
Reincarnated in my vampire system

Disclaimer:I do not own the novel my vampire system Full credit to JKSManga 23 old Rayne was a medical student who was trying to develop artificial blood and had isolated himself from all of humanity but died due to over exhaustion leaving it midway but luckily his sister completed it. But later when Rayne woke up he found himself in a completely different world which he has no idea of will he survive this new world. Read it to find out. Caution read at your own risk follow closely to the plot

Poly_Malakar · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Ch 61:- Ready for Portal Outing 2 ?

The next day, Rayne woke up groggily in his bed, yawning from fatigue. The previous night, his body had ached after an intense training regime, while Erin meditated and comprehended the technique in her dream, after he had informed her of the dream. However, his enhanced healing had worked its wonders, healing his body overnight and returning him to his optimal state. As he yawned and rubbed his eyes, he saw something that made him start sweating profusely. Throwing off the bed covers, he hurriedly brushed his teeth and put on his clothes, which still weren't quite right, and left with his hair messy. He pushed open the door, made his way towards the classroom, and ran before reaching it. He immediately opened the door, bowing continuously, but didn't hear any reply. When he lifted his head, he saw that the classroom was empty. Feeling confused, he opened his watch, and there he saw several messages from both Quinn and Logan, along with a message from the school. It read, "Students are requested to gather in the assembly hall," and it was posted 15 minutes ago.

"I probably skipped all of the day's classes, and now there's also a meeting going on, in which I will probably be late. What would the authorities do with me?" Rayne thought. Without thinking twice, he made a mad dash towards the assembly hall at full speed. Finally, he burst through the doors, panting and out of breath. All eyes turned to him, but soon they averted their gaze. Fay finished, "Now that all the teams have been selected, you are all dismissed. See you on the day of the portal outing, and Mr. Rayne, it would be great if you stay with us for a while."

As all the students exited, Quinn approached Rayne and said, "If there is any problem, immediately message us through your watch." Rayne nodded before exiting. After everyone left, and the assembly hall was empty, Fay moved towards Rayne and said, "We have been deciding what to do with you for your lack of punctuality, and thus we have decided to punish you. You will not be included in any team or group for this outing; you will be all alone," Fay said with a stern face.

Hearing this, Rayne only nodded with an equal amount of seriousness before exiting while saluting every general present.

As he made his way towards his dorm room, he realized that classes for the rest of the week were cancelled, giving him ample time to train himself and others. After entering his room, he lay down for a while before sitting up and texting Cia to come to his dorm room alone. After a while, she arrived, and as she entered, he informed her that he would be taking her to another planet for training purposes.

He proceeded to train her in performing blood skills, which required him to give her a fixed amount of blood aura. Blood familiars, being human, couldn't produce their own blood aura, but through their bond with a vampire, they could utilize the blood aura provided by the vampire, enabling them to effectively learn blood-based skills. The training proved to be a challenge, akin to teaching a gorilla how to talk, which seemed almost impossible. After they finished for the day, he teleported them back and sent her to her room.

With the sun already set, it was time to train Erin. Teleporting to her location, he then transported both of them to a densely forested region with a stream flowing nearby, creating an almost serene and peaceful ambiance. Erin found a spot on a rock and began meditating, following the breathing techniques he had taught her. While she immersed herself in meditation and tried to comprehend the technique, Rayne summoned a bo staff from his inventory. The bo staff had an obsidian texture with a golden design of two dragons coiling around its length, giving it a majestic appearance. He twirled it for a few minutes, familiarizing himself with it, before delving into practicing his bo staff skills.

After an hour of training, constantly adjusting the weight of the staff using its enchantment to make it as heavy or light as possible, Rayne performed a final movement with his bo staff, creating a breeze that rustled the leaves. At that moment, Erin opened her eyes, and as Rayne turned to look at her, he could sense a change in her demeanor, or rather, a return to her previous state. She stood up, picked up her sword, and examined it. Observing this, Rayne suggested, "Want to test out what you've learned? How about a spar?" Erin nodded in agreement, and they both assumed their stances. However, before they could proceed, Rayne stopped her and handed her a wooden sword while equipping one for himself.

Erin stood on the shore of the stream, feeling the gentle breeze blowing through her hair as she readied herself to spar with Rayne. Rayne walked around her slowly, his wooden katana in hand, sizing her up. Erin stood still, watching his every move carefully, anticipating the first attack.

Without warning, Rayne made a quick lunge towards Erin, and she blocked his blow with her wooden sword. She swung back, aiming for Rayne's shoulder, but he easily parried the strike, his movements graceful and fluid. They continued to trade blows, with Erin learning quickly from Rayne's guidance. He taught her the intricacies of footwork, how to read an opponent's movements, and how to use her body weight to gain leverage.

Erin was a quick learner, and soon she was matching Rayne's moves with equal speed and precision. She felt her confidence grow with each exchange of strikes and counters. (Note: Rayne is limiting himself, if it is not obvious)

As the spar continued, Rayne began to throw more complex moves her way, but Erin stayed focused and used her newly acquired skills to deflect them. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rayne disarmed her with a deft flick of his wrist. Erin's wooden sword clattered to the ground, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Rayne smiled at her approvingly. "Well done, Erin. You're a natural with the sword. You're making excellent progress." Erin beamed with pride, grateful for Rayne's guidance. She felt more confident than ever before.

As Rayne allowed Erin to rest for a while on a wooden stump, he turned to her. "Remember, Erin, the sword is a tool of discipline, not just of violence. With practice and perseverance, you'll master the art of the sword." Erin's eyes widened in surprise, and she nodded in agreement, grateful for Rayne's words of wisdom. She knew that there was much more to learn, but she felt excited and energized by the prospect of mastering this ancient and powerful skill.

After resting for a while, Rayne said, "Enough resting, it's time for more training." He picked up his bo staff this time and instructed Erin to fight with her sword. They continued their training session, with Rayne using the staff like a spear and Erin skillfully deflecting his attacks, until it came to an end.

"Excellent work, Erin," Rayne praised as he teleported them back to her dorm room. Upon reaching there, Erin immediately collapsed on the bed, exhausted from their spar and training session. Seeing her tired, Rayne teleported to his dorm room and prepared a warm bath to wash away the sweat from his body. Soon, he drifted off to sleep in his bathtub.

Days went by with Rayne training Cia during the day and Erin in the evenings. They focused on sword art, ghost techniques, and stealth techniques. And now, it was the last day of their training. Rayne would be going on the portal outing the next morning. He found himself lying on Erin's bed in her small dorm room, and to distract himself from any inappropriate thoughts, he took several deep breaths before speaking.

"Hey, Erin, would you like to learn something new?" Rayne asked, curious to gauge her interest.

"What is it?" Erin replied, equally curious.

"It's called Qi, a kind of mystical energy," Rayne explained.

"Oh," Erin responded, seemingly disappointed. Rayne understood that she might have expected it to directly increase her strength, which was understandable. He proceeded to describe the benefits of Qi, but Erin declined, stating that she wanted to fully master the sword before learning anything new.

"Promise me that you will return alive, and if you are able to do it, I have a special surprise for you," Erin said with a meaningful look. She kissed him before eventually drifting off to sleep in Rayne's arms leaving Rayne flustered. Rayne carefully moved away and teleported back to his own dorm room and fell asleep .

After sleeping for a few hours, Rayne woke up and got ready for the day. He wore the usual school uniform but couldn't help but glance at a particular item.

[Shadow Dragon Suit]

He summoned the armor, and a black substance spread throughout his body, forming a protective armor. As soon as the equipping was complete, he felt a strange yet familiar rush of energy coursing through his body. Opening his eyes, he grinned like a madman, looking at his new armor. He concentrated and transformed it into bracers and boot armor to conceal its fancy appearance. However, his excitement couldn't be contained, and he used teleportation to appear in various locations school rooftop inside Quinn's room which was empty and then to Logan room and he obviously didn't copy any blueprints with the help of his system from his room. He quickly teleported back to his room and examined the new bar that the armor added to his status window along with several ability which were currently lockeda.

[Soul Force: 9568/10000]

Observing it, he noticed that it was slowly regenerating. Unable to contain his excitement anymore about being able to use his magic once again, he started dancing like a monkey in joy.

"If only I knew about this earlier, I would have worn it a long time ago," Rayne exclaimed aloud before teleporting to the men's washroom near the portal room. He made his way towards the student gathering, feeling a surge of anticipation and excitement. Feeling ready for whatever challenge the universe would throw his way.

Finally, the day of their portal outing had arrived. It was the weekend, and all the first-year students were instructed to gather inside the portal room once again. It was time to go through the orange portal.


[Song of War: 1st stance Way of Water

Description: The objective of this technique is to be as calm as water and be as adaptable as water the stance is more nimble compared to other stances it relies on one's ability to adapt, copy and improving the technique into their own way thus the water stance always vary from one individual to other it is the test of one's sword talent and instincts further information is not known but it is rumoured that it gives has a mystical power to control moisture based on one's resolve and Qi energy.

Requirements: High amount of spirituality i.e. resolve is required to completely master this stance.]