
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs



"Is he at it again?"

"Yes… he is at it again."

"When will he learn it is not possible to do what he is trying to do?"

"Maybe in another year?"

"You shouldn't have taught him about sage mode, he's just become even more delusional now."

"Well then you shouldn't have taught him about seals, that also just made him become even more delusional….especially with the new ways he found to annoy us both."

"I didn't teach him simply just because I wanted to, we made a deal to teach each other our specializations. It was a trade of equivalent exchange."


"Who asked you to teach him without asking anything in return."

Mito flicked her hair back as she went back into the world of seals that had engrossed her attention for the past year after Megumi had begun teaching her about electronic circuits.

Both Mito and Hashirama had become engaged with his discovery of being able to artificially separate the properties of chakra through the type of seals Megumi had introduced to them.

Since they had a lot more knowledge about chakra than Megumi himself did they were able to see possibilities beyond what would normally have popped up in Megumi's head.

Mito had in exchange taught Megumi how to use the Hirashin seal, of course their deal also included the basics of sealing that would actually allow him to understand whatever the hell the Hirashin seal actually did.

"You know what! I'm going to make a deal myself!"

Mito just looked at Hashirama who stared off into the distance with a confident smile as he looked like he had a great idea, but Mito knew, most of his ideas were generally quite childish and foolish, like the time he made a seal to break down his Kekkei genkai into different colours based on its properties.

But Mito just shook her head and continued doing what she was anyway, after all. 'What's my problem if my dear husband wants to get conned by the nasty brat.'

Mito exhibited a weird smile as she began examining the seal she was making which would surely annoy Megumi once it was finished.

'I'm going to get you for disturbing my beauty sleep you nasty brat!'

Hashirama felt an ominous aura radiating out from his wife as he wisely chose not to interfere and quickly made his way to Megumi who he was now excited to meet because of his idea for the deal.

Arriving at the base of the statue that was marred with the several scratches, cuts, slashes and the most important of all, seals, tons of them, Hashirama spotted Megumi glaring at the door that would have normally in any other place have allowed a person to walk in and out of it but right now in the statue wouldn't allow anyone to pass through.

The door wasn't anything physical, in fact it didn't even exist. It was just a large gap in the wood of the statue that Megumi nicknamed 'the door'. But nothing could enter or exit through it, just like the windows, unless they had a bit of a leeway for reaching the top of the statue's head but that was it.

"You're still on about there being some way for you to leave through the door kiddo?"

"Huh? Oh! Old man, you're here. What happened? Did Mito baa-san send you down to ask me to quiet down again?"

".....Why are you making so much noise if you know she's being disturbed anyway?"

"Ha! Her and disturbed?! If the world ended and she was working on her seals she probably would just ignore it. She's a crazy woman!"

"...." Hashirama just looked at him with dead eyes, remembering all the times in his life he had to go hungry for a few meals just because Mito forgot it was time for food, leaving him to wait for her at the dining table alone so that they could eat together.

"You know I have a proposition for you!" Hashirama said as Megumi who was currently facing away from him while looking at the metaphorical door that he had been staring at looked back at Hashirama to tell him to continue since he was listening, but went back to staring at the door anyway.

"You know you said that you wrote a book that allowed you to immerse yourself in an amazing story that even Tsuna-chan was praising right?"

"...yes." Megumi responded distracted.

"I would be willing to help you out a little with your problem if you help me out with my book."

Megumi's head snapped to look at Hashirama so fast that it almost looked like he had gotten a whiplash.

"What? Why? You said there wasn't any way to leave for me? How are you going to help me then? And haven't you taught me everything already? Were you lying?" Megumi asked, drowning Hashirama under a barrage of questions.

"What! Why would I lie to you? And how do you expect me to teach you everything I know? For example you haven't learnt any hand to hand combat from me yet!"

"....so, how are you going to help me? Not by teaching me hand to hand combat I assume?"

"Well…I don't know how to help you directly but I do know that the way you are looking to solve the problem was doomed from the start…*cough*Nature chakra can't enter the premises of the statue*cough*"

"What did you just say?"

"Book… promise me you'll give me the book first!" Hashirama said extending his hand.


"Alright! I'll make you the book! Now tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong?"

"You can use Nature chakra inside the statue."

"Huh? What? How does that make any sense? You taught me Sage mode here inside the statue and I learnt it here inside the statue, how can I not use nature chakra inside the statue?"

"You could only learn sage mode because well you're a special case in this domain of mine."


"The domain you are inside off is something that has been established to cut off the connection with the planet, so why do you think the inside would have any nature chakra for you to perform jutsus using them?"


"How did you use Sage mode then?"

"..." Megumi nodded silently.

"Imagine the planet as a tree, if the planet is a tree then all the leaves on the tree are inherently a part of the planet, but what happens if tomorrow a leaf becomes alive? Such that it is independent of the tree? Even though it is still connected to the same tree? What will happen to its chakra?"

"...so the space inside the statue is like the leaf? While the planet is the tree? You'd be stuck to the tree without being able to separate from it and you will both have your own chakra's unless you explicitly give each other the permission to invade the other's space with their chakra."

"Yes. Which also extends to you who are currently living inside this statue, since you are just like that, a small leaf trapped while attached to the tree with its own chakra."

"I get that you are telling me that I can't leave because the space between the two areas have different owners but.....what does that have to do with nature energy though?"

"What did I tell you about chakra?"

"Chakra is an energy that is essentially someone using their spiritual energy to dominate over the energy that makes up all physical things."

"Yes, so…"

"...so as long as this is your domain, nature energy cannot come inside here since that would mean that the planet has control over the energy inside here?"

"Yes, precisely."

"But how am I using Sage mode then?"

"As I said you're a special case, you aren't dead, or rather, you have teleported into my domain while having a connection to my domain from the outside. So, you are an anomaly or an extension into my domain from outside so as long as you are in that particular body of yours that was brought inside from the outside you'll be able to use nature energy within that body."

"But where is the nature energy that I am absorbing to enter Sage mode coming from?"

"From the boundary you create when you interact with my domain, the one that's around you like a thin bubble preventing you from being thrown out of the statue."

"...? But then why haven't you just sent me outside by breaking the bubble?"

"Because no one knows where you'll end up and how you'll end up there. What will you do if your head is pushed out somewhere else from your body? But most importantly it isn't me who has made that bubble, that bubble is a natural phenomenon because you are trying to exist in a space where my domain is. It is like the boundary that forms around a bubble that you blow into the air, you don't create the bubble you just blow the air into the bubble."

"So anyone can just enter here?"

"No, not just anyone can enter here, you can only enter because you have the mark Mito placed on Tsunade after I left during my time here. She was supposed to be the only person who was going to be allowed to enter here because without the mark this place would be invisible to anyone who attempted to find it. Have you never wondered why other animals in the area avoid coming to this place? Its because once they do, every little bit of their body that makes contact with my domain will start to get shredded because they don't belong to this domain and because this place is invisible to them from the outside they make sure to keep appropriate distance from it."

"But then how did you seal the four tails if this can't be broken?"

"Well… why don't you give me an other book to learn about that?"


"Hey! I gave you enough information to show you how you're wrong, because no natural energy jutsus can be used inside the domain, even though you can shift into sage mode because you can accumulate nature chakra inside your own body."

"What about Kaguya? Why is she able to enter your domain then?"

"...." Hashirma gave a blank expression as he held out his hand for a book.

"This is unfair…" *sigh*

"I'll give you the book by tomorrow."

Disappointed Megumi activated a seal with his right hand as he teleported back to his room using Hirashin.

As soon as Megumi teleported inside his room he fell onto his bed and buried his head inside a pillow when a robotic, mechanical but feminine voice spoke.

"Despite your violent behavior the only thing you've managed to break so far is your two limbs."

"Shut it, GLaDOS. It isn't funny."

"Oh…I wonder why my creator made me so mean then? Never mind, it's a mystery I'll solve later, since you would probably have lost the rest of your limbs by then as well and will probably be dead. My time is better spent kindly explaining you how you are wrong as long as you are still alive."

Megumi lifted his head a little as he squinted his eyes and stared at GLaDOS, seriously contemplating whether he should turn her off.

"The last thing you want to do is hurt me, I have your brain scanned and permanently backed up in case something terrible happens to you. Which it is just about to."

A shuriken shot out from a spring loaded trap in the room and hit Megumi in the head.

"Ouch! What the hell! Those are meant for intruders GLaDOS not me!"

"Imagine laying down traps in a place where there can be no intruders. That's how dumb you sound! You've been wrong about every single little thing you've done, including this thing."

"Arggghhh!" Megumi just proceeded to ignore her ramblings as he buried his hot head into the cold pillow to comfort himself.

Over the last year, Megumi had spent time building a synthesizer and then using genjutsu and a few seals in combination with it to bring GLaDOS to life. She wasn't an AI by the traditional definition in that sense but more a seal that relied on the information placed into the genjutsu to form rules and other such things to be able to communicate and express itself.

GLaDOS didn't really have a thought in the real sense, it was just a machine with a few mathematical functions trying to predict the next word to speak to form a sentence based on the input it was given while conforming to the rules inputted into it through the genjutsu.

The only things Megumi had passed onto it was his knowledge of language and how GLaDOS behaved in the games, which resulted in the creation of an abomination that tortured him most of the time.

He didn't particularly like it, but was simply fond of the end result because it was the first 'alive' thing he had made.

'Oh how intelligent you claimed yourself to be Megumi! 'GLaDOS would be an amazing AI assistant to have' you said Megumi! 'I am a genius' you said! Well I hope you suffer past Megumi! I hope you suffer and I hope your life is miserable…wait a second, if I curse my past self wouldn't I be making my own life miserable…? Shit… I guess I really am as stupid as GLaDOS thinks I am.'

'I need to take a break. I'm not having fun at all. I'm losing it.'


'Making a new book makes sense to take my mind off of things.'

'Which book would make Mito baa-san and the old fool happy? Something adventurous? No they probably have had enough adventure in their lives, maybe something light and comedic? But what would that be? Can I show them what my world looked like? But I haven't even told them the lie that I belong to a different continent… and it is more likely that they'll call me out on my lie.'


Megumi stretched his arms out in front of him.

One of his arms was a partial elemental clone that he was using to substitute for his missing one. Nothing robust, but good enough for daily life.

He had a clone leg too, good enough for helping him walk, not good for fighting though.

'Hmm…how am I going to fight using a single hand and leg? Haha… I'll become the full metal alchemist of this world?'

'Oh…maybe I could show them One Punch man? That would be a fun show to bring into this world, especially with all the world ending threats and everything, with a few little changes I can make it seem part of the Ninja world too…..Hmm…. sounds like an interesting project.'


Megumi turned around to look outside his window as he for a while forgot about all the things that had been bothering him.

'This world is fun… if this random person who hadn't messed up everything wasn't present I'd have spent all my time enjoying and exploring it at a leisurely pace…. Curse you Sage of Six paths! Be ready for the I meet you and make sure you have all the help you can get that day 'casue I'm going to hand you your ass.'

Slowly but smoothly Megumi fell asleep as his eyes fell heavy and then shut, dragging him into darkness with it.

Mito stood at the door way of his room and looked at the seal she had in her hand but stopped herself from using it for now since she felt that Megumi needed a proper rest for a while.

With quiet steps she stepped into the room and just as GLaDOS was about to say something a chain shot out from her back and stopped it from moving entirely by covering it in seals just by touching it.

Arriving by his side, she smoothly righted his sleeping posture by placing a pillow under his head and then caressed his hair a little while she sat by his side, adoring him like a grandma would her grandson.

Although Megumi hadn't realized it yet, both Mito and Hashirama had already become very attached to him, in spite of all their complaints about him.

They were a little sad about seeing Megumi wear himself out day after day with doing various experiments to figure out how he could leave from here, but they never stopped him either since they knew the only way he'd stop was if he exhausted every possibility by himself.

Well at least Hashirama thought that, but Mito had a little more trust in Megumi and felt like he could actually do something that would surprise them after he had shown her the seals he used and the discoveries he had made using them.


A white furred rabbit stepped into the room appearing through the door as it pleaded for Mito to pick her up and place her by Megumi's side.

Mito smiled a little as she placed Kaguya by Megumi's side where they both snuggled up against each other.

Mito looked around the large room around her that looked small simply because of the sheer amount of random seals and things Megumi had stuffed into it, all his experiments half completed, fully done or still in their beginning stages were all in it.

She glanced at the paper duck that Megumi had made and stuffed with a seal to make a quacking sound to wake her up every time she slept just to annoy her or the paper bird that could fly by flapping its wings which Megumi made after learning how to use wind elemental transformation.

There was also the curiously shaped bark of wood which Megumi called a hover board that floated a little bit from the ground which he used to use to move all around the place before he learnt the Hirashin jutsu.

Studying the corner of the room a little, Mito found that it looked a little weird and stepped up to look closer at it.

Moving closer she spotted a flaw in the wall that shouldn't have been there and quickly used her sealing chains to study them, as soon as the chain touched the wall though, it vanished. Greatly surprising her.

'What..is this? How does this work?' Mito asked herself spotting the seal on the floor that seemed to be what Megumi was using to create the illusion.

'It wasn't a genjutsu since I didn't feel any chakra intruding my body, but how did it work then? It wasn't a clone or the transformation jutsu, something just feels different between the two.'

'Hmm….I'll ask him about it later.'

Mito raised her head to look behind the wall at what Megumi was hiding when she spotted something that brought tears in her eyes.

Written in bold on the board he had fashioned himself out of wood, were the words.

'Birthday party ideas for Grandpa and Granny.'

Over the last year, Megumi had missed both Mito's and Hashirama's birthdays which he felt he should've celebrated with them so once he learnt about it he quickly went to make plans for the next ones.

Stopping herself from reading any further and ruining her own experience Mito reset everything to exactly how it was as she looked at Megumi who was sound asleep and slipped back out of the room, not before adding a seal to shut up GLaDOS for as long as Megumi was asleep and pasting a seal on the top of his wall using her chains, this was something she had made to get back at him for all the times he had annoyed her, something that would remind him to never mess with the beauty sleep of a lady.


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