
Reincarnated in mha as Madara with Orochimaru & Kakuzu as my brothers

A boy dies a horrible death. gets sent to a black void with a reincarnation god. gets reborn in the world of MHA with the body, looks, and power of Madara Uchiha and has two siblings who is none other than Orochimaru and Kakuzu. Over time the trio unlocks their power they once had in Naruto universe and rises to the top as they defeat their enemies.. but as what? will they be known as heroes or villains to the world? nobody really knows.. but we do know one thing that will happen.. people will start to 'wake up to reality' ---------------- ----------- Hello!! this is one of my first novels so I'm sorry if it's bad :

SSJ2_Vegeta · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chap1: I will pick..

It was a normal day for Leo; minding his own business, reading fanfics and webnovel's after long hours of youth therapy...

Until a random ass middle aged man decides it would be a good idea to cook up some meth in the apartment above..

not long after the whole building cought on fire, because mr. dipshit was inexperienced in such task, not long after Leo woke up from his nap after smelling the smoke from his surroundings burning..

soon after Leo is suffocating and due to the panic he froze up and end up dying of lack of oxygen..

'where am I?..' Leo thought to himself, noticing he cant see, feel, or hear anything.

'am I dead..? What the fuck man, I take one fucking nap and I'm smoked to death!? how fan-fucking-tastic' Leo cursed in his head, feeling extremely pissed off and frustrated at his situation.

'done with your little fit yet?' A booming disembodied voice echoed through Leo's mind, causing Leo to panic.

'wha- who was that!?.. A-AM I DEAD AND SCHIZOPHRENIC!? well shit man.. at least I'm not alone, that's a plus..' Thought Leo.

As Leo was saying this, well.. thinking this you could say, the disembodied voice was wandering was what world and power 'it' should give and send this weirdo to..

'hm, I have already reincarnated trillions of people to countless of worlds.. all being similar in ways, and yet different..

some worlds being fantasy and medieval with a mysterious power known as mana they can use and cultivate in many different ways..

and others that is completely sci-fi with space travel and alien races where anyone can cultivate the body and get biological mutations and abilities related to those mutations..

and some that's a mix of both! *sigh* however I've been getting bored observing the same things over and over again....

and the same goes with the ability I have to grant this 'special' young man...'Were the private thoughts of this being, who was 'watching' Leo being an idiot and delusional.

'HAHAHA, I'm dead and I'm hearing voices!!! how is that even possible!? how can someone have a mental illness if they dont have a brain in the first place!?' Leo laughed in his thoughts how this made absolutely no sense to him.

'ENOUGH WITH THIS CHILDISH BEHAVIOR' Roared the entity, that attempted to to get the attention of the human.


'Now that I have your attention, let's get this whole reincarnation over with' sighed the god like being.

'r-reincarnation?' repeated the 15 year old boy.

'Yes young Leo, you will be reincarnated into a world with my picking, and aswell get gifted a power at the start that's also my picking.. But.. sence you seem to be a 'special case' and the fact that I've been bored for millennium's I'll allow you to choose the world and power of yours.' said the disembodied voice of god.

'I- wha- SPECIAL!? AS IN RETARDED OR SOMETHING!?' screamed Leo who's greatly offended with being called 'special'.

'...' waited the entity for the young idiot to choose the power and world he will be granted.

'fine! I'll let it pass this one time.. hmmmm' Said Leo.

After thinking for a while Leo has made his choice.. and a few requests as well.

'I will pick..