
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Not Afraid To Fight Madara.


"Sara! Don't use such foul language!"

Ignoring her mother's piercing stare, Sara ran towards Megumi, held his hand and started to jump up and down.

"Aniki! Carry me!"

"But I thought we agreed I wouldn't carry you until you defeat Erza! I thought you were a big girl? Aren't you?"

"That is only inside the palace! Now we're outside so it's alright." Sara nodded at her sagely wisdom.

"Don't trouble him, come I'll lift you." Seramu extended her hand towards her daughter but Sara pointedly ignored her and raised her hands up in the air for Megumi instead.

Under the staring gazes of two people, Sakura disguised as a different woman and Seramu, Megumi bent low to pick up Sara and pulled her up toward himself.

With one hand forming a bar for Sara to sit on and another to hold, Sara began to direct Megumi through the crowded streets of the city of Roran.

Everyone in the group had disguised themselves using transformation jutsu and had come out of the palace to enjoy the city's street view.

"Seramu-sama, how many uzumaki have arrived safely?" Megumi asked politely.

"About three hundred more since you've started distracting shinobi forces."

"Only three hundred more?"

"Unfortunately yes, but it is also because of your hard work that they have a chance to survive so be happier." Seramu comforted but she knew just how involved Megumi had gotten in this project of his to save all the Uzumaki.

"Aniki did you find out what was killing all the Uzumaki?" Sara asked softly.

"No. Not yet. But I'm sure the marks were from a shinobi. They are too clean to be anything else. I just have to find out who is behind all this."

"Tsk. Forget about all that, we're here to enjoy the new year's festival together aren't we?" Sakura said, bringing up the mood of everyone in the group.

"Aniki! Take me there!" Sara said pointing at the little book reading that was going on at one of the roadside stalls.

The group of four soon arrived at the book stall where they found the seller performing a puppet show.

The show currently had two puppets on the shop's stage.

One was a tall lady with black hair and a dark gown while the other was smaller one with similar black hair and another dark gown.

Narrator : "...having lost her father due to the senseless fights that happened in the warring era, Queen Seramu once asked her mother a question.

Seramu Puppet : "Mommy! Why are all these people fighting so much?"

Seramu's Mother : "Because if they don't they'll end up hurting themselves in one way or another. These people just cannot see someone else doing better than them."

Seramu Puppet : "But isn't that bad? Why are they being bad people?"

Seramu's mother : "Sometimes, when everyone is doing bad and no one questions it people think bad is good."

Seramu Puppet : "Bad is good?"

Narrator : The statement stuck with Queen Seramu as she was trained to fight in senseless wars where nothing mattered.

Narrator : Because of Roran's prosperous position in the desert, it was the subject of many attacks on its surrounding cities and villages.

Narrator : Queen Seramu fought again and again in wars that held no rhyme or reason. And wrought with killings and betrayal, Queen Seramu was soon at her limit.

Narrator : And so begins our story with the start of the War for the Dragon's neck. A war between the Uchiha and the Otsutsuki.

Megumi looked in amazement at Seramu as it meant that she'd fought Madara. Meanwhile, Sakura's focus dialed up to eleven since she'd never heard of such a fight before.

Seramu herself had a wry smile on her face, thinking of her younger days and how fierce she was back then and also how many close people she'd lost to that war.

"Mirai, have the Uchiha returned?"

"No Lady Seramu, they are threatening to start a war if you do not leave this place immediately and let them keep the Ryumyaku vein.

"Arghh…how stupid can people be? Don't they already know how strong I am? Why do they want to get themselves beat up?"

"Do you want to deliver a message to them, Seramu-sama?"

"Tell them unless Madara is here not to talk about starting a war. Because they won't be able to handle me all alone."

"I shall deliver the message personally, Seramu-sama."

"I know I can always trust you Mirai. You've always been so helpful. After this squabble ends, ask me whatever you want and I'll try and grant it to you to the best of my ability."

Mirai's eyes shone with admiration for her Queen as she immediately spoke.

"Please let me serve by your side forever, Lady Seramu."

"Haha, first go and finish delivering the message. I'll be waiting for you when you come back."

Seramu watched with a smile as her messenger left running towards the outskirts, near the border of Roran so that he could deliver the message.

Not long after the messenger left, an Uchiha messenger came back holding a storage scroll.

Escorted to the throne room, the Uchiha looked all around himself with greed for the beautiful palace that stood proud.

As soon as Seramu saw the scroll she had a bad feeling arise in her heart.

The Uchiha messenger smirked as he watched the panic in Seramu's face through the sharingan and tossed it toward her.

Seramu held the storage scroll and summoned the body of Mirai, her own messenger.

His head had been sliced clean as his body still leaked blood.

Given the time her messenger had left, they most likely hadn't even allowed him to speak.

Anger bubbled up inside Seramu at the sight of Mirai's dead body.

"How dare you." Seramu lashed out at the messenger.

The messenger's smirk only widened as he saw the anger finally come to fruition. But before he could speak, his head smashed onto the ground with a loud THUD. It rolled to a slow stop as the man's eyes morphed open with shock that he'd died.

Seramu used the same seal she was given to store the Uchiha's body and began walking out of the palace. Slowly at first and later running towards the border by jumping on the high roofs and towers of the country.

Her ANBU squad followed behind heras they ran across the tall pointed rooftops of the city of Roran.

The fiery red sky of the evening moonlight was a stark warning for what was about to come next.

Standing atop the final building on the boundary of Roran, Seramu looked at the small group of about a hundred and fifty Uchiha standing a few hundred meters outside the entrance. No doubt waiting to pick a fight.

"What do you want us to do Lady Seramu?"

"War. I don't want a single one of those proud bastards to leave. If they want a war, we'll show them just why we are the only people in the Land of Wind to survive so close to the Land of Fire."

"As you wish, Seramu-sama."

All the ANBU members on Seramu's side dove down from the walls, each one of the five vanishing in their own way.

The first one vanished with a flash of lightning. The second one turned into a puddle of liquid. The third one became a pile of dust. The fourth one vanished like the wind. And last but not the least the last one vanished in a burst of flames.

The Uchiha fully alert all looked at the source of these disruptions and detected the attack on them skillfully.

Their commander announced, "Whoever kills the most will get to choose their new ho-!"

They were confident, after all it was just five shinobi, how hard could it be?

Before he could complete his sentence Seramu had stuck a serrated blade into his heart and tore him apart into a fountain of blood and other fluids.

Fear struck the Uchiha since they couldn't believe just how easily their commander had been torn down. 

Seramu ducked and weaved through the crowd of Uchiha shocking them all.

Why was it that their sharingan couldn't pick up the woman? After all every person that fought always had disturbances in their chakra, how did this woman perfectly control her chakra?

Surely no one could be this perfect.

Heads started getting lobbed off, while Seramu's serrated edge tore the Uchiha down in the most gut wrenching ways. Sometimes she stuck it through their hearts and then tore down diagonally. While other times she impaled two people on it at once, while pulling out their guts because of the teeth on her blade's edge.

Seramu was drenched in blood as soon as she had joined the battlefield.

Her ANBU captains were no less either.

The five ANBU members all killed their chosen targets in much the same way.

They too held blades with serrated edges. But their blades had a simple addition. Their blades were wrapped in the elemental chakra of the type of transformation they were most familiar with.

One of the ANBU captain's pushed his blade into an Uchiha as his body burst due to the fire elemental chakra on the blade exploding like a explosive seal.

The Captain that was most familiar with earth pierced his blade to the Uchiha to make hedgehogs out of them. Large meter long spikes were pushed out from inside their bodies, impaling and killing them instantly.

The wind and lightning ones were relatively calmer as they either cleanly sliced their enemies in a neat fashion.

While the water ANBU captain looked like he was dual wielding a saw with the way water spun around the serrated edges of the blade.

Fear began to set into the Uchiha as most of the remaining ones unleashed their Susanoo's in an attempt to salvage the situation.

The appearance of several skeletal Susanoo's sent a pause in the area as everyone watched them swing their blades down at the five ANBU commanders.

The ANBU commanders themselves made hand seals to form their own large clones of their own elements.

The Uchiha were shocked to see the large clones and couldn't understand how such a thing was possible. As it was near impossible to be able to maintain such a large clone without the help of the sharingan.

Seramu who had gone relatively unnoticed, held five chakra threads that connected to the five different large clones. 

With skillful mastery she began to puppet them to fight a harsh fast paced battle against the Susanoo.

The clones immediately blocked the strikes of the Susanoo's, sending spiraling tornadoes into the nearby shinobi wiping them out.

Several Uchiha started to feel fear as they saw the skill with which the large clones of their enemies were functioning. It was nearly as strong as their own Susanoo.

Just as the uneasy silence had settled onto the battlefield, Seramu unleashed a devastating move.

Controlling the clones to swipe down at the Susanoo's in front of them, Seramu added her own jutsu into the mix using the chakra threads connected to them.

Arcs of slashes made with water, wind, fire, earth and lightning traveled through the air as they each met their susanoo's.

But what happened was not within anyone's expectation.

The Slashes completely ignored the defense of the Susanoo's and struck the people controlling them from the inside.

With the Uchiha inside the Susanoo now gone, the Susanoo's collapsed into the ground and dissipated into chakra.

In an instant about thirty skeletal Susanoo were wiped out.

A stunned silence filled the battlefield as Seramu disconnected her own chakra threads to the clones and panted softly.

This was the first time the Uchiha had felt fear in their lives.

As the first one began deserting the small scale fight, the Uchiha all began to fall into panic, chaos and disarray.

"Where do you think you're going?" Seramu interrupted them, "You wanted a war right? Then war it is."

Before any of them could even begin to speak or surrender, Seramu's blade had already reached their necks.

And thus began the spark that ignited the flame between the Uchiha and the Otsutsuki clans.

Breaking Seramu's flashback to her history was Sara's voice as she asked her mother, "Waa!! Mommy is that true?"

Seramu just nodded, still feeling a little sad about being reminded of Mirai's death, but she didn't let it get to her.

"Mommy's the strongest!!!!" Sara jumped and wiggled in Megumi's arm making it difficult for him to maintain his clone body while also keeping Sara held in his arm.

"Was that the reason you were scared of Madara coming back?" Megumi asked Seramu but she just shook her head and explained, "No. I'm not afraid of fighting Madara, I'm afraid of fighting someone that can control Madara to such a degree and still remain hidden."


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