
Wakanda (1)

Once we got out of the city we walked towards the forest. While walking I tried asking Shuri questions regarding her 'Wakanda' but she just ignored me and continued walking. I think it was past noon already I was beginning to get tired, hungry and bored.

When we got to a clear area then Shuri said "We are here". I looked around confused because I could see nothing around but a few trees. I was going to ask Shuri what was going on when I saw her holding a controller then something amazing happened. I saw something that was slowly unveiling in front of us. After it finished unveiling itself I was shocked. It was looked like a big jet or something I can't really describe it as it was the first time I saw something like this. Then the jet opened and stairs descended from it. Shuri started going up the jet.

Shuri turned around and said "Aren't you coming?"

I snapped out of dazed. I realized that I was too surprised of what was happening and I quickly ran inside the jet embarrassed. I heard Shuri chuckle a little before getting inside. The inside was also amazing it was the first time I saw something like this. Tony's jet was comfortable and all but this is even more amazing. While I was looking around Shuri pulled me towards the cockpit.

"Sit, I need to get back quickly so you better strap your self in" Shuri pointed to one of the chairs in the cockpit.

"IS THIS YOURS? HOW DID IT SUDDENLY APPEAR? IS IT CLOAKING? INVINSIBILITY? HOW DOES IT WORK? HOW FAST CAN IT GO? WHAT POWER SOURCE ARE YOU USING FOR THIS?" I barraged Shuri questions as I was looking around the cockpit excitedly seeing new technology in front me.

Shuri giggled while looking at me. Maybe she thought I look stupid acting all excited like this. I got embarrassed at the thought and tried to calm my self down.

"You better hold on tight, this thing can go fast!" Shuri declared while looking at me

I suddenly got nervous and hold tightly in the arm rest of my chair. My knees were shaking, I'm not usually this cowardly but flying with this new jet that I had no idea about what it can do made me very nervous. Hey I know acting like this is really embarrassing especially in front of a girl but I want to be safe so I got no choice.

As the jet ascends slowly, I got more nervous and my knees shook harder, I was also sweating bullets. I looked at Shuri, I noticed that she was looking at me trying to hold her laughter. I got embarrassed and avoided her gaze. When I looked forward I realized that we were already moving forward fast. I was amazed once again because I didn't even feel any force inside. As I was thinking how her Wakanda could achieve this kind of technology, Shuri began laughing hard.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You're like an open book. Your expressions are really easy to read"

Realizing what Shuri said I got embarrassed. Trying to change the subject I tried asking her a question.

"Why does Wakanda need to be hiding? With all this technology you would lead the other countries by miles! I bet no one could even threaten Wakanda"

As I said that I noticed smile change into a serious expression, "I am afraid I cannot give you any details regarding my kingdom. Forgive me."

I realized I touched an awkward subject. "Sorry about that" I apologized trying to break the awkward atmosphere I said.

"Why are you speaking stiffly again? I know you are a princess and all, but you're cuter when you're smiling you know."

I looked at her direction, she was blushing a bit then she avoided my gaze. After travelling for a while I asked her questions about herself and the jet. But she would only respond to me with answers like she was saying, "I can't say anything" which is a bummer. She kept typing something in her holographic keyboard which looked awesome by the way.

"We're close" Shuri suddenly said while I was asking her questions. I looked forward and saw nothing but mountains and forests. I noticed that we were speeding up heading towards the side of a mountain.

"What are you doing?" I asked her panicking a little.

"Relax, trust me" She was smiling as she said that before speeding up again

"WHAT! Wait! WAIT!" I shouted then closed my eyes before bracing my self for impact. 'This girl is crazy' I thought.

After a while, not feeling any impact, I peeked and again I was amazed by the sight that I saw. There was a big city below us. I looked at her with a surprised reaction, I know that I got a really stupid look but I really don't care right now. Shuri turned to me with her smug look on her face then she said.

"Welcome to Birnin Zana, the capital of Wakanda"

I looked down towards the city and I was amazed. It was even more amazing than the big cities I saw back home.

"I already notified them about my return. Be calm and don't fight with them okay? I think they would detain and check on you for a bit"

"WHAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO EARLIER? I shouldn't have come dammit" I shouted as I was afraid, I don't know what those people would do to me.

"Relax okay? They won't do anything bad. I hope" Shuri said, I heard her voice becoming less confident with her statement and thought 'I'm doomed'. We slowly descended to one of the bigger buildings.

When the jet settled down and the door opened. My nervousness increased I saw a few people waiting for us to descend outside. 'Dammit whatever happens happens I guess. Shuri quickly got down first. The people below did some sort of salute while holding their spears. Before I got down I heard a few of them talking to each other.

"I'm glad you got back safe" said by the woman with a fancy looking hair.

"Thank you mother" Shuri answered back and ran to her embrace

"Welcome home sister" a man behind Shuri's mother said

"Thank you brother" he also hugged the man. Apparently that was her brother

"So where is this friend of yours that helped you?" A man beside Shuri's mother questioned.

"He's inside, his a bit scared I think" Shuri chuckled then I noticed she whispered something to her mother

"Oh my, don't worry boy we won't do anything unnecessary to you. We just want to thank you for saving Shuri" her mother said

'Fine you only live once!' I thought while slowly descending the jet. I noticed the people around looking at me. Then the people did there salute again towards me which surprised me. The people in front wore the same clothes. While the people around Shuri all wore some more 'extravagant' their accessories. If I'm not wrong they were all gold or pure diamonds.

"Welcome to Wakanda. Allow us to give you a fair welcome to thank you for saving our beloved daughter" said by the man apparently he was Shuri's father, meaning he was the king of this kingdom. I stiffened a bit hearing his words.

"Haha don't be nervous we don't eat people here" He laughed and joked around a bit. 'I really do hope it was a joke'

I slowly walked towards them and bowed. "Good day, your majesty. My name is Daniel Stark from Malibu, California" I said in the most respectful way possible.

"Hmm good, you are quite polite young man. I am T'Chaka father to Shuri and T'Challa, The current king of Wakanda"

After saying this all of the people around me even Shuri, Her mother, and the man beside her suddenly crossed their arms on their chest and shouted "WAKANDA FOREVER"

I was caught in surprise about their sudden action. 'Maybe that's a kind of salute for their kingdom?' I clumsily copied their earlier action and said "Wakanda Forever?"

Upon seeing my action Shuri laughed hard while her mother tried to stop her. King T'Chaka chuckled a little bit before saying "Allow us to invite you inside. We are preparing a feast for you to thank you for saving Shuri."

"So I won't get detained?" I asked nervously

"Detained? Who told you that?" the king had a questioning look on his face. Then he suddenly turned towards Shuri. Shuri then looked at me and put her tongue out. 'So it was a joke' I thought as I got a bit annoyed. She quickly turned around and ran inside the building

"So would you like to go inside?" King T'Chaka asked me

I bowed at the king "Certainly your majesty, I would love to" I was thinking why the king was kind of polite towards me?

"You do not need to be overly polite with me" the king smiled at me then slowly walked inside.


When we got inside, King T'Chaka told me that we were moving towards the banquet area. King T'Chaka stayed beside me. Shuri with her mother and brother already moved ahead of us, behind us were a few female 'guards' I think as they were holding spears. While walking King T'Chaka asked me a few questions about my family.

"My brother, if you have any news about the outside world is Tony Stark. The President of Stark Industries."

"Hah, believe me I know more of the outside world than you do. So Stark Industries eh, the weapons manufacturer? So your father must be Howard Stark"

I got surprised by what King T'Chaka said but suddenly realized that with this kind of technology they really do know a lot about other countries. Then I decided to ask him a question that I'm really curious about.

"Forgive me King T'Chaka if I sounded presumptuous but I wanted to ask a question"

"Go ahead"

"Why is Wakanda hiding from the rest of the world? Forgive me if I'm wrong but with all this things I saw here, the technological advancement of the world would improve by leaps and bounds. I mean Wakanda doesn't need to just give all your technology just a few that you are comfortable with. Trade it with resources that you don't have. Wouldn't that be a win-win situation for all?"

"Hmm, you certainly think big for a kid your age. I will ask you this, what do you think the world can offer that Wakanda doesn't have?" he gave me a questioning look

"I don't know. Maybe Ores? Metals?"

"Ha ha boy do you think we can built all of these without those things? Let me tell you something. We have the most valuable in this world. And we don't just have a bit of it. We have a mountain full of it" King T'Chaka chuckled then declared while looking at me seriously.

"So seriously boy, what can you offer to our kingdom that would help exactly? Well you can marry my daughter and that would be enough"

I was shocked by the last words of King T'Chaka "What did you say again your majesty? I hope that you're joking"

"Do I look like I'm joking? Do you not like my daughter?" King T'Chaka questioned me

I became tense by the sudden words of King T'Chaka. I was sweating a lot thinking how I should respond to his question.

"Forgive me your majesty for being blunt but It's not about liking or not liking Princess Shuri. It's that I'm still too young to think about that kind of thing and I need to get my brother's permission too. Besides can I ask your majesty why are you suddenly asking about that kind of thing? Princess Shuri is well a Princess and I'm just a rich outsider kid how can you trust me so easily?"

I asked the king as I was curious why he trusts me so much that he is willing to marry his daughter to me.

"Ahem, we will discuss this again after we eat for now we shall proceed with the banquet" King T'Chaka said then he suddenly quicken his steps.

'Did the king just dodge my question? What the heck is happening' I thought as we moved towards their banquet hall.

I just finished this chapter (I was writing on an android sorry). I'm cutting chapters per part because I want to regulate the word count.

This needs to be edited.

My editor (sister who does editorial writing at school) is currently unavailable. I'll post the edited chapter later

A few more chapters and things will start kicking off! Don't worry

There might be a chapter tomorrow if I get home early.

If you want to give me coffee or support me Thanks a bunch


RndmDudecreators' thoughts
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