


"Arggh! What is wrong with your rabbit Megumi! Get her inside the room or make her quietly wait outside and get back in quickly, we're going to be starting the process right now, immediately!"

"Hai! Hai! Tsuna-nee!"

Megumi stepped out of the bed he was lying down as he softly opened the door a little and poked his head outside where he saw Kaguya squeaking at him and pawing at the door for some reason.

"What happened to you my little rabbit queen? Haven't I already fed you?" Megumi said, picking up the snow white rabbit in his hands.

Inside the room Tsunade took out a coin from her pocket and flipped it into the air.

'For a successful procedure it'll be a heads-'

"Tsuna-nee! Be careful! Kaguya is moving towards the bed with my new body in it!"

"Huh?!" Tsunade quickly caught Kaguya by the scruff of her neck and then placed her onto the table where Kaguya seemed to have calmed down as she stopped squeaking and lay by the side of the new body of a sleeping little boy who was clothed in a pink kimono.

The boy was clearly dead but Tsunade was sure she would be able to bring life into it soon because of the seals that were connected to it from multiple places.

"She can stay there through out the surgery?" Megumi asked as he pointed at Kaguya.

"Yes, there won't be any way for her to interfere with the situation. Let her be there I'm sure she'll behave."

"Are you sure? Didn't you not let Minato enter back then?"

"That's because he's a human, humans become meddlesome when things don't go according to their expectation, while animals have the senses to behave within their limits."

"Alright… if you say so."

"Quickly! Go lay on that bed, it'll only take a minute or so to transfer you from that one to this one."

"Going! Going!"

Megumi rushed to the bed he was lying on earlier wearing a blue kimono on Sakura's body.

'Hey, Rura, you alright?'

'Everything will be alright? Right?'

'Well now that you asked about it it'll definitely not-'


'Haha! I was just kidding! I'm sure it will! Tsuna-nee is doing the procedure after all! And the method was already tested earlier when we worked on Kushina.'

'But that was just combining her body and soul, this is a completely different soul with a completely new body.'

'Eh! I'm sure it'll work, don't worry about it! I even added my Assassin creed blades so that I can show off when I get up! Just take a deep breath in and a deep breath out, you'll be fine after that, just wait for me, I'll be right there waiting for you when you open you eyes waiting for you.'


'Yes, yes, promise....' Megumi said with a deadpanned voice.

'*swooooosss**fooosssss* Alright! Ready!'

"We're ready Tsuna-nee!"

"Great, close your eyes and make the hand seal I taught the both of you and then break your mental connection on one."


"Three…. Two.. One."


'The hell!'

'Why is everything so weird feeling? Huh? Am I feeling anything? Why can't I see? Huh? Who am I?'

'I am.....Megumi…?'

'How am I breathing here?'

'My breath? It feels like it's fully happening at the beginning of my nostrils….I don't seem to need to suck any air in, huh… interesting….'

'Why do I feel so much energy radiating from inside of me? Where is this?'

'Huh…? What is this feeling of tying me tightly? Argghhh! I hate it! Get these restraints off!'



*Deep breath in* *Deep breath out* *Deep breath in* *Deep breath out* *Deep breath in* *Deep breath out*

"So? How was it?" Tsunade asked as Megumi woke up shooting his eyes open and looking around everywhere.

"....that… that was scary… I didn't know who I was…"

"You were conscious the entire time?" Tsunade asked coking her eyebrows up into an arch.

"...yes…. And it felt weird."

"We will talk about this later, Sakura should be waking up at any moment now."

Megumi got off of his bed, stumbled a little and almost fell down until Tsunade helped him up while Kaguya slipped into the Kimono of his new body.

'Huh? Kaguya still recognizes me? Truly my pet! So great and loyal!'

**Sakura POV**

I could hear Megumi walking towards me and was about to open my eyes.


A soft puff caught my attention but I opened my eyes anyway as I felt a shadow cover my eyes.

**Third Person POV**



"Tsunade-sensei… where's Megumi?"

Sakura watched as Tsunade just stared blankly at the spot Megumi was standing on with wide eyes as if unable to comprehend what had just happened in front of her.

**Megumi POV**

I took a step towards Sakura and felt something sharp prick the bottom of my foot, as I looked below I found myself standing on a branch.

'Huh…Curious how a branch got into the room. Did Kaguya perhaps drag it in somehow?'

I then looked back up only to find a sea of green and brown in front of me.

I was in a forest, a tropical forest to be exact.

'This is a dream right? Or a genjutsu?'


A low growl knocked me out of my thoughts as I felt the low growl against my skin and reverberate within my new flesh and bones.

I ran.

I didn't have any chakra present in my body and knew I needed to kneed it to do anything so I did the other best thing I could.

I jumped onto the nearest tree and climbed it using my hands and legs as fast as possible, but seemingly not quickly enough.


A quick swish brought me face to face with a vividly glowing fiery orange fox right by my side.

Being late by a fraction of a second to react since I was very unused to moving about in my new body, I watched as the fox clamped its jaws shut on my entire left arm.

Before I could feel pain, I shot my right hand at the large fox's neck and stabbed it deep with the Assassin's blade that was on my right wrist. I felt my blade penetrate the thick skin but the process felt hot, painful and required a lot more force than I had initially expected.

I didn't wait to ponder any longer as I drove the blade along with my entire arm through the wound I had created on the fox's neck and absolutely decimated it's spine inside through its wound as I did my best to ignore the feeling of my right hand burning up after coming in contact with something absolutely burning around the fox's body.



With series of low short whines the fox fell off of the tree and onto the ground with a loud *THUD* as I quickly grabbed my arm that was inside it's mouth by biting the cloth that part of my kimono and was stuck onto it with blood with my own mouth.

I balanced myself on my three limbs and continued to climb the tree with my entire focus and collapsed on a thick branch a few meters above the ground, enough that I knew the fiery fox wouldn't be able to reach if it was alive.


A loud scream escaped my mouth as I began to feel the absolute hell of pain that came from having an entire arm eaten off of my body as I, fighting back my tears, forced myself to unwrap my obi and tie it around my shoulder so that it could somehow slow down the blood that was flowing out of it.

I looked at the arm that was in front of me on the branch.

I had grabbed it out of instinct but I knew well that in a tropical forest having a bleeding arm on me was going to be a magnet for all the predators from large cats to the smallest insects in the area.

'Unless I have a way to seal it up.'

I quickly dipped my finger into the blood that was flowing out of the arm and began to draw a seal on my stomach.

I did not know how a storage seal worked.

What I did somewhat understand was how the seal that was used to store my new body inside of it and the one that was used for Kushina, because Tsuna-nee had made sure that I did, just in case something went wrong with the procedure.

Going through several combinations while losing blood and focus I drew a hotchpotch of a seal that covered my entire chest and stomach while simultaneously generating chakra inside my body.

Placing my left arm near my stomach I poured in a little chakra into the seal and watched with little satisfaction but mostly deliriousness as my arm vanished.

I knew I had very little time and needed to find a way to stay awake right now, at least until I could seal up my wound, but I didn't know how.

As I felt my head nod off, my eyes suddenly fell on the body of the orange fox that had attacked me on the roots of the tree. It looked like nothing but a charred body with molten cracks emitting sparks from it on the green forest floor now.

I couldn't understand why exactly the body looked like it was burnt, but I had an idea form in my head to use this situation to my advantage.

Without questioning the validity of the crazy plan forming inside my head I pushed myself off of the branch as I used my right hand to guide my fall and used chakra to stick my hand to the trunk just before I landed to slow down my fall.

Arriving beside the body of the fox, I felt the heat it was clearly emitting and then pushed off the obi I had tied around my shoulder and stuffed it in between my teeth into my mouth. Without any further delay I plunged my shoulder into the smolderingly hot body of the fox.



A painful shout escaped my vocal cords but was muffled by the cloth that I was using to bite on to reduce the pain.

'Tis' but a scratch! Megumi! You can do this!'

I felt my skin sear and sizzle as my vision kept darkening but I kept at it screaming to keep myself awake. After I felt I had had enough of burning my body to cauterize the wound I climbed back up onto the branch I was on by sticking myself with chakra and barely fell onto it and blacked out on top of Kaguya who was still in my kimono inside my right sleeve.


**Third person POV**

Inside the living room of a simple house, five people and an animal sat down. Each with a look of absolute worry and horror on their faces.

If a random person knew the number of people the family had had yesterday, they'd be confused to hear the family claim that they were missing someone important today from all its members.

It was the Haruno Family that had been sitting in the room all through out the day waiting for any news from the missing member of the family.

Tears seemed to keep streaming out of Tsunade's eyes as she kept staring at the coin that was heads up on the palm of her hands.

Sakura just looked confused as if she couldn't believe what had happened, she wanted to wake up since she felt everything she was experiencing right now was just a dream.


"We need to move ahead. I'm sure Megumi is alright and will contact us soon enough in some way or the other. He is intelligent, he'll surely figure a way out. I'm sure he will be able to find out a way to reassure us." Kizashi spoke as he wrapped his arms around Mebuki and tried to warm her with hope.

Hope he was not sure if he had himself but wanted to distribute to himself and to those around him to drive away any of the absolutely terrible thoughts they were all having.

Tsunade just combed her fingers through her messy hair and then just walked away from the living room, going where she didn't know herself, while Shizune followed behind her with a distraught expression on her face holding Tonton who also looked a little sad to see the one friend it had missing.

Sakura got up and dragged her feet back to the room she or rather Megumi had chosen to stay inside while temporarily living in the capital.

Mebuki looked at Kizashi with tears in her eyes, threatening to break out at any time, but Kizashi just held her close since his own tears were close to breaking out and he didn't want to appear like that in front of his wife who needed a shoulder right now.



'Why is this happening!?'

'No! I will not let myself ruin the tree that I promised Megi to turn myself into. I'm sure he'll be here to see me finish it.'

'I hope he's alright. No, I know he's alright, I just have to wait for him to show up now.'

'I hope he can return to us soon, where ever he is.'

Sakura turned around on her bed as she held the small pillow close to her chest as she tried to think of anything she could possibly do to be helpful in this situation.

She looked around the room and looked at the different things that were in it.

Nothing much belonged to Megumi in this room, since this wasn't the place where they actually lived as they were in the capital right now.

The only thing that Sakura laid her eyes on that belonged to Megumi was the book that he had made.


Sakura slowly flipped through the pages as she watched the story drawn inside of it unfold.

Once she reached the page that had the story of the little girl receiving letters from her mother, Sakura froze in her action.

As soon as Sakura unfroze she quickly turned the pages until she reached the last one.


Quickly pouring in some of her chakra into the seal that Megumi had made to contact other people in case they were far away from each other, Sakura switched her spiritual energy with the memory of the number one, that Megumi said was how she could connect to him.

*tring**tring* *tring**tring* *tring**tring*

As the rings went through Sakura got a little excited but then saddened as the ringing just stopped without a response from the other side.

Sakura got a little miffed, but didn't let her hope die down and tried doing the same thing again.

And again.

And again.

And again.


'You lied to me Megi.'

'You said you'd be there on the other side to always talk to me…'

'Where are you? Please come back. We all miss you. I miss you....'


A/N : Pictures in chapter comments and a few paragraph comments.

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