
Reincarnated in my vampire system

Disclaimer:I do not own the novel my vampire system Full credit to JKSManga 23 old Rayne was a medical student who was trying to develop artificial blood and had isolated himself from all of humanity but died due to over exhaustion leaving it midway but luckily his sister completed it. But later when Rayne woke up he found himself in a completely different world which he has no idea of will he survive this new world. Read it to find out. Caution read at your own risk follow closely to the plot

Poly_Malakar · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Ch 58:- To The Pure( Part-I)

After everyone had entered and returned to Logan's room. Vorden, Peter, Layla, Fex, Quinn, Rayne and Erin where all inside but Erin was lying on the bed still under the sleeping spell except all of them were thinking that he was not there so he muted his watch before sending that he will not be coming he fell sick after the move he used.

"We did it!" Layla shouted. "I can't believe we really got them two out of there."

"Man, that big guy was scary," Fex said. "For a second I thought I was screwed that big guy was super fast but the stunt that Rayne pulled summoning like thousands of blood bats it was really amazing it really saved me."

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet guys," Logan said. "It seems like we have a problem."

Logan then played the recording of the mechanical spider. It stated that Truedream would order the school to bring Erin and Peter back even if they were found.

He had hoped claiming they were from Pure perhaps Jack, would let the whole matter go and aim his anger at them, but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

"So what are you saying, Logan?" Vorden asked. "That we have to hide both Erin and Peter forever. We can't do that in the military base, that's just not possible, sooner or later will slip up."

The group remained silent as each one thought about what to do. So far, they had always managed to come up with a plan to get out of this one. the school wouldn't just let them go. They knew the truth about Jack, so the best-case scenario was for them to end up in the dungeon, but now probably something even worse would happen to them if they were found out.

"Really dumb plan as I predicted before," Rayne thought as he hanged from the ceiling upside down the room was a little conjusted so the only place was the ceiling.

As Layla looked around the room, she could see everyone had a look of defeat on their face. Even the genius Logan hadn't come up with a solution. She then looked at Erin, who was sleeping away, her dear friend who had looked out for her this whole time.

There was only one thing she could think of to get them out of this.

"Guy's, I have a solution, but…please I just don't want you to hate me after this." Layla said as her hands were visibly shaking and her legs were starting to feel weak, beginning to wobble. Her heart was pounding vigorously.

'Is this really the right thing to do?' She thought, but she had already articulated those words. Right now, all attention was focused on her.

"Why would we hate on you, Layla?" Quinn said. "If you have anything that can help us get out of this situation, then it will be fine."

Layla then looked at Erin on the bed one more time before saying thinking they will understand her "I know a place, one where a group of people that will be able to keep her safe from all of this is located." She paused for a moment before saying the last words. "I'm from Pure. I was the one who wrote that letter."

"I knew it!" Vorden shouted. "Of course, she was hiding something. Why else would she willingly help and accept the truth of your identity? They probably wanted to use you for some reasons."

"That's not true!" Layla snapped back." They don't even know about Quinn. I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for any of this." Layla said as tears started to run down her face.

"Sorry guys, but can someone explain to me what or who Pure is?" Fex said, bearing a confused look on his face, as he stood in the corner of the room.

"Holy shit don't tell me he did all those things without thinking like a mindless cow, " Rayne exclaimed mentally at the stupidity of their situation.

"I'm glad you asked," Logan said, spinning his chair around to procure a file. Then, he opened it while uttering, "I had prepared for this after I saw Layla dropping off the note in the morning."

"You knew?" Vorden said, surprised. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Was it important to the mission?" Logan replied. "Regardless if she was part of Pure or not, it was thanks to her information that we were able to get those two out of there. True, she might have an ulterior motive, but why would she reveal herself now? There is no need to unless she truly wishes to help."

In an instant, a projection was seen playing a myriad of different videos. It was mostly of people wearing a type of mask that covered their whole face - All with a figure of an angel that looked like it had its wings removed. It was the mark of Pure.

In the video, it showed multiple explosions as attacks on certain buildings and different factions were being conducted. It wasn't a pretty sight at all.

"Just a bunch of freedom fighter nothing else," Rayne thought.

"Let me warn all of you. What you are seeing now is pretty biased. The only information I can get of them is filtered through the military. However, nearly everyone knows of the basics. Pure has only one goal - To get rid of all abilities. They believe that the world and the system currently in place is wrong. Even before abilities were introduced, there were many who complained about the gap between the rich and the poor. However, they feel like now, even the basic human rights don't exist to those with weaker abilities." Logan explained.

"Which is pretty stupid, if you ask me," Vorden said. "It was only thanks to those with abilities that we were able to battle the Dalki. If we get rid of them, what do they want us to do? There are only a few people who would be able to kill beasts without the use of abilities in the first place. To then later make equipment to fight them. That is unless you're not human, of course."

Rayne could only shake his head in disapproval.

"Wait, there is something that I don't understand," Fex said. "If Pure is a group of people who hate abilities and Layla is one of them, then why does she have an ability?"

They soon released that Fex's words were true. it was a bit hypocritical of a group who hated abilities to have people within the place with them.

Everyone then turned to look at Layla as they coveted to hear the answer.

"I didn't mean to deceive any of you. My situation here is quite complicated." Layla began to reason out. "As Logan explained, you all know what our goal is. As of the moment, the world is in balance, but the main culprit of the system in place is with the military. However, the only reason they can enforce the rules is because of Truedream. At the same time, Turedream is a blessing for Pure. For he's the only person that can take anyone's ability away."

Layla sighed after her lengthy explanation as she gazed one each and every one of her comrades, continuing her speech once a few seconds had passed.

"Trudream often visited this military base. We have agents stationed at every base so far, but only at this one did they never come back. Accordingly, they wanted a student to infiltrate it."

"And they sent a kid?" Vorden explained. "Seems like a good place to send Erin then, doesn't it?"

"I volunteered!" Layla shouted, yet her eye slightly twitched when she said those words. Because the truth was she didn't volunteer for this mission, but her mother offered her own daughter for her own benefit. "Look, this isn't about me and Pure. This matter is about Erin. Right now, she doesn't have an ability, Trudream has been known for doing this to people and we've taken them in, though we still looked out for them. We will do the same for Erin."

Vorden then dragged Quinn towards the side and whispered in his ear. "You're not really considering this, are you? For Erin and Peter to go over to Pure?"

Struggling Quinn shifted his stare towards Logan, asking, "Logan, don't you have everything recorded? Can't we just use that as blackmail against Truedream? Spread it on the internet or something."

"Impossible," Logan replied without delay. "You remember the reports I brought up earlier? It's clear that the military has a monopoly on what can be seen and what cannot. It would be taken down in an instant, and no one would want to host such a thing. They would be going up against two powerhouses. No one has the power to go up against them. I'm sorry but I wouldn't even want to risk the safety of my family by angering them."

When Logan enlightened the actuality, Vorden started to think about his own family. If it was them they could do something about it. The sole problem was that he wasn't on good terms with them at all. No one in his family would listen to him, much more do him a favour - It wasn't the Blade's family way.

It was why he had never considered it an option in the first place.

"I think we have no other choice," Quinn said. "For Erin, the best thing for her will be to go over to Pure. The two of them are close and if Layla wanted to hurt any of us, the last person she would hurt would be Erin."

"Wait! Only Erin?" Layla inquired. "But what about Peter? he can come to."

Quinn shook his head as he looked at Peter.

"He can't, and Vorden and Fex probably already know the reason why," Quinn explained. "Peter has changed, Layla. If he isn't next to me, then there's no telling what he would do."

Layla then looked at Peter. Although his physical appearance had changed a little, she hadn't been around him lately to notice any further changes. Still, when she looked into his eyes, she noticed that they were lifeless.

"Okay, so Erin goes to Pure," Vorden stated. "What about Peter?"

After that they kept on discussing until Quinn suggested the use of transformation ability to transform into one of the missing students after which they continued on with it and before his eyes he saw the transform ability book floated in the air and flew over to where Peter was. The pages turned and turned until it hit the very last one. Then the book started to disintegrate in front of everyone's eyes.

"Really amazing and I guess it is the system that he had did this," Rayne mentally asked.

[Yes, you are right it is the system that he is using.]

"Really I envy him,"

[Yeah, if you envy him that much why not create your own system and then use it. You already have the begginer guide book for creating one.]

"Sigh now don't get so angry and chill just and let just observe the situation and any news about truedream," Rayne said.

[Yeah, he actually reached his tower or home I think but I have a question why did you installed a tracker on him ingrained with teleport rune what are you planning to do.]

"It's a secret as you said I can't kill him but that doesn't mean I can't use him did you realised how weak willed is he," Rayne said in a mysterious way with a creepy smile on his face to system.

[Oh I am liking it very much.] the system replied in its own ominous way.

Rayne continued on observing them. After the book had disintegrated it was soon found that Peter had somehow learned the transform ability. After that they tested it with Peter turning into an almost identical version of Quinn because he could still identify who Quinn was. After that Logan took out projection of three students before directing Peter to turn into someone named Pio Blank.

At that moment, groans could be heard in the room behind them all. As they turned around, it seemed that Erin was about to wake up.

It was now time to tell her, what her fate was going to be.

While this all was happening, the groans from the back were heard as Erin lifted her body off the bed and started to touch her head. It was ringing with dull pain and her face felt slightly numb similar to a migraine.

When she looked up she could see the faces of everyone staring at her and a person she had never seen before.

"Who the heck is the new guy." Erin groaned out still not fully there.

No one said a word and after a few moments, she started to remember everything that happened to her. Her last words with Jack and what he had planned to do with them.

"No! No! No!" She started to scream. There was no need for her to try to use her ability. She could feel that it was no longer with her. But just in case she tried to form ice in her hand. Again and again but there was no result.

Rayne looked confused he didn't saw Jack take her ability then why couldn't she use it right now. "Don't tell me does he takes ability through kiss then how does he give ability does he need to do intercourse for that," Rayne thought as he shivered the image of his two guards entering his mind "That seems pretty much gay eww eww," Rayne thought as he looked at the foot he used to kick Jack. Meanwhile the scene continued on

"Calm her down, before someone outside hears us," Vorden said.

Layla quickly rushed over to her side but Erin couldn't help but scream in anger and sadness. The others had never seen this side of Erin before.

for Erin, she was high up. Of course, the others didn't know the full story and just how much everything meant to her. Losing her ability felt like she had lost everything. All she had left was her swordsmanship and after meeting Fex she could tell she was nothing special.

"Do you really want us to be caught?" Logan said as he threw out a circular device towards Erin. The device opened up mid-air just before reaching her mouth and wrapped around it like a tight fit mask. The screams had stopped but the tears still continued to run down her face.

"Erin, I know you are upset but right now your situation involves all of us," Logan explained. "I can't have your selfish actions harm me or the others, now Layla, I believe you would be the best person to explain to her what we have planned."

While Erin's mouth was covered, it was a lot easier for Layla to explain. It gave no option for Erin to complain in between and allowed Layla to explain everything. How Jack had sent out a search party for her and Peter, how she was part of Pure and they would be sending her to Pure for protection.

Logan then walked up to Erin and had a few words to say himself before taking the device off her mouth.

"Now if you scream, it goes back on. The situation is not favourable for any of us and please trust me. We went through all the options. I even looked into your background and thought about seeing if we could send you back to your family. But that's not possible.

"Staying with Pure is the only option we have." Logan took off Erin's wristwatch and made a few adjustments to it before placing it back. "We are a bit wary of Pure so if you need any emergency help, you can contact me through that, although I doubt we will be able to do anything. Do you understand?"

Erin nodded calmy. Rather than angry or sad she seemed to be going through a different stage right now of shock. As soon as the mask was taken off she started to look at Layla.

"Will you be coming with me?" Erin asked with pain in her voice but looking at her eyes gave Erin the answer she needed she snapped back her hands from her Everything was getting a little too much for her. Her abilities had been taken, she was being treated as a convict by the school, Jack was possibly after her life and now she had no choice but to join a terrorist group.

Yet, why did this have to happen to her, was it just her bad luck, then she started to remember there was one more person who was going through something similar.

Here's the corrected and enhanced paragraph:

"Will Peter be coming along with me as well?" Erin asked. Although she did get along with Peter, she knew that going through this struggle with someone she knew would be better than going through it alone.

The student who Erin didn't recognize stood next to Quinn, then stepped forward, and his face started to morph back into his old self. "But how? Didn't he used to have an earth ability?" Erin asked. "How did he learn that?" Her voice was filled with a little excitement and hope.

"That's because Peter is no longer human," Quinn explained. "When a human turns into a vampire or vampire subclass, they lose their old abilities as their body changes. Logan's guess is that it has something to do with the cells in the body being different. Essentially, it's like getting a new body, so Peter was able to learn a new ability."

Hearing those words from Quinn gave Erin hope. "Quinn, I want you to make me a Vampire. I want you to turn me like how you turned Peter," she said.

Quinn quickly denied doing such. At that moment, only one person's face was going through Erin's mind - Rayne's face. She thought he would have been able to solve the situation easily if he were here. After a while, the matter was settled, but another problem arose - how to send Erin to the Pure. They couldn't just walk out the front door of this place.

"Logan, do you have an answer?" Quinn asked.

"Unfortunately not," Logan replied. "These military bases are strange. Quite honestly, I don't even know where we are located at the moment. I can disable the tracker, and you can try going outside, but we need a vehicle or a ship, depending on where we are."

"We have Pure members stationed on nearly every planet, except for a few red planets," Layla said. "We won't need to go outside but just get Erin to the portal room."

"That's no good," Logan said. "It seems like after the incident last time with a couple of students being pushed into one of the portals, they have been stricter about the security there."

Vorden and Quinn gave each other a quick glance before both turning their heads at Peter. As they were thinking about a way, Erin remembered seeing a blueprint of something named 'portal' in Rayne's room.

"I think Rayne has a way. I saw him working on some kind of portal-like thing," Erin said. Upon hearing this, Logan eyes lit up upon reading it buy he suppressed his inner desire and immediately messaged Rayne, explaining everything.

Logan: Hey, could you help us with a problem? We were wondering if you have a way to send Erin to any planet.

Rayne: I have a way. Go to my room and use the password XCXCFX. There you will see a portal. All you have to do is enter the coordinates, and remember not to bring Fex to my room.

After reading Rayne's message, they discussed it before deciding that Quinn would be going to bring the portal from his brother's room, and Vorden, Erin, and Peter would be waiting alongside Logan. Logan had decided on a planet with the least military activity. It was good to say that the military was cut off from that planet. Vorden was asked help Logan make a video to send to the military by acting in it. Meanwhile, Layla would return to her room and inform the Pure about the situation and the planet.

After everyone exited the room, it was a little bit vacant, and Rayne gently dropped down from the ceiling before sitting down on the floor. It was a tedious process to hang upside down.

A few minutes later, Quinn arrived in the room and took out a strange, square-shaped device from his dimensional storage. It was identical to the one on Logan's table, but the main difference was that it was bulky and had a matte black color. Seeing it sent off too many red flags in Fex's mind, but she calmed herself down by convincing herself that they were not identical. After a few minutes, Layla also arrived, confirming that she had already informed Erin. She then went on and said their catchphrase, telling Erin that if someone says "An angel flies high in the sky," she should respond with "And a devil in the ground."

Logan inputted the coordinates, and slowly the contraption opened, powering up the portal. At that moment, Fex realized that the device was more like a simplified version of the vampire portable portal. Before stepping into it, she looked back at everyone in the room. "I know you all will still do well without me. Become the best and keep my top place warm for me when I return," she said with a smile.

Looking at Erin's smile, their hearts started to melt a little. It was the first time they had ever seen Erin smile, and it was beautiful. She was already a beauty, but with a smile, she was even more radiant.

The one who seemed upset about the whole thing, though, was Layla. Tears wouldn't stop falling down her face as she felt she was truly losing a good friend. "Remember, if there are any problems and you need to contact us, use the watch!" Logan shouted.

With those last words said, Erin stepped into the portal, experiencing a whole new world. After the indicator on the portal showed that she successfully crossed over they closed the portal, Quinn decided to keep the device in his dimensional storage for now before returning it to his brother. But for some reason, his system seemed too quiet, and it was becoming very suspicious for him.

"But where is Rayne," Logan said as he showed to Quinn a map in which it showed that Rayne was in his own room.

"Have you seen Rayne when you came," Logan asked

"No, is there something wrong?" Quinn asked.

"No everything is fine," Logan said as he began to think where exactly Rayne was from the way Quinn spoke it was sure that he was not in his room and had somehow tweaked the watch tracking device so that no one could follow him.

Meanwhile, on planet Biolotmare, a medium-sized shelter stood in place just along a clear blue river. It was a tier four shelter with a population of around 20,000 people. The shelter wasn't owned by the military or the Big Four but instead by a secret benefactor who would hire out travelers or traveler factions to guard the place.

It was unusual for a shelter because usually, they would publicly declare who they were protected by to avoid any confrontation with other groups, but not this one. The shelter was surrounded by hilltops and long green fields, and it seemed like the area was completely void of beasts. Standing by one of the portal entrances was a young man who was tapping his foot on the ground. As he was waiting, he watched children and families happily playing with each other on the street, while others were swimming in the river.

"So peaceful," the young man said. "They can live their lives out here all happy, but they're unaware of what is happening back on Earth and on the other planets. Everyone should deserve something like this, not just you guys."

A strange sound was heard by his side, and when he turned his head, he could see the space next to him becoming distorted, warping in and out. Suddenly, a bright white circular portal appeared, and dropping out of it, a snow-white-skinned female with blonde hair.

She braced herself as she landed on the floor, for a few moments, she stayed completely still regaining her bearing. After which her eyes opened wide as she frantically moved her head around as if searching for something.

"Am I going crazy? I think I heard Rayne's voice," Erin muttered.

"No, you are not crazy. I am here," Rayne said slowly.

"Did you become a ghost?" Erin said in a low voice so as not to seem crazy.

"Of course not." His voice stopped, and she noticed a young man approaching her. He mumbled something into her ear, causing her expression to become stern.

The young man walked up to her and looked her up and down before saying anything. She was wearing the school uniform as described to him by agent 100.

"An angel flies high in the sky," the young man said.

"And has its wings torn down and falls to the ground," Erin replied.

"Looks like you're the right one, follow me," the young man said. Erin stood up and started following him as he walked through the shelter and out of the human settlement. Rayne continued cracking bad jokes, trying to lift her spirit, but spoke quietly so as not to alert the man. Suddenly, his voice boomed out loud from all directions. Erin looked at the young man, whom she still didn't know the name of, hoping that Rayne's voice hadn't been heard by him. To her surprise, it seemed like he hadn't heard anything and continued on walking.

"Will you move your feet a little faster? We don't have the whole day," he said indifferently.

Erin was shocked to find herself in this predicament. She couldn't believe how Rayne was able to communicate with her, especially since he was trying to stay hidden from the man. As she thought about it she couldn't help but wonder if it was some kind of telepathy that allowed him to speak to her without making a sound.

Her suspicions were not far from the truth. Rayne's method of communication was indeed can be considered a kind of telepathy if people say so, and he had come up with this one on a whim as he was walking alongside Erin. He covered Erin with a low intensity of blood aura, making it appear almost invisible and to any good sensor it would appear as if her own aura. The blood aura allowed him to gently vibrate her eardrum, which in turn vibrated the three bones of her ear, just like how sound waves work when they enters the ear canal. Then, he covered only his throat region with his blood aura and redirected the vibration of his vocal chords to it, mimicking speech and helping Erin hear him in her mind or kind of something like it.

As they walked, Rayne's voice became increasingly soothing to Erin's ears, and she found herself being drawn in by his words. He spoke of his past, painting himself as a victim - a tragic figure who had been dealt a cruel hand in life. Erin sympathized with him, feeling sorry for the struggles he had gone through.

Rayne was a master storyteller, his words weaving a tapestry of half-truths and carefully crafted tales that slowly but surely wove their way into Erin's mind. He spoke with such conviction and sincerity that it was easy to believe everything he said, and his charm stats only added to the effect.

Unknowingly, Erin was being subtly manipulated. Rayne played upon her emotions, pulling at her empathy and drawing her closer to him with every word. He would pause occasionally, gazing deeply into her eyes, making her feel seen and understood in a way she had never experienced before. Even though he was invisible, Erin felt as if he was gazing deep into her soul.

Despite her earlier fear and apprehension, Erin's heart began to race, and she found herself becoming more and more attracted to Rayne. She couldn't help but feel a sense of connection and intimacy building between them, even though they had just met.

By the time they reached their destination, Erin was completely under Rayne's spell. She felt a deep connection to him and saw him as a friend, a comrade, a person who will always be by her side and not abandon her and perhaps even something more in the future.