
Reincarnated in Naruto, Yeah Naruto

This is Gonna be short Chapter's ok ok, I'll try to improve it ok, And English is not my First Language so bare with it. And I don't own Naruto, And i upload whenever i want cause im lazy but hardworking, oh forgot to tell Pairings are NarutoxHinata, Idc what ya'll say, no harem to complicated and Mc gonna be Slightly OP

Kurosawa_Taiki · Action
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55 Chs

The battle in the bridge

As I arrived at the bridge, I saw Kakashi and Zabuza fighting while Sakura was with Tazuna as she noticed me

Sakura: "Naruto, You are here," She said as I nodded

Naruto: "Where's Sasuke?" I asked as she told me where he was as I went to him

Meanwhile with Sasuke

Sasuke: "You think you can beat me?" Sasuke said as he looked at Haku

Haku: "I don't think I can, I know I can," She said as Sasuke rushed her as Haku blocked his attacks, After about a while of Sasuke on the offensive, Haku was getting dissatisfied

Haku: "Is this what you can do? Your too weak" She said as she kicked him in the stomach but not before Sasuke threw a shuriken to her face as it managed to hit her cheek making her cheek trickled blood as she jumped back

Haku: "Hmm, Not bad, But I have to finish this, I'm sorry but I have to help Zabuza-sama," She said as she started making hand signs

Haku: "Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death," She said as a bunch of senbon hit Sasuke's body as he spat out blood as he kneeled on the ground as he was catching his breath

Sasuke: "How strong are you," Sasuke said as he refused to give up so easily

Sasuke: "But I'm not going out without a fight," He said as he threw a shuriken at her and started making hand signs

Sasuke: "Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu," He said as he managed to cast that jutsu while he was seriously injured as it hit Haku but that was what he thought as he saw a lot of Ice mirrors surrounding him

Haku: "You managed to get another hit on me," She said as one of the shurikens hit her in the elbow

Haku: "That was pretty unbelievable, But now it's done, Don't worry this will be quick in my Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals," She said as she made hand signs

Haku: "Goodbye, Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death," She said as another groups of senbon were coming at Sasuke but right on time I arrived as I used Wind Release: Spinning Shields of Wind as I deflect all of the needles until there is nothing left as both of them looked at me

Naruto: "Sorry for the delay," I said as I made a Shadow clone without hand signs and ordered it to get Sasuke out of here

Sasuke: "I can still *coughs* fight dobe," He said as I *Sighed*

Naruto: "Just get him out of here," I said as the clone nodded as Sasuke protested but ultimately gave up as he was tired as the clone took him to Sakura

Haku: "It seems you managed to deflect my jutsu," Haku said as I just looked at her 'I know she's gonna die so imma take it easy' I thought as Haku continued

Haku: "But how will you escape my Ice mirrors," She said as she moved back and forth in the mirrors while the other Haku's in the mirror were also moving but I just stand there observing 'Can I copy her Ice jutsu? Hmm I think not but it's good that I managed to copy that jutsu she used on Sasuke' I thought as Haku was still going back and forth into his mirrors until she stopped

Haku: "Take this, Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death," She said as thousands of needles came out of every Ice mirrors as it was approaching me 'Gotcha, Now to get closer' I thought as before any of the needles reached my I used Body Flicker to escape

Haku: "Impossible," She said as I was nowhere to be seen

Naruto: "That was a close one," I said from behind the real Haku in the Ice mirrors as I kicked her in the back as she was kicked out from her jutsu as Haku rolled to the ground as she got some bruises

Naruto: "It's over," I said as I heard a cry of a thousand birds 'Damn it Kakashi, I wasn't able to have fun, Now I'm being Saitama' I thought as I looked over to Kakashi as he performed the Chidori 'Maybe if I ask Kakashi, He'll let me show it and I could copy it' I said in my mind as he rushed Zabuza looking to end him

Haku: "Our fight is over," She said as Haku Body Flickered in time in front of Zabuza as she took the Chidori for him

Kakashi: "W-what," He said as he impaled her as Kakashi removed his hand from her chest as Haku spat out blood

Haku: " *Cough* Sorry Zabuza-sama, I was too late," She said in her final breath as she fell on the ground as Gato showed up with his men as I arrived next to Kakashi

Zabuza: "G-Gato? What's the meaning of this" He said as Gato chuckled

Gato: "Oh Zabuza, You can't even kill 1 person, That's why today we're gonna do it with my new paid men, And since you failed to kill that Bridge builder, Our deal is now off," He said as I observed him, Like the show, Gato has shaggy brown hair and sports a pair of small, Circular black glasses, He wears a black suit with a purple tie, A yellow shirt underneath his coat and closed-toed shoes.

Zabuza: "So it's like that," He said as he turned to Kakashi

Zabuza: "Kakashi, My deal with him is now over and I have no reason to kill Tazuna," He said as Kakashi nodded

Gato: "And that whore of yours is dead, Sad I thought I could capture her but unfortunately I can't have my pleasure with her," He said as it made Zabuza angry

Zabuza: "I'll kill you," He said coldly as he just laughed

Gato: "Hahaha, You make me laugh Zabuza, How about I kill you, Go!" He said as Gato's men rushed at us as Zabuza ran to them

Naruto: "We should help Kakashi-sensei," I said as I made 50 clones

Kakashi: "I guess I still have some chakra in me," He said as he also made 50 clones as they rushed at Gato's men followed by my clones


Meanwhile with Sakura

Tazuna: "Whoa," Tazuna said as he watched mine and Kakashi's clones charged in

Sakura: "YEAH GET EM SENSEI, NARUTO!" Cheered Sakura loudly as it made Sasuke wake up

Sasuke: "Ugh, S-Sakura? What happened," he said as both of them looked at him

Sakura: "You were seriously injured when you fought that tracker ninja, Naruto brought you here and I had to remove the needles from your body, Good thing I carried the first aid," She said to him as Sasuke nodded

Sasuke: "Wheres Naruto?" He said

Sakura: "With Kakashi-sensei," She said as she pointed where they were as he saw a lot of Gato's men

Sasuke: "Are those?"

Tazuna: "Yes, Those are Gato's men, I hope they can finish them off so we can continue building the bridge," Tazuna said as Sasuke watched Naruto

and Kakashi's clone clap them all hard


Back with Naruto

When all of Gato's men were taken care of by my and Kakashi's clones, Gato was left as Zabuza arrived in front of him

Gato: "H-hey Zabuza w-we can work this out!" He said as Zabuza kept coming closer and closer giving killer intent to Gato as he fell down

Gato: "Get a-away, G-get away!" He shouted

Zabuza: "If I'm dying today, You're coming with me to hell," He said as Gato didn't have a chance to speak as Zabuza beheaded Gato as it fell off his body

Zabuza: " *Cough* Ugh I'm out of Chakra," He said as his body can't take it anymore as he fell on the ground panting hard as me and Kakashi went to him

Zabuza: "K-Kakashi," He said as he closed his eyes, Now lying there dead 'It's not like the outcome in the show where Naruto uses talk no jutsu, But Zabuza and Haku still died, So it's still the same just no talk no jutsu' I thought

Naruto: "We should bury them, They've been through a lot ya know," I said 'Whoa, First time saying that' I thought as Kakashi looked at me

Kakashi: "We'll do it after we clean up here," He said as I nodded

Naruto: "I don't have Water Jutsu's in me sensei" I lied as to not reveal my Water Jutsu's

Kakashi: "I'll do it," He said as I activated my ByakuSharingan as he started making hand signs

Kakashi: "Water Release: Water Wave," He said as a wave of water came out as it cleaned Gato's men away 'Huh, Did not know that he has some Water Jutsu's' I thought as I copied it

Sakura: "Naruto! Kakashi sensei!" Shouted Sakura as we turned around and saw a lot of people from the Land of Waves 'I forgot that they should've shown up right before Gato let his men attack' I thought as I saw Sakura, Sasuke, Tazuna, Tsunami, Inari, And I think the whole population of the Land of Waves

Naruto: "We're still going to stay here after the bridge is done sensei?" I said as he nodded

Kakashi: "We could help so that it goes much faster " I nodded as we went back to Tazuna's place to rest.

[2 days later]

After the fight on the bridge, Me and Kakashi went to bury Haku and Zabuza like in the show, After we have buried them we helped Tazuna to complete the bridge, Other people came to help as well as we managed to finish the bridge in just about two days and today is where we are going back to Konoha

Naruto: "I miss Konoha," I said as I was packing my stuff ready to leave

Sakura: "Yeah me too, Now hurry up," Sakura said as me and Sasuke finished as Kakashi was waiting for us outside as we left Tazuna's house

When we arrived at the bridge all the people in the Land of Waves were there to see us off

Naruto: "Is it a bit too much for them, Or I'm just a killjoy?" I said as Sasuke agreed with me

Kakashi: "No Naruto, They've been in a bad condition for a long time and this is the first time they truly can shine once again and rebuild the Land of Waves," Kakashi said as Sakura nodded

Naruto: "Never thought of that," I said as we just kept walking until we were at the end of the bridge as Kakashi turned around

Kakashi: "We are now going back to Konoha, I hope all of you the best," He said as they cheered 'Weird, Kakashi never says stuff like that, Well sometimes' I thought as I smiled at them as we waved them goodbye and left their sights

Tazuna: "What should we name this bridge?" Tazuna said as Inari immediately responded

Inari: "The Great Team 7 Bridge!" He shouted as Tsunami giggled

Tazuna: "Well The Great Team 7 Bridge it is then," He said as the crowd cheered as the bridge was officially called The Great Team 7 Bridge


Meanwhile with Team 7

As we were walking I turned to Sasuke

Naruto: "Hey Sasuke," I said as he turned to me

Sasuke: "What is it dobe?" He said

Naruto: "Can you send chakra into your eyes?" I said

Sasuke: "Why?"

Naruto: "Just do it okay," I said as he got angry but he still did it anyways as he felt burning in his eyes as he opened them

Naruto: "You've unlocked your Sharingan," I said as Sasuke and Kakashi were surprised 'Well he did activate it when the massacred happened' I thought

Sasuke: "How did you know," He said to me 'Crap gotta make a story' I thought

Naruto: "Remember when I saved you right on time when those needles almost hit you?" I said as he nodded

Naruto: "After I finished dealing with the needles I saw that your eyes turned a blood-red color with a tomoe around it but your chakra was low as it didn't last long as it turned back into your black eyes as I got you away to rest," I said as he nodded

Sasuke: "The Sharingan I have it" He muttered but me and Kakashi heard it as we continued our way back to Konoha

[Hehehe hope ya enjoy]