
Merlin's mission

My whole body felt rigid as I teleported away from the demon kings territory. I did whatever I could to keep myself conscious but then a voice resounded in my ears which swept all my worries away and I closed my eyes.

'No need to push yourself, you are safe now, we will talk when you have recovered from your trauma." Merlin said to me and I complied because I could sense that whatever he was saying was all true.

As I floated in the dark abyss for the nth time in the last week, it was the 1st time I slept soundly.


"Wake up brat, how long do you plan to sleep?" I heard merlin's voice and woke.

Looking at my surrounding I understood, I was stranded in the forest and it was still dark. There was nothing other than trees surrounding me but I could hear a voice of water flowing somewhere nearby and chirping of various birds.

"How long was I passed out?" I asked.

"For more than 24 hour." He replied.

"Thank you for saving me, benefactor merlin, I will definitely repay this debt in the future." I said to him, my own voice resounded to me as giggling but merlin was able to read my thoughts.

"The debt is bigger than you think, look at your Fate point' He said and I looked at my status window.


[Name: Eric grace]

[Level: 1/10]

[HP: 100/100]

[Strength: 10]

[Stamina: 12]

[Agility: 9]

[Defense: 7]

[Mana: 0]

[Fate points: -50 million 50 points]

[Mission: click to expand]

[Skill: click to expand]

"Holy fuck." When did I used this many fate points, I asked myself.

"I will definitely repay this debt savior, I will do everything in my power to repay this debt, but can you explain to me how did I use this many fate point?" f**k I thought I was out of that hell but now I have this debt on my head.

"Look at the screen." He said and various holographic windows appeared before me.

<10 Million Fate Points to deactivate the merlin's seal>

<5 Million Fate Points to take control over dungeon system>

<3 Million Fate Points to activate the invincible barrier>

<5 Million Fate Points to disable the teleportation blocking array>

<2 Million Fate Points to teleport host to selected location>

<100% compounding interest per annum>

"That is inclusive of interest, you better pay it quick because it will double every year but i don't think I can expect any repayment from you anytime soon." He said and I thought should I laugh because I get to keep my life or cry because I will be living a life of a slave paying this never ending debt.

'WTF is wrong with this 100% compounding interest rate; I will die before I can repay the debt at this rate.' I thought but at least this merlin guy was reasonable as to not impose any penalty on me immediately and even saved my life.

'Don't bother with the debt for the time being; when you are capable I will suggest you the missions through which you can clear your debt in one fell swoop.' He reassured me and I took the sigh of relief that my whole life will not be wasted on repaying some unwanted debt.

'So kid, from which planet were you abducted?' He asked me and based on his talk with demon king he is the only knowledgeable person who can answer my questions.

'Milky way Galaxy, planet earth.' I answered and didn't hear his voice but felt a sudden rush of emotions.

'Another one from that pitiful planet ha…' he said.

'Do you know someone from my planet Mr. Merlin?' I asked.

'Yes, my first contractor was also from the planet called earth.' He replied.

'What was his name; maybe I would know something about him, if he was famous?' I asked curiously about the identity of this 1st contractor.

'His name was Arthur pendragon, he was a very famous king of his time so maybe you would know him.' He said and my ears perked and a smile appeared on my lips.

'Yes I have heard many stories about him, that he was a kind and brave king who perished in some battle.' I said letting him know what I knew.

'You don't have to say, I have all his memories with me so I know more than you about his life, apparently you are from the same planet so I felt some connection with you.' He said.

'I also read that he had the friend named merlin who was sorcerer, are you that merlin's soul.' I asked curiously wanting to know the identity of my savior.

'No, I was an entity just like your system contracted with Arthur to help and guide him achieve the gods objectives and apparently he got bored of calling me system so he named me 'merlin' after his friend, who was a magician.' He said and his every word containing nothing but truth.

'Oh that is how it is.' I said understanding.

'Before anything accept this back.' He said and a screen appeared in front of me.

<Merlin would like to give you the command of system>

<Do you want to accept the command?>


'Why are you giving this back to me?' I asked.

'It is your life and your destiny to reach the pinnacle of this world while we are just medium to guide you, we should not have any control over your actions that is why.' He said and his words touched my heart.

'But I don't know anything about this thing.' I said.

'Didn't angels brief you before sending you here, ohh my mistake the new generation system and angels are different.' He said and I nodded.

'Then let me brief you about us and this world.' He said.

'But before that let me tell you how I function, everything in this world known to us fall under the natures laws and even gods have to obey the natures law because if they break those laws they will disappear from this world.' Merlin said

'I too follow the natures law equivalence, I cannot give you anything if I don't receive anything of equal value in return, therefore we will trade information about each other, do you agree?' He asked and I nodded.

'I am one of the oldest first generation systems to have ever existed, my age is somewhere between 9,000-10,000 year and I function within the limit of law of equivalence. There were 500 of us at the beginning but most of us are scraped and hunted down by celestial beings because at some point we posed much bigger threats to celestial beings than demon gods, It has been more than 4000 years since I have met any of my brother or sister therefore I think I am the only one left of my generation.' He said with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"But Arthur died not longer than 500 years before my time so how can you be 10,000 year old?" I asked in bewildered tone because what merlin said was true but it didn't make any sense unless he has some trick up his sleeves to bypass my truth seeing ability.

"The time axis of earth moves slower than that of other planets and therefore 1 year of earth is equivalent to 20 year of time of other planets." He said and I took a deep relaxing breath knowing that my truth seeing ability had no loopholes.

'I was merged with the soul of Arthur Pendragon, which gods retrieved after he died and sent him to conquer the planet 'Ares', which is thousands of light years away from here.' He said to me.

'So how did you end up here?' I asked without thinking and interrupting him.

'I was getting to that part, don't ask any question in between or the cost of our equal contract will increase unnecessarily and your Fate point debt will increase alongside it.' He said and I shut my mouth immediately because what he said until now was truth and I don't want to increase my already piled up astronomical debt.

'Arthur was righteous and kind unaware of god's motives so he did as he was asked and with my help he was able to slay the demon king from his planet 'Ares' and subdue whole demon race, the demon race was only obeying the command of demon king and therefore he made a peace treaty with them and did not kill the whole demon race as he was asked by gods.

He tried to explain his reason to celestial beings but instead of listening to him they declared him as heretics and blamed him in colluding with demon race and demon gods, they sent many angels to hunt him but he endured that hellish life of being hunted by angels and human kind whom he had freed from the threat of demon king.

But while dying he used all his Fate points to awaken my consciousness. He also gave me the name merlin and I picked the personality of merlin from his memories.

While dying he gave me one last mission to travel the whole universe and free whatever planet I find, from the grasps of gods whether they are celestial beings or demon gods, because as per his beliefs mortal should have the right to choose their own path in life and gods should not interfere in mortal's affairs but nevertheless gods intervene in the affairs of mortals because they gain Fate points from them and higher the once fate point more stronger they became.'

'From then on I had saved 37 planet in the past 8,500 years but whenever I move to the next planet, gods send there apostle's to make a mess of the planet I previously saved, therefore I changed my life's mission and made it to eradicate all gods who tries to intervene in the mortal affairs and as you are my host I will give you a chance to choose whether you want to help me achieve my goal or want to leave my side, I will stick to you until I have recovered my debt and then switch to another host when I find one.' I thought hard about what he has said till now and he was on one hell of a tough quest.

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