
Reincarnated in my vampire system

Disclaimer:I do not own the novel my vampire system Full credit to JKSManga 23 old Rayne was a medical student who was trying to develop artificial blood and had isolated himself from all of humanity but died due to over exhaustion leaving it midway but luckily his sister completed it. But later when Rayne woke up he found himself in a completely different world which he has no idea of will he survive this new world. Read it to find out. Caution read at your own risk follow closely to the plot

Poly_Malakar · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
85 Chs


The young man, Rayne, sat in front of his computer, his face etched with fatigue and frustration. He sighed and muttered under his breath, "Will I be able to finish it today?"

Just then, the door of the lab opened, and a beautiful lady with black hair walked in. "Hey, Rayne, how's it going?" she asked with a smile.

Rayne looked up at her, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. "Lily, I don't know if I can do this. I've been working on this project for days, and I still can't get it right."

Lily walked over to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Rayne. You're doing great. But you need to take a break. You look like you haven't slept in days."

Rayne looked at her skeptically. "I can't take a break now. I'm so close to finishing this."

Lily shook her head. "Rayne, you're pushing yourself too hard. You need to rest. Trust me, you'll be more productive if you take a break now and come back to it later."

Rayne sighed, knowing that Lily was right. "Fine, I'll take a break. But I don't know if I'll be able to sleep. I'm too wired."

Lily smiled. "Well, I'll keep you company. Maybe we can grab some food or something. It'll help you take your mind off things."

Rayne nodded, feeling grateful for his sister's support. They chatted for a while, and Rayne began to feel his tension easing. As he stood up to leave, he suddenly felt dizzy, and his vision started to blur. He stumbled and fell to the ground, his body twitching and convulsing.

Lily rushed over to him in a panic, not knowing what to do. She saw a box on the desk and realized that it contained an emergency syringe. She quickly grabbed it and injected its contents into Rayne's arm. After a few moments, his body began to stabilize, and he opened his eyes, looking up at his sister in gratitude.

"Thank you, sis if you ha---," he whispered, but couldn't complete it as his heart stopped and he took his last breath. The tears streamed down Lily's face as she desperately tried to revive her brother. "Wake up, brother! Please wake up!" she pleaded, her voice choked with emotion.

But it was too late. His eyes had turned glassy, and his heart had stopped beating. As she watched in horror, his watch started to beep loudly, signaling the end of his life.

Lily's heart shattered into a million pieces as she realized that her brother was gone. She couldn't believe it. They had been so close, and now he was gone forever. She looked at him, lying there lifeless, and couldn't help but think about all the memories they had shared.

"Please, brother, don't leave us," she sobbed. "Mother has prepared your favorite butter chicken. You were supposed to stay with us. Why did you have to go?"

She gently stroked his hair, trying to hold onto him for just a few more seconds. But he was already slipping away, leaving her alone and brokenhearted.

"Please, please don't leave us alone," she begged, clutching his lifeless hand. "We need you. I need you. Please come back to us."

But he didn't come back. He was gone, leaving Lily to grieve for him for the rest of her life. She cried out in agony, wishing that things could have been different. But they weren't, and she was left with nothing but memories of the brother she had lost.


Meanwhile, in a different Universe (MVS-0908)

In an unknown apartment a boy around the age of 16 could be seen sleeping peacefully his eyes slowly flutters opens and a pair of brown eyes stares at the ceiling with confusion evident in his eyes he slowly rise up from his bed and stared around himself and became more confused.

"Where am I?" Rayne asked himself.

His mind told him that he was home but he actually didn't recognise as home. As he stood up he saw a boy around 16 years or so lying on the ground and again as if his mind whispered Quinn, brother. He was thinking that he was going crazy because how can he recognize but can't actually recognize at the same time.

"Who actually is he?" Rayne seemed to question himself but as if to answer his question memory started to appear about the boy lying down how he spent his time with him then how their parents died and then they were given this apartment to live in and today was supposed to be the day when he goes to military academy along with his supposedly brother who was currently lying on the floor. As all of this memory came in he felt a slight headache as if to remember some old memories.

"WTF! what how is this possible this can't be true what are this memories." Rayne shouted loudly which actually caused Quinn to wake up startled at the screaming.

Rayne seeing that Quinn was awake not to cause any kind of misunderstanding stormed into the bathroom and locked the door and looked at the mirror when he received his next shock which was that he actually seemed to be much more younger than his usual look and once again cursed out loud.

"What the fuck what happened where am I and what is happening," Rayne mumbled.

Quinn who was actually testing his system was again startled due to his scream he ran toward the bathroom and knocked the door "Are you okay Rayne?"

"Yeah i am fine just umm... i saw a cockroach and got scared" Rayne answered from behind the door.

Quinn returned to his thing and started to drink water at that time.

"Let's review what I remember I was in the lab completing my project my sister came we talked then I got up then... then what happened," Rayne started panicking as he started to hyperventilate but soon he was able to calm down through some unexplainable reason after calming down looking at himself and cleaning his face he exited the bathroom at that moment the ringing of a bell occurred.

Rayne quickly went to the door and opened it. Standing in front of him was a large muscular bald-headed man wearing a black military uniform. There were several medals on it and his name written just above his chest. Sargent Griff.

"Boy, it is time for you to vacate your room immediately, the vehicle has been prepared and has been waiting outside for 5 minutes already."

Rayne didn't have a complete memory so he thought that the military were supposed to pick him and his brother but he couldn't blame anyone. But he thought why was he supposed to go the military school again. Then another rush of memory came.

"It's time for you to head to military school," Griff said.

Due to the War between Humans and the Dalki, every person when they reached the age of 16 was required to go to military school for two years. Even though Humans and Dalki were in a peaceful period, everyone knew that it wouldn't last forever.

Every day there was news of one race antagonizing the other and war felt like it could start at any moment.

And again there was the light headache that he experienced again after acquiring another of his this body's memory. After Quinn exited the bathroom Rayne wore some appropriate cloth and took his luggage and he exited outside with Quinn and then he noticed that Quinn was suffering for some reason which he could understand because the heat of the sun was to much and he was also suffering but not like Quinn.

"What are you doing walking so slowly! The School will eat you alive if you carry on like that!" Griff shouted.

Finally, Rayne and Quinn had reached a large bus which was parked just outside his house. When he entered the bus, he noticed that it was already full of students all the same age as him.

He didn't recognize any of the students though, which he thought he would have recognized anyone though as he thought it was obvious as he didn't have any complete memory but he was still worried about his mother and sister it had became obvious though that he had reincarnated .

After boarding he sat with his supposedly brother Quinn.

The students were all talking to each other in excitement but that quickly stopped as soon as sergeant Griff came on board.

"Alright, it's time for us to head to the military academy."

The bus then started to move and the students were finally on their way. The bus remained silent during the journey. Whenever a student would start to speak Griff immediately would look in their direction and the student would shut up.

Griff didn't even have to say anything, they all knew what he wanted just by looking at him.

About 10 minute in the journey Rayne eyelid became to become heavy and he fell asleep while Quinn became worried about the situation.

Guys when I was reading my own fanfic it felt really cringe so i Reupload ed the first chapter

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