
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Cool Splashes

Throwing Gakushi down on the floor after manipulating space to pull away the chakra rod that could be used to communicate with Nagato from his body, Megumi tossed the chakra rod into a seal as he turned to face Sakura, who he had placed down on his bed.


With a soft knock, the door to his room opened as Megumi spotted Mito and Hashirama peek their heads into the room. Nodding to them to signal he would talk to them in a few minutes, Megumi sent them away as he walked by Sakura's side and sat down beside her.

Sakura just sat, unmoving. Her eyes staring at the wall opposite to her, but her mind buzzing around in shock as it played over different scenes again and again.

**Sakura POV**

I watched Megi…and who I could see was Kaguya holding his hand, I could see their smiles and their embarrassment.

I felt my heart shatter at first, but slowly as the images started to fade from my mind, I began to feel hollow.

I knew I had to do something, something to make sure I remembered all of it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

All my mind focused on was the fact that Megi had left me for someone else.

'Is that all…..?'

'Will he really abandon me?'

'....did I do something wrong?'

'....did he lie to me?'

I tried focusing on the barely recognizable scenes in front of me to see if I could figure out some clue as to what might happen, something, just anything to prevent what was burnt into my head.

I knew I was being selfish if I chose to prevent my separation with Megi instead of the world possibly ending, but I couldn't, I just couldn't. If Megi was gone. The world might as well be gone for me.

I tried to piece through the faint voices of Megi and Kaguya as I watched them speak to me through the incessant buzzing that I could hear that was slowly encroaching on their voices and through the flames that slowly ate away their images.

All I could piece together was Kaguya's voice speaking in a soft tone.

'I trust my Megi to do the rest….'

The words kept resonating inside my head.

'Do what?'

'Was Megi going to do something to me?'

'Maybe he'll kil-'

I felt a warm touch on my hand as another landed on my face and then moved to wipe away from something under my cheeks.

Megi's smell entered my nose as my eyes focused on his hand when my own hands moved to grab them out of instinct. Out of fear.

Megi softly turned my face as he brought me closer to him and leaned his forehead on mine.

"What happened?" Megi whispered softly.

I don't know what I felt, but at that moment it felt as if a dam had burst within me, bringing along with it a flood of emotions that poured out of my eyes as I wrapped my hands around Megi's neck and hugged him tight.

**Third Person POV**


"Shh….it's alright…you don't need to force yourself to tell me anything….let's get you a shower first…"

Megumi picked Sakura up into a princess carry as he walked along with her into the halls, where he opened a door he remembered and walked into what looked like a modern bathroom made out of wood.

Turning open a tap, Megumi quickly filled water into the tub as he waited along with Sakura, who was nestled into his neck, sobbing away like there was no end to her sorrow.

Megumi looked at the pool of water that was filling as a smirk made its way up to his face and he controlled himself not to giggle like a schoolgirl.

When the tub was fully filled, Megumi did something Sakura had not expected him to do. Especially when she was desperately clinging onto his neck like her life depended on it.


Megumi threw Sakura into the tub of water that had been filled to the brim with the coldest waters collected over the night and held in the pipes with chilling external temperatures during the winters in a rainforest.

"EEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!" Sakura squealed as she jumped, or at least tried to as the exposed skin came in contact with the water, with her dress slowly becoming wet along with her hair as she was drenched in essentially what felt like an ice bath after fighting so seriously just a few seconds ago.

Megumi held Sakura's hands so that she didn't break everything using her strength and calmed her down as she shivered in the cold waters.

Sakura paused her movements as she glared at Megumi with anger but he just doused it all when he splashed some water on to her face and calmed her down as he brought along a towel and slowly began to clean her tear stains and then glanced down on her as he lifted her chin and peered into her eyes with a soft smile on his face while Sakura pouted.

Brushing his thumb along her squishy cheeks, Megumi spoke in a soft voice, "Look who's back….my little Rura."

"I'm angwy with you~!"

"Awwww~ if my cute hamster ball is so angwy with me and yet looks this cute, then I don't mind her being angwy often."

Sakura glared at Megumi and then pouted as she looked away.

Megumi shook his head but just as he was about to get up and leave, he felt Sakura grab his hand.

Confused, Megumi looked back at her as he said, "I can't take a shower with you. Not while you're a kid…"

".....no…not that…." Sakura whispered as she just looked at him with vulnerability reflecting in her eyes.

"Then?" Megumi asked, confused.

"....I….you won't leave me will you?"

"Leave you? Hehe…you're asking the wrong question….the question is if I'll even be allowed to leave you…I'm sure if I even try I'll probably be chased to the ends of the earth before I'm probably fried in a-"

"-no. Tell me seriously." Sakura interrupted Megumi as she looked deep in his eyes.

Megumi bent down and wrapped his arms around Sakura as he whispered into her ears. "My journey began with you, and it'll end only with you, while in between it'll only happen in ways that'll make you truly blissful."

A certain essence of warmth fell into Sakura's cold body as she felt Megumi wrap himself around her with his words and just his entire being. A few tears threatened to spill out, but Megumi calmed her down by patting her back and then slowly pulled himself away as he looked back into her eyes and then bopped her nose and ran away, leaving Sakura to smile like a fool.

'Hehe….what was I worried about? I trust my Megi to-'

The words Kaguya said suddenly came back to her as she became unnerved once again, but the cool water made sure to keep her grounded in reality this time. She tried remembering the context of what those words she had spoken were, but she just couldn't.

It was as if something had forced her to lose the memories of the incident, but somehow she felt she had seen something that would happen in the distant future, something that she was perhaps not meant to glance over and was hence her memories of the incident being washed away.

'I need to tell this to Megi!'

Pushing herself to get out of the water, Sakura looked down at the wet clothes and all the dust that kept coming out of her hair and body as she splashed back down and shook her head.

'The fool didn't even give me any new clothes….at least he removed all my equipment….'

'Can I just ask him to bring me my stuff?'

'Hmm…where are we anyway?'

'Why is everything made out of wood?'

'Is this some secret hideout of his?'

'Why make this one then? And why out of wood of all things?'

'Perhaps he has the Mokuton Kekkai genkai? No, but then he'd have told me about it…'

'How did he get a Kekkai genkai anyway? Tsunade-sensei didn't have one....and wasn't he made using her cells as the basis?'


Sakura slipped out of the bathtub as she skipped over to the door and opened it by tiny crack, and peered through it.

"Megi!!" Sakura exclaimed in a whisper.

"Megi!!! You there!?!?"

Not finding Megumi anywhere outside, Sakura was about to give up when suddenly a hand grabbed her and pulled her backward as she was surprised and ready to fight, but she saw that it was only Megumi so calmed down.

"What happened? You appeared inside the bathroom all of a sudden? I thought you didn't like seeing me taking a shower outside?"

"I still don't. I was just here to give you the clothes when I wanted to surprise you, since you forgot that you could just call me using our mental connection."

"....." Sakura's face flushed in embarrassment as she said, "You know what. I read in your website collection database somewhere that verbal communication is also important for couples….." and just snatched the seals that Megumi handed over to her which contained her clothes and pushed him out of the bathroom and shut the door in his face.

"Rura! How could you be so stupid!!!" Sakura cried as she squatted on the floor and held her head in embarrassment. "He must think you're so stupid now!!! I bet he's laughing right now!!"

Meanwhile, back in his room, Megumi smiled softly as he spied on Sakura's tantrum and shook his head with relief as his plan to make her energetic once again worked.

*Knock* *Knock*

With a soft knock the door opened once again as Megumi spotted Mito and Hashirama peek into the room again.

Megumi just shook his head as he spoke, "Welcome."

"Welcome!? This is my domain you brat! You're here without permission!" Hashirama exclaimed. "You should be happy I even let you bring a girl here!"

"Shut it Hashi. Why are you covered from head to toe in blood and smell like explosives and burnt wood and you also have the smell of a few herbs that are used to make poison….just what have you and Sakura been doing? Why didn't you just go away to Tsunade directly for help? Or your new marble home? Didn't you make that to keep you safe?"

"Yeah…I would….I just forgot to place a marker there, but…"

"But…?" Hashirama asked as he noticed the serious look in Megumi's eyes.

"We just fought the Sage of Six paths again."

"Again?" Mito asked.

"Yeah, after the first time in the desert this was the second time."

"Did you reveal your identity?"

"Well yes. But I used a different set of abilities than the ones I used the last time and he did figure out I was Sakura's fiancee even though I had a mask on, and it was probably confirmed when Sakura herself arrived at the scene."

"What exactly happened?"

"That guy killed Konoha and Kumo ninjas and then framed the Konoha ninjas for killing them while they were working for the Haruno store." Megumi said, pointing at Gakushi who was still on the floor unconscious, bleeding a little from his orifices.

"....?" Mito raised her eyebrows as Hashirama looked confused and angry at the same time.

"But why?" Hashirama asked.

"Yep…I was wondering the same thing. I don't exactly know all the reasons but, one of them probably directly has to do with me since he was prepared to kill me when I arrived."

"Then how did you escape….?" Mito asked.

"Which is why I think the second possibility was to get Rura to do something for him."

"Sakura do something? What?" Mito asked with a serious expression now too.

"I think he shared a prophecy with her by pulling her into a genjutsu." Megumi explained.

"Hmm….that won't be fully possible…at least not directly, since prophecies aren't just something anyone can see simply. It's a rather complicated thing. It has one golden rule that is, 'As long as you remember a prophecy, it will happen.'" Hashirama informed Megumi.

".....? You mean to say, if you forget about a prophecy it won't happen?"

"Well….in a way yes. But as I said, it is not that simple….seeing a prophecy means you tie yourself to the stream of actions that lead to it, so you're essentially forced to perform those actions for as long as you remember the prophecy….it is more like a self-fulfilling jutsu that only completes once you reach the end and begins when you see the end…it's weird….you can't explain it very easily." Hashirama tried explaining using his hands to indicate how the jutsu performed, but found he couldn't do it so easily.

"Hmmm...I wonder what she saw then….she looked so distraught….." Mito spoke in a soft tone.

"...." Megumi also looked confused, since he hadn't even seen Sakura so broken, not even when he found her the first time when she was trapped in her body when he took over it accidentally.

"...Let's wait for her to come, until then I have a proposition for the two of you!" Megumi said with sparkles in his eyes, something that sent both Mito and Hashirama to the edge because they rarely ever saw Megumi this excited and when he was, it was usually something bad.


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