
Reincarnated in One Piece as a Fish-Man

(Disclaimer I do not own One Piece.) A 16 year old boy dies in a very funny way, god gives him three wishes for being the first in 10,000,000 years to make him laugh so much. He choses to reincarnate in One Piece as a Fish Man

Fire_Duck · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


One week had already passed since Ryujin began training to attain the full Rokushiki style. He had trained during all those days and today was no different, except of course the fact that he would get to learn a second technique today of his choice.

"Youngling, I present to you four options, Rankyaku (Tempest kick), Tekkai (Iron Body), Soru (Shave), and Geppo (Moon Step)" Sentoki shared, causing utter surprise to pile up on Ryujin's face.

He began interanally monologuing which choice would be the most useful to him, 'The Rankyaku I can already eliminate since it is basically the same as the finger pistol but uses kicks instead. Tekkai is extremly useful but as of this moment I believe that Soru or Geppo would be the right choices. Both are very exellent in terms of mobility, the Soru allows for extremely fast attacks, counters and ambushes, while the Geppo boosts mobility while in air allowing me to 'double' jump sort of.'

"My choice is to learn the Soru sir!" Ryujin proclaimed making the old man jump of from his seat from the sudden shout. The old man clasped his hands together and nodded, "very well, although as you can see from my current condition I wont be able to demonstrate that move." Ryujin understood what he meant and paciently waited for any advice the old man could dish out.

"Control the vital energy and send it towards your feet." Sentoki encouraged, and his student followed through with his command. "Now quickly explode that energy as fast as possible to attempt a form of hyper-speed travel." His master continued.

The endeavor to utilize the Soru move was a failure, as soon as Ryujin tried to compress the energy and burst it out he fell flat on his face.

*Time Skip 2 Weeks*

Ryujin had always dreamed of becoming a powerful warrior like his father before him. He had grown up listening to stories of his father's battles fought. It was no surprise that Ryujin had followed in his father's footsteps, dedicating himself to the study of martial arts from a young age.

His master, Sentoki, was a stern but fair teacher. He had taken Ryujin under his wing, determined to make him a great warrior in his own right. Under Sentoki's guidance, Ryujin had learned many techniques and honed his skills, but there was one move that had always eluded him - the Soru.

The Soru was an advanced technique that required the user to control their vital energy and send it towards their feet. Then, they had to compress the energy and release it in a burst to achieve hyper-speed travel.

Each time he tried, he fell flat on his face, the energy bursting out in all the wrong directions. His frustration grew with each failed attempt, and he began to doubt himself. Maybe he wasn't cut out to be a warrior after all.

Sentoki watched his student struggle with the Soru move, and he could sense the doubt and frustration in Ryujin's heart. He knew that the Soru was a difficult move, one that took years of practice to master, but he also knew that Ryujin had the potential to achieve it.

"Ryujin, I can see that you're struggling," Sentoki said, as he watched his student pick himself up from yet another failed attempt. "But you mustn't give up. The path of a warrior is not an easy one, and it takes perseverance and determination to succeed."

Ryujin nodded, determined to keep trying. He knew that Sentoki was right. He couldn't give up now, not when he had come so far.

Days turned into weeks, but still, Ryujin struggled with the Soru. He fell countless times, each time getting back up and trying again. His body ached, and his spirit was weary, but he refused to give up.

Then, one day, something clicked. Ryujin could feel the energy coursing through his body, his control over it becoming stronger with each passing day. He knew that he was getting closer to mastering the Soru, and he pushed himself harder than ever before.

It was a cold and frosty morning when Ryujin finally succeeded in mastering the Soru. He stood on the edge of the training grounds, his body tense with anticipation. He closed his eyes and focused, sending his vital energy towards his feet. He could feel it building, compressing, ready to burst out in a burst of hyper-speed travel.

And then, he was off. He shot across the training ground like a bolt of lightning, the wind whipping through his hair. He could hear Sentoki's voice in his mind, encouraging him, telling him to keep going.

When Ryujin finally came to a stop, he was breathless and exhilarated. He had done it. He had learned the Soru. He turned to Sentoki, who was watching him with a proud smile on his face.

"Well done, Ryujin," Sentoki said. "You have proven yourself to be a true warrior, one who never gives up in the face of adversity."

Ryujin felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He had failed many times before, but he had never given up. He had persevered, and in the end managed to obtain a powerful Rokushiki ability.

At the same time, Tadalla had finally recuperated from his injuries and came to the training grounds. Ryujin had waited a long time for him, Tadalla showed signs of being a loyal ally which risked his life so that the other prisoners could escape without having to face the Warden directly.

"Hey Tadalla, do you want to join my crew? I plan on building a bounty hunting crew and you will the first mate/vice captain of my group" Ryujin vowed. Tadalla looked at him with his eyes squinting and eyebrows lifted, he was confused at so much words but after some seconds nodded in understanding.

Ryujin began reaching into his bag, and with certain ease was able to pull out a weird fruit. "Do you know what a devil fruit is?" Ryujin probed. Tadalla instantly nodded with certain excitement as Ryujin handed him the Bear Bear fruit. Tadalla hastily grabbed the fruit and thanked Ryujin with slight difficulty in his speech.

Tadalla brought the fruit up to his mouth and crunched it with his strong yellowish teeth. Juices flowed out from the mutated apple that indicated it was sweet and delicious, but the reality couldnt be more different than that. In truth, the fruit tasted horrendous, the texture was hairy and it tasted like rotten meat.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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