
Reincarnated in each others body

Casio De Lanour is the prince of the Lanour Kingdom and Cruz Marx is a son of a farmer. Casio’s magical power is amazing but Cruz’s magical power is mid. They both live in a different world but one day they wake up from their sleep and discover that their body has been changed. Casio is now in the body of Cruz and he is in the body of Casio’s. They don’t understand what is happening but they do realize that they are in a big trouble. As they wake up in each other’s body they don’t know where they are and whose body it is and what is his social standing so they try to find it out.

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Chapter 1: The reincarnation

Part 1: The situation after reincarnation

Casio De Lanour is the prince of the Lanour Kingdom and Cruz Marx is a son of a farmer. Casio's magical power is amazing but Cruz's magical power is mid. They both live in a different world but one day they wake up from their sleep and discover that their body has been changed. Casio is now in the body of Cruz and he is in the body of Casio's. They don't understand what is happening but they do realize that they are in a big trouble. As they wake up in each other's body they don't know where they are and whose body it is and what is his social standing so they try to find it out. First Cruz order a maid to praise him and when the maid began to praise him he completely understood that he is in the body of Casio De Lanour and he is the prince of the Lanour kingdom and on the other side Casio orders a old women to bring him some juice but instead of juice he gets a slap on his cheek he don't understand why he deserved the slap but than the old women says to him that "do you think that you are a prince" he replies that "yes I am a prince". The old woman gets angry and beat him cruelly with a stick. He now understands that he is in the body of a useless fellow named Cruz. Nowadays Cruz acts to be sick cause one day in a class he found out that just his body has changed his magical power didn't he is still that loser but in order to be in the royal palace he have to hide that he is Cruz. Casio De Lanour is very powerful his magical power is strong so Cruz can't afford to show his magical power or everybody else will found out that there is something wrong with Casio. On the other side Casio is still getting beaten that's why he fled from his house and tested his magical power in a store and found out that his magical power is as same as before. After founding out the result he felt relived now he thinks that he has a chance in this world. He gets into the magical knights who are responsible for protecting the capital. At first everybody make fun of him for coming from a poor family but he replied them with his magic so nobody ever messed with him after that. Cruz now has been called in his father's chamber for a discussion first his father asked him "are you really sick cause a maid have informed me that you were spotted in the garden while running can you explain me that my son?" he freaked out and replied that "he is felling better now". After listening his answer the king told him that than you will not refuse to go to the battlefield isn't it right my son he unconsciously replied yes father. Than his father send him in the war with the Swan Kingdom. In the battlefield he somehow survived by hiding in the mountain of the death bodies on the other side Casio is doing his best in the battlefield. He is already the hot topic of the Farous Kingdom but there are some people who aren't happy with his progress so they made a plan to kidnap Casio but they underestimated Casio and they will pay for it soon.

Part 2: The way of life after reincarnation

Casio was taking a stroll in the park and that's when a member of the magical knights informed him that the vice captain of the magical knights is looking for him. He departed as soon as he was informed but in the way of magical knights HQ a bunch of people attacked him. Casio beat them cruelly with his stick magic. After beating everyone he asked them if you want to live than tell me everything you know they replied that are you crazy bro you already half killed us. One of them tells him that one of the noble members of the magical knights paid him to kill him. Casio asked for his name and found out that his name is Damian Riser he is currently the third most powerful member of the magical knights. Casio decided that he will take revenge by marrying his daughter. On the other side Cruz returned from the war and found out that his father appointed him as the lord of the city of Zavin. He get shocked hearing it cause the city of Zavin is located in the border of Swan Kingdom and after returning from the battlefield he understood that the Swan Kingdom is full of barbarians. He had no choice so he left for Zavin the next day. The Queen asked the King why did you send our older son in that dangerous place he answered that if he don't get over his fear now he will become unfit for the throne that's why it's best for him to keep occupied in the war. The Queen said that it's a matter of sorrow that our brilliant son Casio is now suffering from the war fear phobia I hope that he will get well soon. The king says that I believe in my son he will come back soon.

Part 3: One have to get his revenge and the other one have to become a fine lord

To get his revenge Casio first approached toward the daughter of Damian but instead of response he gets a slap. The daughter of Damian said to him that my name is Rias not the daughter of Damian and I hate that person who favors me only for my father's name. Casio than apologies for his behavior but he didn't get any kind of chance to talk to Rias that day. So he tries again this time he gives her a bunch of red roses but it didn't help him that much cause she threw the roses in his face so he is now thinking of how to approach her. In the meantime Cruz tries his best to defend his city but the barbarians of the Swan Kingdom attacks all the time to take control of the Zavin city. So Cruz hires a former serial killer to form a team to kill all the barbarians of the Swan Kingdom. The former serial killer is known as the Jack the Ripper he asks the prince "why aren't you taking care of them yourself" he replies that "I am giving you a chance to start everything anew so you should be grateful to me instead of asking me questions". Jack than says actually you are right I shouldn't ask you any question you must have your own reasons. After several days Jack forms a team of 13 peoples and named the team 13 sins of Zavin. They began their operation by killing the captain of the Salin city. It's a city located in the Swan kingdom. After the death of the captain the barbarians quit their barking for a time. Casio now started to take advice from a guy known as the love expert of Farous Kingdom named Lavelo Louve. He said Casio to say her cool things like "Hey you I noticed you from across the ocean and knew if I don't approach you today I'd be kicking myself all day" after listening his advice he actually tried that this time he was labeled as a creepy guy. So this time he don't do any unnecessary thing and confessed her directly he said "Look you are the most important thing in my life so even if you don't love me I will always love you" than Rias said "Who told I don't love you". Casio looked surprised and happy and asks her so you do love me than there is no problem in marrying me right? Rias tells him that she need some time for it so Casio told her that he will give her 3days if she doesn't reply back in 3days than she will never see him again. Casio told her everything boldly but after returning home he feared that she might turn his proposal back but he calmed down soon cause he might have approached her to get his revenge but now he loves Rias truly. (To be continued)