
Shakuni's plan

"How about my friend Ashwatthama? He also hates Arjun as much as us because of the fact that Guru Dronacharya treats Arjun better himself, his own son. Besides he is my good friend too and will definitely stand by my side. "

Duryodhan said with a smile. 

"Oh really? Duryodhan my nephew, you know full well that although he is strong but Ashwatthama is still no match for Arjun, let alone Bheesm. "

Shakuni sighed helplessly as if he was disappointed with Duryodhan. 

"Then who do you have in mind uncle Shakuni? "

Duryodhan also got irritated because no other name came to his mind. 

But before they could continue their conversation, they were interrupted by someone entering the room. 

At first Duryodhan wanted to scold the comer for entering without taking permission but when he saw who was coming, his anger turned into smile. 

"Oh, so my beloved sister finally managed to spare some time for her big brother? "

The one who entered the room was the Kaurav's only sister Dushala. 

"Oh come on brother, stop teasing me like that. It's just that Princess Subhadra had come to visit Kunti Aunty. But Kunti aunty was busy with taking care of big brother Bheem. So she asked me to entertain her till then. However as soon as Kunti aunty returned, I took my leave and came to meet you. 

But you, as soon as you see me after years, you start teasing me. Hmph, may be I should just return back to my room. "

Dushala pretended to be angry. 

"Okay, okay, I apologize for my mistake. "

Duryodhan quickly dropped his teasing tone and approached his sister with a warm smile. "I'm sorry, Dushala. You know I can't resist teasing you. It's been too long since we spent time together."

"That's better."

Dushala's feigned annoyance melted away, and she returned her brother's smile. 

"Don't tell me you have forgotten your big brother Dushasan, Dushala? "

At this time Dushasan also stood up from his seat and teased Dushala. 


Everyone started laughing out loud. 

Being the only sister among the 100 brothers, Dushala was loved dearly by everyone. In fact, even the Pandavs also loved her equally. 

She can be considered an oddity since both sides, the Kauravs and the Pandavs, have always kept her away from all the political struggles. 

After talking with her brothers for some time, Dushala finally took her leave and left the room. 

And immediately after she left, Shakuni, who had been relatively silent this whole time spoke relatively excitedly. 

"Duryodhan my nephew, it seems I have found the solution to our previous problems thanks to neice Dushala's words. "

Duryodhan's attention was instantly attracted by these words and he anxiously questioned Shakuni. 

"What is it Uncle Shakuni? "

"Subhadra's elder brother Balram. "

Shakuni said with a cunning smile. 

"Yadav prince Balram ? But why him? "

Duryodhan asked in confusion. 

"Shakuni leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Balram, my dear nephew, is a formidable warrior and holds great influence among the Yadavas. Besides his own phenomenal strength, Dwarka's Narayani Sena is the strongest army in the world. Even his younger brother Krishna can't disobey his words. Now, imagine if we could secure Balram's support and alliance. Not only would he be a powerful ally against the Pandavas, but he could also help us block people like Bheesm and Arjun. "

Duryodhan's eyes widened as he began to see the potential of Shakuni's plan.

"Uncle Shakuni, you never cease to amaze me. Let's work on this plan immediately. We must find a way to approach Balram and win him to our cause."

"Don't be so hasty Duryodhan. Although he can be a good ally but it's not very urgent because he cannot help us in tomorrow's situation. It is only a long term plan. "

Shakuni chuckled softly.

"I understand Uncle Shakuni. "

Duryodhan's excitement finally calmed down. 

"But of course, I have some idea on how to approach him. I heard that he is the strongest mace fighter in the world, and I remember you wanted to find a good teacher to improve your skills? "

Shakuni asked craftily. 

"What? I don't remember ever saying this Uncle Shakuni. "

Duryodhan immediately got confused by Shakuni's illogical words. 

"This, this is the problem my nephew. You're still too slow to catch on. "

Shakuni sighed in disappointment. 

Shakuni couldn't help but chuckle at Duryodhan's still puzzled expression. He leaned closer, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "Duryodhan, my boy, sometimes you have to see the bigger picture. Imagine this: we approach Balram with the proposition of finding a suitable mace-fighting teacher for you. You express your desire to improve your skills in front of him, and Balram, being the skilled mace fighter he is, might decide to personally tutor you after seeing your potential. It's the perfect way to establish contact and win his favor."

Duryodhan's eyes widened with realization as he understood Shakuni's clever strategy. "I see what you're getting at, Uncle Shakuni. By seeking his guidance, we can build a connection with Balram, and once we have his trust, we can gradually work on gaining his support for our cause."

Shakuni nodded in approval. "Exactly, Duryodhan. Balram may be a tough nut to crack, but with the right approach, we can bring him into our fold. And remember, this is just one step in our larger plan to secure the crown for you."

Duryodhan grinned, his determination renewed. "Uncle Shakuni, you're a true mastermind. I will follow your guidance, and we will make this plan a reality."

With their strategy in place and a potential ally in mind, Duryodhan and Shakuni began discussing how to deal with tomorrow's problem. 


Meanwhile Aryan was currently lying on the bed with Bhanumati snuggling in his arms in the room arranged for them. 

"Say Aryan, when are you going to bring our marriage's proposal to my father? "

Aryan, enjoying the warmth of Bhanumati in his arms, looked at her with a gentle smile.

"How about instead of going back to Udra, we directly go to Kalinga after leaving Hastinapur? "

"Really? "

Bhanumati immediately got excited after hearing Aryan's words and jumped up from his arms, sitting directly on his chest as Aryan continued lying on the bed. 

"Yep, let's get married. Oh and by the way, about the promise to find a teacher to teach you archery, I have already talked with Karna and he has agreed to teach you. "

Bhanumati's eyes lit up with delight as she heard Aryan's proposal and the news about Karna's willingness to teach her archery. She leaned down, planting a passionate kiss on Aryan's lips.

* muah *

"Directly to Kalinga it is then, my love! You've made me the happiest woman in the world. I can't wait to become your wife and start this new chapter of our lives together. And thank you, thank you so much for arranging archery lessons with Karna."

She smiled brightly, her heart brimming with joy and anticipation for their future together.

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