to serve this nation like you. I want to be a empress.

King : (Ho... she's start changing the topic. Let's see what she got) Yes, Charlotte. That's why your engagement is important.

Charlotte : Can't a empress stay single?

King : That's impossible, Charlotte. Every ruler of nation need heirs. That's not all about royal blood. It's to protect nation from unwanted enemies too.

Charlotte : Then, can I choose the man I want? I'm gonna attend the academy next year.

King : (I see... that's your move, huh?) You can. But, are you sure you can find a man better than Albert in academy?

Charlotte : I don't know but I'll try. I don't want to marry my friend. It feels so wrong. Please, father. Give me a chance.

King : (Well, what kind of father could refuse a daughter who trying their best) Well then, I'll give you a chance. Find a man in academy who'll become your husband before second year. If you fail, you have to marry Albert.

Charlotte : Yes, father.

King : You can go now.

The girl walked out from the room and closed the door

King : (Well, even if engagement was cancle... she'll be in trouble finding man and would forget about George soon. That's still 2 birds in one stone) Hahaha........

Then he remembered something

King : (Wait a minute...George said he'll attend the academy too. They might meet eachother in academy. But George was the kind of boy who don't want attentions and would stay in low profile. He's a good boy. He won't find any trouble that would take people's attention)

But then, he remember something again

King : (Ohh wait... that's the problem. He's a good boy. A good boy who would take a dirty job to protect other. He's also smart like an adult. El Fer said his combat skills could surpass him. I don't know about inside. But on outside, he's better than Albert in every kind of ways. Charlotte might take a like to him. But again... Charlotte don't care about those things. She only care about intensions and personality. She only become with Albert because of his personality. There's no way that boy personality was that great, right?)

After an hour of thinking back about the boy, the King finally realised

King : I made a terrible mistake.