
Reincarnated in One Piece as a Celestial Dragon

After a lifetime of accumulating good karma I was given the option to reincarnate into a world of my choice with Three wishes.

Clutch_Shadow · Anime & Comics
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Pilot Chapter… quite literally

"Congratulations it's a boy"

'Those were the first words I heard when I woke up in this dangerous world called OnePiece. Now you might be wondering where I am, and to answer that we need to look back to a little over a year ago just before my Rebirth.'


Before I tell you how I ended up there let me give you a little backstory. My Mother was a manager at a large corporation and my Father was a police officer. They had met when my Mother was being harassed at one of the many bars in NewYork and he was the officer called to the scene.

After he had detained the harasser she asked for his number, he assumed that she was just trying to have an easier way to get into contact with someone in case this happened again. However this couldn't be farther from the truth. She began messaging him and sooner or later they hit it off and began dating.

One thing led to another and they got married in late 2000. They got an apartment together to save on money. Nine months later on the first of July I was born, however that's when problems started occurring. I was born… a special child. My body radiated an ethereal glow… an aura. However this aura was uncontrollable.

If someone entered this aura during the day it would heal any disease, ailment, or negative condition they had. However if it was at night, it would drain the life force of anyone near it… and this was the problem… I was born around 2 am.

The moment I came out of the protective bubble known as my mothers womb my aura began to drain the life force of the doctors and nurses near me… and worst of all… it didn't even spare my mother. I remember a woman's voice from back then.

"Although I don't know what's happening." The voice sounded as it got progressively older as she spoke. "Know that I will always love you." By the time she uttered that last word her body had shriveled up like a corpse that you would find at a concentration camp from the Second World War, only it was already grey and starting to rot the longer I was near it.

Only one Nurse managed to escape the range quick enough however the aura had already taken its toll. The young nurse that was only 20 years old had aged to nearly 60 in a matter of moments. She screamed for help and medical staff rushed in but the moment they saw what was happening they closed the door and locked it and ordered a lockdown of the hospital. Police were called as well as government agencies like the HHS.

My father was noticeably freaking out as he had seen the nurse try to bust out of the room. After she stopped trying to bust out she kept crying "Let me out,Get me away from this demon child". Soon enough the police had arrived and the whole hospital was put under a strict quarantine.

As the labour room had a window on the far side they decided to get a Ladder Truck over to the hospital to see what was happening in the room without exposing anybody. A fireman was sent up with a camera and told to take pictures of the room.

When he looked inside he could see the nurse curled up against the door as well as a small baby laying at the foot of the bed with dust scattered on the bed and across the floor. He also noticed the grey aura and did his best to stay calm as he took pictures of the room.

As soon as he finished he had them lower the ladder and they immediately took the camera to one of the hospital's printers to get physical copies of the pictures. What they saw stunned everyone, they had seen nothing like it. More and more experts were called to the scene before they heard another scream as the sun started to rise

"It changing colours." A scream came from the nurse who was still in the room.

They sent the fireman back up the ladder and what he saw shocked him and instead of taking pictures he immediately decided to record what was happening. The ethereal gray aura around my body was changing, after a few minutes as the sky got brighter and brighter it was no longer grey with streaks of black, but green with traces of gold. The aura also expanded to twice its original size and encompassed the whole room. The nurse began crying again thinking she was going to die however this wasn't the case.

The fireman was shocked to see that the sickly 60yr old nurse started looking healthier, her muscles started to fill out and her skin became less wrinkled. However the aging process didn't reverse.

They eventually determined that the only place that was affected was the room the nurse and infant was in. The hospital was taken off of lockdown but they decided to move all the patients to another hospital just in case before they quarantined the labor ward and sent in Hazmats to remove the nurse and baby and place them in rooms that had windows so they could observe. They tried to run tests on the nurse but found nothing wrong, in fact they found that some of the nurses pre-existing medical problems had disappeared almost as if they never existed.

During the next few days they were able to determine the effects of the green and grey auras. The grey drained life while the green gave it. However they were still not entirely convinced that nothing bad could happen so they kept me in quarantine. My father was told that I could potentially be a threat to the public so he wasn't allowed to take me. He nearly broke after they said that to him, first his wife withered away like dust and now he isn't even able to take his own child.

Eventually he was able to get back to work after two months but that was the day when it happened.

[8:00 AM a certain day in September]

"You're finally back to work David, I heard what happened. I'm sorry about your wife."

"Thanks Rick, I'm just trying to get my mind off of everything. They won't even let me see my boy now."


"I'm not allowed to say…anyway I'm gonna get on with my shift I'll see you later."

"Alright, take care David."

Yes, this was a conversation between my father David and his best friend… the last conversation they had.

A little less than an hour later my father, along with all of NewYork City heard a loud explosion, less than half an hour later another explosion occurred aswell. My father was one of the first who rushed into the first tower only seconds after the first crash as he had been issuing a parking ticket to someone in front of it. Overwhelmed with the guilty conscience of not protecting his wife, he decided to try to save as many people as possible. However he wouldn't be able to save many as less than 2 hours after the plane had hit, the tower collapsed.

This left me, an infant boy, all alone in this world with no parents to protect me from the government and their agencies.

My fathers best friend Rick often visited me until he passed away almost two years ago due to a sudden outbreak of a virus called Covid 19. He tried to get to me before he passed as I was someone who was very well known in this world. Not because I wanted to, but because I was the government's favorite money making machine.

This aura I had could cure anyone during the day as long as they entered it. There was nothing different with my body so it couldn't be extracted. So the government decided to use me for money. All you had to do was cough up $200,000 and you could visit the miracle child who could cure all diseases. Due to this hundreds of thousands flocked to me from around the world. This was very annoying in my own opinion as all I could do was sit there while people filed in and out of the room I was chained in.

Thankfully I was allowed to do things like read and play video games however the thing I liked the most was Manga. I was obsessed with all different types of Manga however my favorites ended up being the number 1 anime followed closely by the classic Big Three, the original greatest of all time Dragon ball along with Bleach, Naruto, and my personal favorite One Piece. A few others were also good, mostly those that involved Magic… Magic always fascinated me in the ways it was shown, whether it be through chants, magic circles, or straight up imagination. However magic couldn't save me from what was going to happen today.

Today was August 10th 2022, I had just been looking through spoilers from the new One Piece movie and was trying to read up on what the Figarland family was as it fascinated me. However something happened a week ago that was a result of my birth. On August 2nd 2022 the daughter of one of the wealthiest companies in NewYork City who was also a former Nurse passed away from old age… at the ripe age of 43… looking no older than 82. Her last words were spoken to her father as she asked everyone else to leave her hospital room. She looked at him while struggling to take a breath and spoke. "Daddy… please… kill that… demon… who ruined… my… life" she begged him

———/\———-/\—————————and then she died.

"Of course my baby girl." The man choked out between tears as he gripped her hand as he collapsed to his knees. "I'll make him pay."

Now let's cut back to a week later inside a secure facility southeast of Lincoln Nebraska near the Missouri River. This was where they decided to place me. Far away from California and New York and smack dab in the middle of the nation. Why you may ask. To pull the influx of people wanting to get cured away from the already overpopulated cities.

However now you also may be wondering what is going to happen today. Well that brings you to three things that can be done in the United States. One: Becoming a pilot, Two: Buying a private jumbo jet, Three: purchasing a large amount of explosives through private channels. Now how does that affect my situation? Well Giant jumbo jet packed full of boom boom powder piloted by a vengeful father… well that makes me along with several nearby blocks around the facility I was in go SkyHigh. Hell, we were so high that even Heroin addicts were jealous… and that was the last thing that happened until I woke up in a chair sitting in front of an Old Man.

This is my new OnePiece Fanfic

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