
Beginning Pt.1

Tyler: Fuck that asshole, if I see him again I'm going to make his life hell. [ 3 mins pass] Damn where am I now and why is it so dark and moist, hmmm...the angel said I would be sent at the time of my birth. Fuck this is bad, almost every novel I've read the protagonist goes through immense pain when they're born. I swear I'm gonna get my revenge on that douchebag of an angel. Well, whatever it doesn't matter, I need to focus on what is most important at this exact moment, and that's figuring out how to subside the pain. [ Dump Dump Dump] What's that sound

next to me? Hmmm... it must be Mark I guess. [ Intense screaming comes from outside ] What's happening? Am I being born already? Fuck I need to figure out something qui...Fuck this hurts so much, whoever made this so painful is a sadist. [ As Tyler gets hit with a bright light he feels two giant hands pick him up ]

Debra Grayson POV: As I look at my two sweet little angels my husband Nolan walks in.

Nolan: Darling are you ok you're not hurt are you

Debra: No I'm not and Nolan, look at the babies they look so cute with their fat chubby bodies

Nolan: Yeah they look like something straight out of Warhammer

Debra: Nolan! That's not nice

Nolan: I'm just kidding..... Kinda but they are cute they have those eyes of yours and they also have your hair.

Debra: And they have your facial features as well.

Nolan: That they do

Debra: Nolan what should be their names

Nolan: How about Mark and Tyler

Debra: yeah, I like the sound of that, Mark Grayson and Tyler Grayson, my two sweet boys' Mommy always going to love you.

Nolan: Yeah we are always going to love them.

-------Time skip---------

(Tyler Pov ) : It's been 17 years since my reincarnation and I'm now waiting on the day I finally get my powers. It's been one hell of a ride to get here, for example, being a baby sucks, and second, going through school again was annoying, and finally, the worst part of it all is during that time I did nothing of importance while all that was happening.

Quite literally nothing don't get me wrong I did martial arts but that can only take me so far when I literally fight in the air in the future I would have to make a whole other martial arts for that, which I plan on doing but that's for the future.

Another thing I did that was hardly of any importance was my social interaction with the kids my age. Now you may be wondering why is that a bad thing let me explain. Since the angel so graciously decided to make not only my looks scary handsome but also my charm it affected my life to a drastic degree, like borderline kill my self I don't want to live anymore type of thing. I'm not suicidal but I was damn sure considering it.

It all began in middle school when I just started losing my baby fat and then suddenly everything just did a complete 180 . Not only did I become popular with the women but the men as well which did not comfort me at all it got so bad I had to get homeschooled .

That angel did something to me but I don't know what it quite is . It's definitely not just a normal increase in charm it has something to do with my powers because it has such a powerful effect on others but luckily I have a somewhat controlled amount I can use now due to meditation.

I thought about having a harem but I quickly ditched that idea since I would have a Yandare on my hands I'm just gonna have to settle for one women .

Sigh . Seriously I missing out on so much with my charm but well anyways no use crying over spoiled milk.

A/N( Hahahahah you guys thought he was going to have a harem hahahahahaha oh lord we don't do that around here. Anyways he is only gonna have one or two people so give your hopes up of collecting girls like Pokémon . And give up on recommending I already got people in mind . No harem sect for the win. P.s. No Eve I leave that for mark)

Life couldn't be any worse not only was school going to start in two days but I still haven't got my powers yet. Sigh enough worrying about life I should head home before mom gets on my ass. I don't want her questioning we're I've been all day.

Oh did I forget to mention I started fighting in this underground fighting tournament to gain and hone my martial arts skill. The martial arts best suited for me is Jeet-kune Do.

It was the best for anything. Like a wise man once said "Be like water my friend." Of course their are others that I have implemented in my fighting but Jeet-kune Do was just so much more free it would be the easiest to implement in my flying since it's formless but also technique oriented if that makes since.

Jeez I need to stop spending so much time thinking . I quickly rush back home and make it their at 12 I sneak in through my window and it was luckily clear and now it's time for some z's .


The morning ( Debra Grayson POV.)

Sigh my son's antics of staying out late are terrible I mean does he think he was that sneaky we have a security system for crying out loud I won't bother him too much considering he's a smart kid. I know he wouldn't do anything too stupid.


[Back to Tyler POV.]

I get put my clothes on for the day and get ready to head downstairs when i suddenly get stopped by mark.

"Aye dude could you pass me some tissue I ran out of some."Mark asked

"Yeah sure just gimme a min I'll go get some from downstairs." I commented

"Thanks Tyler." Mark said

No problem Mark . As I reach the kitchen area I see my mom cooking breakfast I hope she didn't notice I was gone yesterday. As I say good morning to my mom she slowly turns around and says.

"Now where have you been young man" Mom says

Oh shit.

To be continued…