
Core selection

"To tell you the truth, I thought it would take you few months to master the 1st stage of core center formation technique because of your small body but it seems I have been underestimating your Immortal physique." Merlin said few praising words to me or to my body.

"Then can you show me the list of beast core I can merge with?" I asked merlin because I was too weak to go out there and kill powerful beast at my current level.

"Tell me, what rank beast would you like to merge with but remember that you have limited core center and once you have merged with a beasts core you cannot replace it in the future, on the other hand if you merge with the higher rank beasts core it would become that difficult to defeat his consciousness.

Therefore try to maintain the balance between both possibilities." Merlin advised me but I don't think my greed for power will let me maintain the balance.

"Show me the highest grade beast core you have, even those that exceeds rank 12." I said not caring about the cost or future difficulties because who knows maybe I will become powerful enough in the future to defeat the higher ranked beasts consciousness and regret not choosing powerful beasts core for my first integration.

"My advice is useless as always." Merlin said in a disappointed tone and from the looks of it, it wasn't the first time someone has neglected his advice.

"As you wish." He said and a list of beast cores opened in front of me.



[Beast cores: Rank 12 and above]

1) Dragon

2) Titan

3) Kraken

4) Angel

5) Demon

6) Vampire


" You may argue that how can angel, demon and vampire be categorised as beast but every living being consider other race as beast and even humans possess beast cores on this planet, what you are seeing now is higher ranking species with cores." merlin explained me.

"well i don't care about that." i said turning my attention to list of cores.

"I have only this species core with me who's actual strength surpasses rank 12, so what do you think?" Merlin said as if trying to sound poor but I knew how big of a deal it was to have this many rank 12 & surpassing cores.

"I know what dragons are but not much about titan, can you tell me about them in detail?" I asked.

"They are not beings of this planet but they possess unlimited physical strength and hyper regeneration, the downside of merging with them is that your body will grow exponentially in size and you will attract the attention wherever you go.

You may have seen the 2nd duke of demon king Lucifer, he was a lowly demon rescued by Lucifer in the past and Lucifer bought a titan core from me and gave him, with the power of titan at his disposal that mortal demon has risen to the rank of duke, who are one of the strongest demon beneath only demon king.

He was the one who stayed outside the 100th dungeon all the times to keep an eye on me." That doesn't sound like a good choice for my 1st integration if I want to surpass the demon king and that is how I discarded the idea to merge with titan core.

"About kraken, it lives in water and just how dragons are king of beast's living on land, krakens are self-proclaimed king of sea but I don't think it will be suitable for your first integration because you will not be able to draw out his full power on land." Merlin said.

"One of my previous host had a weird fetish and merged with kraken's core so that he can use his tentacles to play with woman's, if you have that kind of fetish you can also merge with kraken because I saw in your memories that you have intention of creating harem of most beautiful women's on this planet."

I had already discarded the idea to merge with kraken's core but the possibility merlin suggested me was worth giving a try but shaking my head in disagreement i saved this possibility inside my head for future consideration.

"I think I will not merge with kraken's core for the time being." I said.

"You should avoid merging with angels and demons core as well because there are some gods out there who can directly influence the actions of this two species and you will be in grave danger if you ever face them." Merlin said and my eyes turned to last option which was quite enticing.

"So we have only vampire's core left." I said.

"It is a good choice; it will also help you raise your personal loyal force in future as you know they can turn other species into their own which also applies to demon and angels."

"But if you merge with vampire core you will have to seize your activities in day and also the core I have is not of any ordinary vampire but the progenitor of vampire and defeating him in fight will be outside of your capabilities even if you learn to cast rank 12 spells." Merlin said and I agreed because I don't want to hid in day for years and delay my revenge pilgrimage anymore, I can wait and integrate with vampire core at my 2nd or 3rd integration.

"So, that brings us to dragons?" I said.

"You should never underestimate the dragons; they are held as king of beasts in the known world and possess most of the abilities you will find in the higher ranking species." Merlin said and I couldn't agree more.

"If you compare them with other species such as titan, kraken, angel, demons and even vampire, they can easily overpower all of them." Merlin said.

"Agreed, then please show me the dragon cores." I said.


1. [Flame dragon core (Flame, Lava): 200 million Fate point]

2. [Water dragon core (Water, Ice): 200 million Fate point]

3. [Earth dragon core (Earth, Metal): 200 million Fate point]

4. [Wind dragon core (Wind, void): 200 million Fate point]

5. [Bone dragon core (Bone, bone manipulation): 300 million Fate point]

6. [Poison dragon core (Poison, Mist): 300 million Fate point]

7. [Thunder dragon core (Lightning): 500 million Fate point]

8. [Gravity dragon core (Gravity): 700 million Fate point]

9. [Shadow dragon core (Shadow, shadow space): 850 million Fate point]

10. [Divine Thunder dragon core (Lightning, Divine lightening): 1.2 Billion Fate point]


"Ohhhh uhhhhh…" My eyes lit up when I saw the names of cores but when I saw their cost I turned to look at the system window with a questionable look.

"Merlin, I know I am filthy rich but please don't rob me and show me the real cost." I said to merlin because the cost of single core was too astronomical.

[Vampire progenitor core: 1.6 Billion Fate point]

I kept staring at the cost of vampire progenitor's core cost and understood that merlin was not making fun of me or deceiving me.

"Do they really cost this much?" I asked to confirm my doubts.

"I told you before that I am not the one who calculate the fate points but the law of equivalence." He said the truth.

I contemplated for few minutes but can't make a decision because after seeing the unique dragon cores I was not interested in basic elemental cores but the unique dragon cores were too expensive.

"Why some cores has dual ability while some have single ability?" I asked.

"The cores which have single ability are rank 12 cores and the cores with dual ability are rank 12 surpassing core." Merlin said.

"Before you make a decision let me make you one thing clear, the first ability you will unlock will use your mana reserves but if you want to use the secondary ability, you will have to imbue some of your fate point into your attacks." What on top of paying this humongous cost I have to use my fate points as well.

"Yes if you want to use shadow ability it will deplete your mana reserve but if you want to use the secondary ability which is space, then your fate points will be used along with mana." Merlin explained.

"You know it is not fair, don't you merlin?" I asked.

"That is how the world is." He replied.

What should I do, no matter how much I try to look at the window my focus only lingers on core no. 8, 9 and 10 but is it worth it, I kept myself asking the same question again and again.

"Demon king Lucifer has shadow dragon core right?" I asked merlin.

"Yes." He replied and now my competitive spirit ignited on its own, how can I buy anything cheap than that bastard Lucifer and so I made my decision that I will regret and curse myself forever for buying something so expensive.

"Can you explain me about this [Divine Thunder dragon core] in detail?" I asked.

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