
In and Out ( a love story about a lion and a butterfly)

When they were inside they were divided into their squads, each of them explored the whole ship and tried to get used to it, they noticed that there where a lot of marines, engineers and supplies, Alex was sure it was for a future operation, but which of them, after all they had an almost infinite of missions to do.

And so after 1 hour they were all inside the cafeteria,since it was spacious, with the Instructor talking to them.

Instructor: Today you guys will take part in a espionage mission, you will need to fly to your objectives, each one of your groups has 2 ships that are required to gather intel, your target will be a large insurgent fleet and before you go, be aware that communication is impossible in that area so you will be on your own. Now take a 5 minute break, because you have until then before we arrive!

Alex hearing this was very happy, after all he could start his plan sooner, but he also realized one thing, the story changed, they would never received such a mission before, but they also didn't have a ship before, Alex thought for awhile.

Alex: Sara is it possible to buy a ship but don't deploy it immediately?

Sara: It certainly is Host! Your ship will be inside your inventory until you decide to deploy it, but be advised that after you deploy it you can't store it back!

Alex: Ok! Thanks Sara!!!

Sara: No problem Host!!!

Alex was now even more happy, he now had a plan, he went to the general chat and discussed this, they all agreed after some discussion and it was decided that Spartan1 team would be the first to "die" after that they will steal a small ship and travel to Alex home world, Eridanus II, where they will start their main base, everyone except Alex didn't knew it was his home world, not even John, after all John had to forget some things in order to make everything less painful, after all this discussions they arrived.

They were informed they were still very far away from the fleet, but with their suits in about 10 minutes they should arrive at their location, Alex suit was a Venator type, it was mostly black, but it had a little of dark blue in some places all over his body, mainly on his head, shoulders and chest, in the outside when you look at his head you can only see that his helmet had two small lines filled with a black colored glass, this was for him to see, and his all suit was interlinked with a dark blue fiber, this could only be seen in the places were the armor couldn't reach, Alex was very happy about his suit and that was because he loved it. After a small time of contemplation Alex and everyone started flying through space until they reach their objectives, when Alex arrived he confirmed his suspicions, his team was assigned to gather intel about the main ship of war and the main ship of logistics, the first thing they did was to recon the type of guns and defense system, they also searched for an entry point, in about 2 hours everything was recorded and planned, they decided to start with the main ship of war, they detected a flaw in the ship design, the ship had a small door at the back of it where the garbage was dumped to space, they probably believed that no one could enter through that place because of the lack of strength to open the door from the outside or because after they go inside they will need to go through an incineration, they took 3 minutes to arrive and 2 to open the door, after that the incinerator started doing its job, but for them it was the same has nothing that was because of their suits, they continued to follow some route until they arrived at a small room where only a staff door could be seen, they tried to open it without making noise but they failed, so the only option was hack the door, but something horrible happened, the walls started to come closer, they had approximately 2 minutes to hack and leave without being noticed, Kelly was nervous but got it done on time, when they left the room they understood they were inside the machinery room, they checked everything, the motor, the gravity field and even some maintenance terminals that they took the chance to hacked and start gathering some information, after that they entered stealth mode and quietly found their way out, when they reached a door they opened it a little to see what was behind it, it was a very large corridor and they could, occasionally, see some people walking, they also saw that a few doors down a room could be seen, but what caught their attention was the fact that on top of the door of that room they could read "Surveillance", they looked at each other and started to walk in a moderate pace to the room, trying to act natural, but when they were just arriving at the door, it opened up and reveal a large and well built man, behind him were other 2 mans and a lot of screens.

Insurgent4: Who are you? I have never seen you guys before and neither your armors.

Alex: We are a new unit, our purpose is to check everyone constantly to look for traitors and of course kill them, but also keep the ship security in check, that is why we are coming here and also why we are wearing armors.

Now mister...are you a traitor?...are you obstructing our investigation?...

Insurgent4: N-Not A-At all S-Sir! P-Please come in...

Alex: Good...

They all went inside and of course after the door close they eliminate the insurgents, took control of the surveillance room, hacked the surveillance system and installed a program that would repeat all the images of the previous days, they looked the room and now that no one would be watching them they went to the control room were every data of the ship was stored, as they arrived some technicians asked who they were, the answer was a bullet in their skull, they hacked the ship system and quietly left, they were making their way to the machinery room and saw someone trying to get inside the surveillance room but he couldn't, after that all 4 of them left to space again to go to their next target.

Please tell me someone was trolled by the title ???

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