
Reincarnated in Kingdom

After getting his 3 wishes from God, MC woke up in the Kingdom world. Disclaimer: i dont own the copyright for kingdom This is my first novel Expect a lot of grammar errors

Shadow_Kid978 · TV
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Sung-woo shouted: "Hurry, move the giant zombie. Everyone else stand your ground

Everyone answered: Yes, sir

Yeong-shin held a rifle and commanded 2 soldiers to reload his rifles as they looked around cautiously and shot any normal zombie that ran near their group. Prince Lee-chang and Moo-young grip their swords, killing any zombie that will charge at them. From the back, the group heard screeching. A pack of beast zombies crawled toward the group.

The beast zombie, which is the size of an adult tiger, walked on all four and had it spine protruding out of its back. Its claws are razor sharp, and it had no lip but had small fangs around its mouth.

Sung-woo examined the beast zombie and said: they are bigger than the one I killed. Guess the first one was a scout

Sung-woo yelled at the group while looking at the beast zombie: they moved like a pack of wolves, so don't get separated from the group. Also, watch out for their tongue and claws. aiming for the head or tongue should kill it

The pack of beast zombies pounces toward Sung-woo clawing and biting toward Sung-woo. Sung-woo kicked his first sword toward the zombie, stabbing it on the head, making it fall in front of him. With his other sword, he spinned his body, slashing horizontal in front of him, killing anything that got close.

After swinging, his back was exposed to the beast. The second wave of beast zombies jumped toward Sung-woo. Sung-woo grabbed the sword that was stuck in the beast zombie head, next to him, and swung horizontalagain, completing a circle.

When Sung-Woo stopped spinning, one of the beast zombies extended its tongue and caught Sung-woo's arm. When he was about to cut the tongue off, another tongue extended out from another beast zombie wrapped around his arm before he could swing down. The two pull both arms in opposite directions. Another clawed toward Sung-woo.

Sung-woo didn't panic. He dropped one of his swords and kicked the sword handle, making the sword twirled in the air and cutting off one of the zombie tongues holding his arm Then he caught the handle of the sword before it touched the ground and blocked the attack coming at him.

Yeong-shin, seeing Sung-woo struggling, shot the beast zombie that Sung-woo was clashing with. Sung-woo saw the beast zombie go down, then yanked his arm hard, pulling the beast zombie toward himself. He stabbed toward the beast zombie head, piercing its head.

The beast zombies, seeing its companions getting killed so easily that it all took a step back. The biggest beast zombie screech and the beast zombies spread out and aim for everyone else, avoiding Sung-woo.

Sung-woo saw this and yelled at Yeong-shin: that is the alpha, kill it

Yeong-shin aimed at the alpha with his rifle, took a deep breath to steady his aim, and fire

With a boom sound they alpha beast zombie went down. The other beast zombie becomes unorganized.

Suddenly, Sung-woo saw an armored zombie running toward him. Sung-woo put one of his sword back at his sheath and got into a low stance. When the armored zombie got close, Sung-woo took a deep breath, and he slashed out like a flash and was behind the armored zombie. The armored zombie stopped at his tracks, then split in half vertically and fell.

Sung-woo heard screaming from the group. He saw an officer getting ripped apart and another in the mouth of a zombie beast while he screamed for help. Prince Lee-chang saw this and tried to help but was pulled by one of the beast zombie tongues.

Moo-young, being held back by a beast zombie, yelled: "Your majesty

Yeong-shin aimed his rifle at the beast zombie and pulled the trigger. He heard a click and knew it was a misfire.

Prince Lee-chang tries his best to swing his sword at the zombies tongue, but he can't since it is behind his neck. Prince Lee-chang sees that he is getting close to the zombie mouth and aims his sword at the beast head. He stabbed forward, killing the zombie. Prince Lee-chang got up and went back to the group, but an armored zombie rushed toward him from the back

Moo-young was relieved that the prince was alright from before but became worried again: your majesty behind you.

Sung-woo threw his sword like a spear at the armored zombie eye. The armored zombie was too busy paying attention to the prince, didn't see the sword coming, and got pierced through the eye. Soon, everyone heard what they wanted to hear.

The road is cleared!!!

Prince Lee-chang: Let's get out of here

Everyone: Yes, your majesty.

Sung-woo retrieved his sword and went to the front of the group. He cleared any zombies that blocked the road. The beast zombies stopped paying attention to the group and looked at the giant zombie that was pushed aside and started eating it.

Yeong-shin saw this when he was aiming at them and thought: that shouldn't be good.

The group continues to rush toward the clinic, with Sung-woo taking the lead.

[Seo-bi POV]

Seo-bi with aworried face: What's taking the carts so long. We should go back to check.

Officers: My lady, we got to stay here and protect the citizens. We could only wait.

Soon, they heard growling coming from the distance.

Officers: we should close the gate

Seo-bi rejected: no, we will wait for them.

Officer scared: they are going to come in and kill everyone else. Close the gate

They suddenly heard carts coming with Sung-woo in the lead, slashing away any zombies blocking them.

Officer yelled: "Never mind, open the gate."

The group rushed into the clinic, but the last cart's wheels knocked the edge of the gate breaking it. Sung-woo saw this and went outside.

Prince Lee-chang saw Sung-woo and followed: anybody that can fight, help hold them off, and someone fix the gate.

Sung-woo in the front took a handful of beef jerky from his shirt and stuffed it in his mouth.

Yeong-shin saw this and shook his head: Are you still eating?

Sung-woo: I don't want to die a starving ghost

Prince Lee-chang: Here they come