
Reincarnated in Naruto, Yeah Naruto

This is Gonna be short Chapter's ok ok, I'll try to improve it ok, And English is not my First Language so bare with it. And I don't own Naruto, And i upload whenever i want cause im lazy but hardworking, oh forgot to tell Pairings are NarutoxHinata, Idc what ya'll say, no harem to complicated and Mc gonna be Slightly OP

Kurosawa_Taiki · Action
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55 Chs

Entering the Academy!

[3 year's later]

Naruto:"Well i gotta say it's been a fruitful 3 year's, But i feel like my Chakra Control hasn't improved, Well it's still good but it didn't improved, My Chakra is Almost at Kage level just a little more push i think, It's pretty hard to gain more Chakra when you already have a Huge amount of Chakra, But im sure i'll get Kage level Chakra at the Start of the canon atleast Quasi-kage level, Finally my Sharingan upgraded to a two tomoe, The fucking thing won't improved until the last few days before going to the Academy for the first time, And speaking of The Academy here we are"

Andrew was in front of the Academy with a lot of Children almost about a thousand kid's 'Damn, This is way to many kid's than i expected it to be' thought Andrew.

After sometime the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi

is now in front of the stage talking about the 'WILL OF FIRE' 'Yeah, Will of Fire my ass', After about a boring 30 minute's of the Old Monkey's speech, Andrew went to the bulletin board where student's will see what classes they are going to be 'Heh guess im still at Class A1' Thought Andrew as he was walking toward's his class.

After finding the Class, He went in front of the door and opened it, The people inside of the Class turned their attention to the Blonde haired kid 'Ugh, the hell their staring at, Whatever i guess I'll go sit next to Sasuke in order to not mess up the timeline, i know it will really not effect that much but just for safety it needs to be done' After walking to Sasuke with the Class still eye's on him, He sat next to him without a damn, 'I guess i'll put on a slight mask, I'll lose every single fight except when i fight against a civilian because no way in hell i'll lose to a civilian, Probably be deadlast but without the shouting and Pranks, Waste of Training time, And befriend Shika and Choji since in Naruto the three hang out a lot in their academy day's, I'll probably have to have a crush on Sakura and shout and ask her on a date so that the original timeline won't be too messed up, Ugh i really don't wanna waste time on *CRUSHING* Sakura but it has to be done, I am sorry Hinata but im doing this until i Graduate, But your still my only one, My only one'.

After about 15 minute's the door opened and there were two people, Two of them are Chunin's, Of course it's Iruka and the Traitor Mizuki.

Iruka:"Quiet down please, Thank you, Welcome all of you today to the Ninja Academy, This place will determine if you are ready to start your Ninja Career, I am your sensei until you Graduate, Next to me is my Bestfriend Mizuki, He is going to be my Assistant and you can call him your sensei as well as he will be here to until your Graduation, Now how about we start in introduce each other"

And Iruka called the student's infront to introduce them to us, After some time.

Iruka:"Next Naruto Uzumaki please come to the front and introduce yourself" 'Ok i'll act like goofball only for this so that they will think i'm a stupid brat'.

Naruto:"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, And im gonna be HOKAGE!" I Said with a stupid grin.

All of the class started to laugh except for a certain Hyuga '*Sigh* i wonder how can i keep this up' thought Andrew.

After all of us finishing introducing ourselves we were dismissed early so that we can be ready for our first lesson's tommorow 'Ugh i wish i knew the Shadow clone jutsu Already, *Sigh* Guess i'll minimize my Training time, Hmm actually just wake up early like around 5 and train for about 2 hour's yeah that should make up for it' Thought Andrew as he finished his dinner and went to take his Nightly activities and laid to bed.

[I didn't expect this kind of long chapter by me, I'll give some thing you can all chew on, And this is the last chapter after a while you lucky bastard hehehe, Now it's only 1 chapter a week so it isss what it isss.]
