
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Fated To Die

Megumi teleported back to the balcony, a little tired but otherwise focused on the fight.

Mukade's body collapsed to the ground with a disgusting *squelch*.

All the heads suddenly opened their eyes and mouths at the same time producing a cacophony of screeches and wails, sure to turn an already deaf man even more deaf.


Covering his ears to block the sonic attack, Megumi trained his eyes at the exposed flesh that wiggled on both the bodies before they extended and joined together, reforming Mukade once again.

Mukade rose to the same great height of forty feet once again as his body stitched itself together, opened his eyes and smirked at Megumi as the screeches and wails finally died down.

"Ha! What do you think of it?"

"What do I think? I think it's terrible! My ears hurt! How are your multiple ears not hurting you!?" Megumi complained as he finally got his hands off his ears.

Ignoring Megumi's attempt at being playful, Mukade tried to intimidate him.

"Your trick of using clones to fool me won't work again. What will you do now?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be much of a trick now would it?"

Both Megumi and Mukade stared at each other when all of a sudden a tongue shot out form a toads mouth, heading towards Megumi's face.

Without having the time to make any expressions to be disgusted by the texture of the toad's tongue and the several insects crawling around its length, Megumi ducked and weaved as he pinned the tongue into a wall using his katana.

Although any normal person would've let their tongue stuck in place, Mukade pulled back his tongue by allowing it to tear around Megumi's katana and healed it soon after as it reached him.

The dust cloud around their miniature arena had settled by now and it gave Megumi full view of the hole in the ground Mukade had crawled out of.

It also gave Megumi's further clues as to what Mukade was planning to do.

'Rura tell Seramu that the seal is underground.'

'Can't do, I'm already fighting off hordes of insects, you tell her. I left your Hiraishin kunai with her.'

'Got it.'

Megumi imbued his Katana with lightning nature chakra and began to cook.

As the fleshy tongue returned, Megumi sliced it off with his now glowing lightsaber-like katana and cauterized the wound instantly.

Yet, when the tongue returned back to Mukade it was fully healed again.

"Give it up! You cannot defeat me! I'm immortal! By the grace of Lord Jashin I am finally immortal! I can get as many jade beauties as I want now!!!"

Megumi's eyes twitched at the mention of jade beauties since he knew his earlier female clone transformation was probably the cause for such a desire in the first place.

Feeling a third of his chakra reserves empty from the last huge slash he did on Mukade, Megumi had switched into Chakra conservation mode.

Far above in a world where no life could enter, a place reserved only for those who were above the world itself, among such web of fates a man felt a strange twitch in the fabric of the world.

Following the twitch the man arrived at the intriguing fight of a black haired young man, Megumi and a monstrosity, Mukade.

'Huh. What an interesting pairing. That young man sure is strong. But still weak due to his capacity for chakra. He should get more once he-'

'Oh?! They're both from the future?'

'What is that monster doing?'

'Oh..I see. That would indeed get him what he wants, should I let him?'

'It shouldn't interfere with my plans too much. If I play my cards right, I might even turn him into an asset.'

'Maybe I can kill Seramu with him. She's become a pain in the side recently, trying to save as many Uzumaki as she can.'

'It's alright, I'll keep him.'

'But the young man...? The young man can be disposed of, if he gets near the future generation, it might cause them to become too strong for my plans.'

'Soon. Very soon I will be able to reap what I've sown.'

"Ha! You really think you can keep dodging me?" Mukade asked.

"I have been so far!" Megumi responded, jumping over the sticky tongue that rushed at him through the hallways as he stepped outside and began running on walls.

"Try this then!"

Mukade's slithery body grew pairs of sharp sleek arms that looked like the arms of a praying mantis.

Before Megumi could react he instinctively ducked under as a huge gash appeared on the wall above where he was just standing.

The gash clearly extended outside the palace and moved into the city where it had destroyed a couple of buildings before fading out.

Megumi knew he had no choice but to attack even if he was going to get low on chakra if he did so.

'I have to use 'that' jutsu.'

Without waiting another moment, Megumi sheathed his katana as he began to form hand seals.

'Huh? What is that kid doing? Obviously the monster is undefeatable, he should just use the help of the Uzumaki's to seal him. Why fight with him using jutsus? Won't he just end up wasting more of his chakra?'

As Megumi finished his hand seals, Mukade launched another wind slash towards Megumi.

But instead of dodging it like the first one, Megumi pushed his hands outward and gripped the slash.

Or at least that is what he appeared to do when suddenly the slash started to grow smaller and smaller as it vanished into his palm.

Megumi's eyes winced with pain as he felt the slash dig into his body the entire time but he managed to go through with it until the wind slash vanished entirely.

Wiping his forehead, leaving four bloodied streaks across, Megumi sighed in relief when he felt his body fill up with chakra once again.



Both Haogoromo and Mukade spoke, shocked about the same thing they'd just seen.

Gaining chakra from another person was not a new concept in the world of shinobi, it had been heavily researched. It was concluded that two people could only borrow chakra from each other if their chakra qualities matched, something that was a rarity in the shinobi world. And if two people who did not match borrowed each other's chakra the chakra would deteriorate and ultimately harm the person using said chakra.

But Megumi had just proved them impossible by not only taking chakra from the direct weakness of lightning, wind elemental nature, but he also did it by absorbing a jutsu completely instead of the chakra directly.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Mukade shouted, but Megumi remained unperturbed as he unsheathed his katana once again.

"You know, absorbed a little bit of chakra. What's the big deal about that?" Megumi tried not to make a big deal out of it, even though Sakura had told him multiple times over the last week, 

'Don't show this to anyone! And by anyone I mean anyone! People in the shinobi world will kill to get their hands on a technique like this even if they can't do it! So don't show it!'

Hagoromo in the fabric of fates immediately picked out Megumi's fate and began to scroll to the past and tried to find how Megumi had come up with this technique.

'Oh? Interesting. Very interesting indeed.'

Having found Megumi's theory, from a few weeks ago, behind its creation Hagoromo was genuinely impressed by this technique. It was powerful, but that only strengthened his resolve to kill Megumi even further.

'This is an ingenious technique. Although no one apart from him could possibly use such a thing, it is fascinating to know indeed.'

Sending away Megumi's thread of fate, Hagoromo looked back at the young man who had thoroughly surprised him.

Summoning a piece of paper from the storage seal on his wrist, Megumi stamped words on it using seals that read, 'Don't allow insects you take your blood, destroy anything suspicious underground all around the city.'

He then teleported the paper seal using Hiraishin to Seramu and focused back onto the fight.

Megumi gripped his katana as he began by taking initiative to strike.

Running up close, Megumi sliced at Mukade's body and stepped around it after digging his sword into the open mouth of one of the faces.


The face shrieked as Megumi tore it open while Mukade used his mantic like hands to continuously disturb Megumi by stabbing at him.

Megumi ducked as Mukade's mantis arms stabbed into the ground as they kicked up dirt and dust, clouding Megumi's vision.

Barely making it in time, Megumi jumped over the tail swipe that Mukade initiated once he saw Megumi was blinded.

Tearing open another single face Megumi stepped back a little, out of the range of the mantis claws directly yet not so far that Mudkade could use his mantis claws to generate wind slashes.

"Give up Mukade! You can't beat me! I'm invincible!"

"Ha! You should be the one to give up! I'm immortal!"

Although Mukade said this, internally he was thinking about something else, 'How does he know my name?'

Staying in just the right range, Megumi began to dodge and weave around every attack Mukade made and as he slowly wilted away at the heads that were growing on Mukade's body.

Megumi suddenly felt his entire brain shake as a loud screeching noise kept companion, trying to drive him insane like he was listening to the ramblings of outer gods.

Taking a shot in the dark, Megumi jumped back to a safer position as his head instantly cleared up.

"Ha! Thank you for absorbing my chakra. I don't know what you did, but now I can feel each movement in your body! You can't escape from me!"

Although Mukade had this advantage, Megumi did not. Or rather he would not, since he knew the moment he would connect himself to Mukade's body he would have to deal with an overload of information.

Jumping back into the fray, Megumi first cut down the bat head that created sonic attacks. And then made sure to only take unconventional actions that he was sure he could take without any risk. For example, jumping over the tail, Megumi did not land back onto the ground and instead stabbed his katana into Mukade's body.

He began climbing up, slicing the huge body and any heads in between the two while running on top of it.

Mukade suddenly attacked but Megumi chose to drop down instead of climb higher causing Mukade to attack one of his own heads and destroy them.

The heads themselves tried to bite at Megumi's ankles, but he squashed them under his foot as they exploded like watermelons.

Taking another short break by jumping away from Mukade, Mugime made conversation again.

"I knew it! You aren't really immortal are you?"

"How dare you!!!! Lord Jashin's gifts are always right!!!!! I AM IMMORTAL!!!!"

A bright flash of fire enveloped their heads as Megumi watched Sakura spit a bunch of fire to burn away any returning insects.

"Why then are you performing this ritual when you're already immortal?"

"Because Lord Jashin deserves to be gifted these lives! They are his and they shall return to him!"

"Come on, don't kid yourself, you're losing. Another few seconds and you'll die."

"Ha! I wouldn't be so sure of that!" Mukade spoke as he finally began attacking Megumi once again.

Since close range was what Megumi was best at, Mukade finally decided to extend his heads to take the fight to Megumi instead of bringing it to himself.

Several screeching heads extended out on long appendages from Mukade's fleshy slimy body trying their best to form jutsus in their mouths to attack Megumi.

One of the heads formed a burning fireball and tossed it at Megumi while another created a wind ball and tossed it to form a combination jutsu at him.

Barely dodging the explosive by sliding on his knees, Megumi stood up only to be blasted forward as the combination jutsu exploded behind him.

Flying in the air, Megumi at a glance counted remaining heads.

'Only twenty more to go.'


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