
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Book Reveal! <Insert Color> Garden?

I woke up to sunlight blinding my sight as I blinked around for a few seconds until I could finally see.

I found I was inside the wagon that was moving and for a whole second thought everything was just a dream until I heard.

'Took you long enough to wake up sleepy head. You slept so long I thought you were dead for a while and that I would be trapped inside your head for all eternity. I thought I lost you….'

There was a certain subtleness to the voice that brought up bubbling feelings in my mind and chest that I felt when I saw Sakura lying in a pool of her own blood.

'You too girl, you too. But you definitely didn't have to worry, why would I be gone before my pet Rura?'

'Pet? Who's your pet you foolish animal!'




'Silly animal, it's nice to have you back, everyone has been worried about you.'


A sudden bump in the wagon threw me into someone's soft arms.

I looked up to find Tsuna-nee in front of me, looking down at me with a slight smirk.

"So, how's our resident princess feeling right now?"

I tilted my head in confusion and pointed at myself asking, "Princess?"

"Yes, princess! Doesn't the princess need a kiss to wake up all the time?"

*vomit* *vomit*

I looked around the carriage in an aggrieved manner after dry heaving a bunch of times only to find everyone in the carriage looking at me and laughing.

"Hey! How dare you laugh! That was my first! I'll press charges of sexual assault on you you Hokage Bast-"


Tsuna-nee blocked my mouth from cursing the Hokage who was himself laughing the loudest while holding Naruto in his lap.

'You do realize they're joking with you right?'


I looked at Tsuna-nee once again only to find her smirking while looking down at me.

I rolled my eyes, folded my arms and puffed my cheeks in mock anger and turned my head away while making a 'Hmpf' sound so that everyone knew I was aggrieved, hurt and felt terrible so that they'd feel bad for pulling a prank on a three year old, their fault for trying to get a one up over me.

But everyone just laughed harder.

'Curse you and your tiny cute face and body Rura.'

'Don't you dare call me cute as if I don't already know! Only my boyfriend is allowed to do such a thing! And you aren't so watch your words peasant.'

'Miserable! All of you people are miserable! All of you!'

I scanned the carriage quickly for a second as I thought Mum and Dad were here but they didn't seem to be inside, my heart skipped a beat as I quickly tightened my grip on Tsuna-nee's hands.

"Mum? Dad?"

"They're fine, they're outside on guard duty right now."


"I see." I relaxed as I looked outside the wagon at the trees that were slowly passing by giving the impression of a relaxing train ride except for the fact that due to the bumpy wagon my back and butt were killing me with pain.

'I should invent shock absorbers and rubber wheels…. Ah! Never mind there will definitely be people who'll look at what is inside the book and try to copy it to make money. Why should I do all the work, when after all there are other people who can work to make my life more comfortable.'

'Genius! That is what I am! A genius!'


'Rura, how come everyone's revealing their identities now? Do they know that Tsuna-nee is related to us?'

'From what I could hear while you were unconscious, they already knew everyone's identities, they just wanted to hide it from you? And as far as Tsunade-sensei's connection goes, I haven't heard anyone talk about it around you, but I feel like everyone here already knows about it to some extent?'

'What was even the point of doing that? Do they think I'm an idiot?'

'Un~n, you might be, but I alone am enough to figure everything out and guide you and keep you safe from harm!'

'Oh! God! Why have you become so bratty!'

'Because you've got no brains!' I recognized Sakura had a little anger in her voice for some reason, ah!

'Hey! Thanks for keeping me safe during that.... well what ever that was...!'

'Hm~m, don't mention it. I was just repaying you for the first time I'd met you.'


'Why did you laugh?'

Sakura asked but I just ignored her and looked around the carriage and found everyone a little depressed about what had happened so I talked to Tsuna-nee once again.

"Tsuna-nee was there someone who didn't make it?"

"No, because I saw the tree on fire I found you guys quicker, about the tree, were you the one that burnt it!?"

"Haha! Of course! Afterall aren't I the only one with any brains in this place!"

'Narsistic bastard.' Sakura said making a snide comment.

"In that case, Sakura-chan was it?" The fourth Hokage turned to Tsuna-nee slightly and asked at which she nodded.

"Then Sakura-chan I must thank you for all the efforts you made to help everyone through the incident."

I watched as the Hokage did a deep bow inside the available space in the wagon as I quickly waved my hands and spoke.

"No! No! I only did what anyone would do! I'm sure I was just worried about mum and dad since they were the ones that mattered the most to me."

"It matters not what motivated your actions, but that it ended up saving the lives of all the people in this group who have their families to go back to, I'm sure all of them will want to thank you personally too."

Kushina and Naruto both smiled as Naruto shouted "Thank you for saving my life, Dattebayo!"

While I watched as the Shikaku and Fugaku went 'Hn.' with a slight grateful nod and Hizashi who was all smiles also gave a short bow.

I just rubbed the back of my head since I didn't have a good way to get rid of the direction this conversation seemed to be heading in and so I tried thinking of something and struck gold while doing so.

"Tsuna-nee you asked me to give you these books once we reached the capital, but I think I can give it to you right now right? Since you're already here and all?"

I said as I pulled out the storage tag that was inside my fanny pack and handed it over to Tsuna-nee.

"Oh? Tsunade-sama what is that about? Are you also joining the businesses that will newly open up in Konoha to earn some money?" Kushina asked.

"Ehh…. ah! Haha! Yes, yes." 'Totally nailed it Tsuna-nee.'

Looking at the storage tags in her hands and then back at me, Tsuna-nee suddenly had her eyes flash at recognition of what she thought I was trying to achieve so she pulled out books and passed them onto the people around us who were all surprised as they looked at it and it's intricately designed cover and the sketches inside on pages which seemed to unweave an unfolding story.

They looked back up at Tsuna-nee asking for an explanation to which she replied just like a snake oil salesman selling his product.

"It is a book that I wrote and with the help of a few people drew down to show you the story! It is meant to be a book that will revolutionize the world and help in entertaining them in ways they have not previously imagined because of its bleeding edge use of seals to…."

I looked at the reactions of everyone present and saw them admiring the pages of the books and the drawings in them.

Hizashi, Fugaku and Kushina were among the first to spot that the book also had seals at the ends of the pages disguised as page borders and the last page contained a very peculiar tag that had the pattern of a snow flake, they recognized it was a seal but couldn't figure out how to use the tag itself, since they could sense it was not a traditional seal but something vastly more complex.

'Hey! You promised me I'd be the first one to read it!'

'Here you go princess.' I said as I created a replica of the book in my mind for Sakura to go through.

'What are these seals?' 'You can use the seals inside my mindscape?'

'Duh! Of course I can since I have chakra here.'

'Oh… then why didn't you help us when we were working so hard to decipher frequencies for Kushina's operation?'

'*cough**cough**cough* These seals are interesting, they are made using your new method? You don't think other people might copy it?'

'They can try, but it is all scrambled and encrypted.'

'Ninja are the best at breaking codes, it won't last long whatever it is you have.'

'I mean… you could try…but good luck getting past something that's encrypted with SHA two-five-six. algorithm.'

When I asked Tsuna-nee how they protected their seals to prevent people from being able to see what they looked like when they were unraveled, she just said any competent ninja could break through them so no one had invested any time into doing so, which had let their cryptography in a very poor state.

I remember trying to think off solutions and decided it would be for the best if I set up an algorithm to compress and uncompress the seal itself so that anyone who tries to view it uncompressed will not be able to do it the right way without the correct key which will lead them to just see gibberish most of the time.

'Yeah, yeah, your world's knowledge is sUpERioR!'


'Violet Evergarden?'

'Pour your chakra into the seals at the beginning of the pages to get the best possible experience.'

"Sakura didn't I design these seals to add to the experience, do you want to explain to everyone how easy it is to use them?" Tsuna-nee asked me what she had to do next under the guise of pretending to be dumb about it to show everyone else what to do by example.

"Yep! I remember when you first showed me how to send chakra into the seal on the first page of the book so that you can view the book by immersing yourself into a genjutsu and watch as the story unfolds in front of your very own eyes."

"Oh! Yeah, it must feel so nice to view a story from so close up!"

"Yep, and if you don't want to you could always just flip through the pages to read the story by reading the dialouges."

**Uchiha Fugaku POV**

Listening to the little girl who saved the lives of the Hokage and everyone else, explain that we had to put our chakra into the seal to be willingly trapped into a genjutsu I felt hesitant at first and was reluctant but once I saw Tsunade-sama do so herself I felt a little shameful for having doubted someone of her caliber and proceeded to do the same.

I felt a small strand of chakra enter into my chakra circulatory system and instinctively wanted to block it but stopped myself from acting on it since this wasn't war and I was inside a wagon just moving towards the capital.

For a moment I did not feel anything happen as I waited for the genjutsu to take effect and then I found myself standing in a brightly lit room, standing a little away from a beautiful little girl who seemed to be writing something as I could hear her speaking to someone in her mind.

Everything here looked artistic and beautiful, surely a beautiful way to portray stories and art that will have more people trying to attempt to do the same thing once they figure out the seals that Tsunade-sama used in these pages. I wouldn't have thought that something that the Uchiha were known best for using on the battle field could be used in such a beautiful way to convey stories.

The genjutsu was made in a wonderful way too, I couldn't spot any discrepancies. Tsunade-sama must have worked hard to make this, after all not even Uchiha have this much detail in their genjutsu, granted that is only during battle.


**Shikaku POV**

'What a drag. Now I'm reviewing a book that clearly a kid has drawn, it looks decent though, and Tsunade-sama has probably helped with the seals and the genjutsu, hopefully it is worth it, I can't look at the clouds either way from inside the wagon.'

'Huh? Is that girl using a puppet arm as a prosthetic? Interesting if possible…. Perhaps Tsunade-sama thinks making such a thing would be possible? Oh! The clouds outside are quite beautiful, who ever made them definitely has good taste in clouds. The Nara clan definitely approves of this.'


**Minato POV**

Oh! Tsunade-sama is setting up a business as well! That seems like a shop I'd have to visit often since I'm sure it'll be popular.

I wonder how much money I can get from the shop to run the village well.

I must also make sure there's nothing in these books that might look like Konoha trying to downplay our neighbors.


**Kushina POV**

The seals in the book. I couldn't read them at all. It felt like I was reading gibberish when I followed my chakra through it as I passed it into the book to start the genjutsu.

Is this also the work of the mysterious girl? I wondered as I watched the beautiful scene play out before my eyes.

'Hmm.... it would be great if I had some ramen to go along with this.'


'Oh! Hot ramen! How did she do this!?'


**Naruto POV**

Where am I? Is this the genjutsu that Tsunade-nee-sama and the girl were talking about?

Ah! There is a pretty nee-san on the bed, she looks so sad, I wonder if she's alright.

'Who is this small orange fox beside me?'


**Kurama POV**

Huh? What happened to my majestic size? Why am I so small? Why is that brat so large?


**Tsunade POV**

Megumi did say that the book would have a few ideas that might be possible in the future so that other people might buy his books to just look at these ideas to make for their own businesses, but isn't the idea of using puppetry as prosthetics a bit farfetched?

Wouldn't Suna be upset if people took their puppet justu or blamed them for not helping soldiers who lost their limbs in war with puppetry?

**Sakura POV**

Looking at the girl with prosthetics writing a letter while she sat on the bed I could only remember the man whose journals Megumi and I had read together.

They were sad.

Megumi told me he made this book so that it would help the Ninja population of the world a little and entertain the civilians by giving them a good story.

I wonder if Megumi's book will hold his promise to heal the wounds of those that have been through such an experience.

He did say the story he picked to be adapted for the first time was quite popular in his world, I just hope it is also popular in this one.

I hope Megumi isn't sad if it doesn't work out... wait that doesn't sound quite right... he's never sad and has only always propped other people up when they're sad... hmm...anyway I saved his life once so it shouldn't matter anymore....


A/N : Please donate to the link in the creator's thoughts if you can to help me turn this into my main focus, every little bit you can spare is much appreciated.

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