
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

'Because you were not mad..'*bang* 'Now I am.'

**Tsunade POV**

As I barged into the Hokage office I spotted the fourth sitting down holding a brush dripped in ink and a letter sitting on his desk.

Around the office I sensed no one present to disturb us but I did spot a little child that looked like the fourth who was sleeping soundly.

"Tsunade-sama, you've come at the right time."

"That Naruto?" I asked spotting the seals around the boy's bed working to keep our sound from reaching him and disturbing his sleep.

"Yes, please close the door and sit down I've been wanting to speak with you."

I closed the door and found that the Fourth activated a ton of seals that sealed everything about the inside from the outside. Forget about the sound, not even Dojutsu like the Byakugan or even the Sharingan would be able to look into the place to find out what's going on.

Looks like he's eager to start a talk if he hasn't even let me take a seat, what a rude brat! But I must keep calm. I must find out the truth about this all and find out why he hasn't taken action yet.

I stood in front of the fourth while he was sitting on his chair and looked directly into his eyes, I didn't want to sit down and make it seem like he had the situation under control.

"Tsunade-sama, firstly did you know that the Thrid Hokage has passed away?" The fourth asked with a serious look on his face, as he continued anyway, regardless of me sitting down.

"Yes." I said as I barely controlled the muscles on my face to keep my expression neutral, Youka had asked me to keep quite about what I'd learnt, and even if I didn't I'd be letting the fourth know that someone infiltrated the Hokage office and Danzo's office during Kyuubi incident which I don't need to.

"Then why weren't you present during the funeral? If I may ask."

"I wasn't around the village during the time, if I was I'd have come. Even if I hate this place it still has people I care about." I told him the truth, at least what I felt back when I actually received the news. "What was so important that you wanted to talk to me about that you sent Jiraya to find me though, was it just about this?"

"No, there was something else I found out after a few days of the Third's untimely demise." Something about him talking about the Hiruzen's death felt off to me, something told me he knew more about it than what everyone else knew.

"What did you find?"

"It was when an Iwa ninja somehow broke into the Hokage office unnoticed. He tried to steal a few Journals that were kept in the office with a combination of seals that the Third Hokage used which were leaked somehow."

'Oh! Crap. Does he already know about Youka's child!?'

"The ninja was captured but killed himself when he was captured."

"I see." 'Oh he's lying. Youka didn't say anything about her child being dead. That's great then! At least Youka's child is safe.' "So did you find anything important in those Journals?"

"Yes, but before we speak about that could you please listen to my request?"

"You want to bargain with me for something that could potentially be related to me and should rightfully be mine?"

"No, this request is not from me as the Hokage but as Minato. I don't care if you want to treat me as a member of the Senju clan and you as it's head but please listen to my request once!"

I recognized this look, it was the same look everyone had before asking me to do something troublesome like healing someone dead.

'What does he want to talk about? Is there something that I am missing?'

I watched as Minato stood up and walked over to me and then made a deep bow all of a sudden which took me aback.

"Tsunade-sama please help me bring Kushina back to life!"

'Ah…. he's just another one who wants me to bring back someone who lost their life.'

"Minato I thought you'd have accepted the loss by now. You know right, there's no way to bring back the dead, if there was I'd have-"

"No Tsunade-sama! Kushina is not dead-"

"Minato I'm telling you it isn't poss-"

"No Tsunade-sama please have a look at this!" Minato said as he lifted his head and handed me a book he had summoned out of a scroll with tears filling his eyes.

Just because I felt like I couldn't refuse I opened the book that Minato had given to me.

The book seemed to be handwritten by a person who had great handwriting, a sealmaster perhaps? Seeing how the book was about seals I strongly felt that was the case.

'Hmm.. let's see, '...the body has a connection to the soul through chakra..' Yes, it does that is why chakra is a word for the mixture of the physical and spiritual energies of the body. 'The tenketsu connect the outside world to the inside and the mind connects all of this together.' Hmm… true, yes. 'During death as the mind is lost, so the distinction between what is inside and outside is lost the soul escapes the body and passes onto pure land after all the chakra in the body escapes through the tenketsu', yes that is how the process of death in a shinobi occurs, first all the chakra that the body has the capacity to produce is extracted from the body and released into the world through the tenketsu and then the soul leaves the body and passes over to pure land.'

I flipped over a few more pages as I read the theory of what the seal master was doing and then shut the book over.

"This is impossible to do."

Minato's expression looked like all the hope in his life had been lost for a moment before he composed himself.

"May I ask what is the problem Tsunade-sama?"

"You'd need to have a seal capable of sealing the body just before it died and lost all the chakra it had the capacity to produce while the person who was dying had to leave their body and walk into pure land willingly, without such a seal this would make the body neither alive nor dead and the pushed out soul would just be rejected from pure land because it still had a body on earth that was connecting it back, there is also a similar jutsu called the Spirit transformation technique where the user leaves their body for a short period of time, they can freely do this because their body is in a near dead like state but not dead so pure land rejects their entrance into it."

Hearing this Minato's face lit up like lightning on a dark night.

"But if there was such a seal then it would be possible to do so?"

"Yes, but even then depending on the time spent away from the body it would be up to the user to be able to adapt to the sudden concept of having a body once again. Unlike Impure world reincarnation where the dead are resurrected from pure land into artificial bodies that move on their command not by their reflex, this would give them a real body, something they'd have to control. If the brain does not start to adapt to the sudden transition then they'd just end up dead since their heart would refuse to start beating once again. So more likely than not they'd be dead since no one is trained for such a situation."

"Is there nothing we can do in such a situation like slow down the process?"

"No, the human soul isn't a thing that can be in between or slowly brought into the body, it's either here or it's not. There might be other solutions but I'd have to think of them but none of this means anything. Why are you asking me about this?"

My patience was running a little dry and I was only putting up with this farce since he told me he was asking me as a clan member, I watched as Minato teared up a little more as he spoke in a broken voice.

"Kushina… she… made this this seal."

Minato pulled out a seal from a sealed drawer in the table and handed it over to me.

My eyes widened as I held the seal with care since it would be a great break through if it was real.

'Would I have been able to help Nawaki or Dan if I'd thought things this far? Would it have made a difference if I hadn't stopped improving myself after each of their deaths? Is this what that little girl was talking about?'

"Something wrong Tsunade-sama?"

"Huh? No give me a second."

I studied the seal as I realized there was already something sealed inside of it and my eyes widened when I remembered what Minato wanted me to do.

"This- this is Kushina?" I asked with an incredulous voice.

"Yes, she transferred her chakra into another seal and her body into that seal."

"I- I though- she-"

"Died? Yes, that is what everyone else knows."

"You didn't even tell Jiraya, he'd have told me if he knew. Why me? Just because you want me to heal her?"

I watched as Minato openly scrutinized me for a few seconds before exhaling softly.

"I didn't tell sensei not because I don't trust him, but because I don't trust the company he's with."

"What do you mean?" I asked Minato with a serious expression as he was implying that something more had happened the night of the Kyuubi incident than what most people knew about.


With a deep sigh and after slowly closing his eyes Minato spoke with a solemn expression as he recounted everything that had happened, from Kushina receiving information about something that was going to happen during the Kyuubi event as a drawing, from the information in it which allowed them to make preparations before hand and the betrayal of the Third Hokage and his suspicions of the toad summons and the strange person who had a mangekyo sharingan.

My eyes widened as I heard each section, and I just couldn't believe everything that had happened.

'Why would the Third Hokage participate in a plan where the village was going to be destroyed? What has become of the village while I was away? Or has it always been like this?'

I sat down and held my head as I digested the information but then soon turned my head to Minato and asked him a question that had been left unanswered.

"Why me? Why are you letting me know all this?"

"That's because of the questions I asked at the beginning."

"Huh? What do those got to do with anything?"

"Well, I remember Jiraya sensei once telling me that if you ever had something you wanted to hide you'd never go on the offensive and no matter how many questions were asked, you'd never hurry the other person to get to the point like you always do because you are so impatient-"


"Tsunade-sama! It was Jiraya-sensei who said that! Not me! I just checked if it worked and it did when I realized you were just hiding something about the journals-"


"Shut your mouth you brat! I wasn't hiding anything."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama. And beyond that I just wanted to trust you. I was desperate to get Kushina back. It's been killing me to have to make Naruto wait and tell him that Kushina will be back. I can see him when he looks at other families and when he misses his own mother. I can see as he is slowly loosing hope and starting to believe that his mother will never return! I don't want him to loose hope! Because I want him to be here smiling when she first sees him."

Minato said, as he broke down crying.

'Ha! I'm sure this'll make a nice memory to share with Kushina once she's back!' I smirked as I looked at Minato who'd caught onto what I was thinking and was now embarrassed at having cried.

"Well the plan is all nice and good, but I can't do anything right now."

"Are you talking about the hemophobia?"

"Yes, but don't worry I'm going to do my best to get over with it so that I can move on. It's been long enough I've stayed back and let the village my clan gave up everything for rot."

"Ah! Tsunade-sama! About your clan, I found out a few Journals that detail how their last days were like. I suspect these accounts having to do with Danzo and need to get more proof but please don't worry I'll investigate more about it as-"

"No, don't do anything about it right now. I already know about all of that and will deal with it later, Kushina's life is more important right now, revenge for the dead can wait for after the life that is still alive is saved."

"Ye- yes Tsunade-sama. Thank you." Minato looked like he'd seen a ghost with how he looked at me, he was also about to start crying again. 'What a cry baby. The little girl was more composed than him somehow... the little girl was more composed than him somehow? Ho... looks like I did miss something somehow.'

"No, don't worry about it. Just give me a detailed written picture of all the wounds Kushina had during the event and I'll work on preparing a procedure to keep her safe after we unseal her. The shorter the time I keep the easier the process will be for her."

"I will get it done immediately Tsunade-same!"

"Keep this safe until then! I've got work to attend to. I'll be back for the report about Kushina's condition later, it will be me myself not even Shizune."

'I wonder how that little girl's doing. I could use her silly little smile right now.'


A/N : Apologies for the delayed chapter today, I fell asleep right before I uploaded the chapter and it was just been sitting on the upload page while I was sleeping, feel like a fool right now. The next chap will still be on time.

Thank you for reading! 

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