
Reincarnated in fairy tail with op powers(anime travel pt.1).

What happen when a fate series fan gets reincarnated in fairy tail with 3 wishes given by a bored god. Alternative sypnosis:bandits; ill drop a noble phantasm into you, a wizard; ill also drop a noble phantasm into you, oh a dragon; ill drop noble phantasm with dragon slaying into you.In short: ill drop a noble phantasm into all of enemy Disclaimer: any powers and characters already existing belong to their respective owner. Also the book cover is not mine

kingu14 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Ch.23 Deliora

It's been nearly a month since kingu and skadi came to the land of isvan but there's been no news or sightings of deliora so kingu and skadi is still waiting for deliora to appear in brago.

Kingu can be seen relaxing and reading on a folding chair. Not far from him, skadi and ultear can be seen exchanging blows and casting magic towards each other.

After a few minutes, the match is finally settled and ultear can be seen panting while her clothes are somewhat torn while skadi can be seen unscath.

"You have improve quite a bit compared to days before but you're still not there."

"When you cast your magic, you still waste some of your magic power due to your lack of control so you still need to continue your training in controlling your magic power" Skadi said in a strict tone

"I understand master." ultear replied respectfully

"Good. That's it for your training today, we'll continue tomorrow." skadi said as she started towards kingu while ultear stayed behind to rest for a bit.

Once skadi reach the camp, she walk towards a folding chair and sat on it.

"How's her training going?" kingu ask skadi as he look towards the approaching ultear while summoning a random healing type noble phantasm and tossing a bottle of water towards skadi to which she catches.

"Her control of magic power is still rough around the edges though it's enough for her current age, at least the magic power is not harmful to her body since i've training her body to handle her large amount of magic power." Skadi replied as she open the bottle of water and drink water from it.

"When are you planning to tell her the truth about her mother?" skadi ask as she close the bottle of water.

A week ago, kingu told skadi about the circumstances of ultear's mother.

"I have no plans of telling her since she might not believe me, so i thought that it's better for her to learn the truth from the mouth of her mother." kingu replied

"Okay then." skadi said as she open a book and started reading.

Meanwhile ultear finally reach the camp so kingu cast a healing spell on her to heal the injuries from her training.

"How was your training?" kingu ask ultear while handing a bottle of water to her.

"It was great Kingu-niisan. Skadi-neesan taught me many things and amazing magic."

"Look niisan. I can do this and this." ultear excitedly said while conjuring various things using her ice magic.

"Looks like you're having fun so all is good." kingu chuckled a little while patting ultear who shows an expression of bliss.

"Now go bath on the tent, I've already prepared you some hot water." kingu said.

"Okay" ultear excitedly replied as she started walking towards the tent.

"Maybe it's time i prepare our dinner since the sun is setting and by the look of it, it's going to be dark soon." Kingu said to himself as he got up and started litting the bonfire and summoning some ingredients from the gate of babylon.

Kingu then started preparing their food and the knife blurred as he skillfully chop one of the vegetables.

After preparing the ingredients, kingu put a pot on top of the raging bonfire while putting the ingredients

Meanwhile, ultear can be seen exiting one of tents while wearing a different clothes after a few minutes

Kingu notice that ultear was slowly approaching but paid no attention towards her since he's focus on cooking their food.

"Is there anything i can help you niisan?" ultear ask kingu excitedly once she reach kingu.

"Yes of course. Sit on the chair and wait for the food to be cooked." kingu said as he teased ultear.

Ultear beam when she hears the first part of kingu answer but suddenly deflated when she hears the second part. Even though ultear wanted to help kingu, she still walk towards the chair and pouted when she sat on the chair knowing that kingu was only teasing her.

Kingu slightly chuckled knowing ultear is pouting at the back.

A few minutes later, the food was finally cook, so kingu started serving them on a plate and handed it to skadi and ultear.

Ultear happily eat the food while skadi just casually eat the food while not taking her eyes off the book that she's reading. Knowing skadi, kingu just ignores her and started serving food on his plate and started eating.

After they finish eating, kingu started washing the dishes and dried them. Once the plates were dried, kingu put it inside the gate of babylon and sat on his chair as he resume reading the book that he was reading before when ultear suddenly sat on his lap and started sleeping, something he had just ignored.

A few minutes later, kingu and skadi was suddenly interrupted on their reading when they sense a large amount of demonic aura slowly approaching.

"So it's here huh." kingu said as he and skadi stared towards the source of demonic aura.

"Hey ultear wake up." kingu said as he shake ultear to wake her up.

"hmmm, what's the matter niisan?" ultear ask she rub her eyes.

"The beast that i told you weeks ago that we need to exterminate is here so we're going towards it"kingu said as he move ultear off his lap.

"Can i come, Can i come" ultear ask excitedly

"Of course you can come." kingu replied to ultear as he got off the chair and started packing the camp.

Once the camp was pack, kingu then put it inside the gate of babylon.

"Let's go skadi, and take ultear with you" kingu said as he started flying.

Skadi nodded as a response as she cast her magic on herself and ultear.

They flew towards the source of demonic which is already near Brago and stop a distance away from it.

They saw a massive dark blue humanoid demon.

Once kingu saw the demon, he knew that it was deliora so he wanted to rush towards it and fight it when suddenly he sense an influx of magic targeting the demon.

Kingu look toward the source of magic and saw a young boy with a spiky black hair and dark blue eyes. Knowing it was gray trying to kill deliora, kingu decided not to attack the demon since he's waiting for ur to appear and save gray.


Author's Note: The remaining four chapters will be uploaded tomorrow.

Weekly update(3/7)

If you have any corrections or suggestions, please comment on the comment section.

Thank you for reading and good health to everyone.