

I don't own My Hero Academia, High School DxD or anything else I use.

(Except for My Character)

Please Don't Sue Me.



Izuku walked out of the classroom and started walking in the halls.

As Izuku was walking, he heard a loud "WHAT!!!!!!!!".

"They must have learned that Asia is living with me. Ha Ha Ha," Izuku chuckled.



"So you're finally here!" Rias said as Izuku walked into the clubroom.

"What'd you call me here for?" Izuku asks while yawning, tired from his last class.

"I've decided that it's time for you to get a Familiar," Rias told Izuku.

"What's a familiar?" Asia asked timidly.

"Familiars are like servants for devils. They can help you with anything whether it be Flyers or even in battle." Rias explained to the shy girl.

She then lifts her hand into the air, and a small summoning circle appeared.

"This is my familiar," Rias said, finished summoning.

A small Red Bat appears.

"Here's mine," Akeno said, as a palm-sized Oni appeared in her hand.

".....This is Shiro." Koneko said monotonously while letting a white kitten crawl onto her head.

"She's cute," Izuku said with a grin while petting Shiro.

Shiro leaned into the petting.

"I know," Koneko said with a small blush.

Izuku heard a caw and saw a Dark Eagle perched in Kiba's shoulder.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

They all heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Rias said, wondering who it could be.

The door opened and Izuku saw the Student Council.

The first to enter was a woman with black hair in a bob cut, violet eyes hidden behind glasses, and a slim figure. The next one right behind her was another bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye.

"Nice to see you again Sona!" Rias said with a smile.

"Likewise, I came to introduce our servants to each other," Sona said, moving closer towards Rias.

"As you know Izuku, this is the Student Council. They are also devils." Rias said, waiting for the look of surprise.

"I know," Izuku said blankly.

Everyone's eyes widen.

"B-But how?!" Rias asked in shock.

"Um, because I'm not stupid. Like I said before, I noticed Momo was turned into a devil." Izuku explained.

"Speaking of which," Izuku said.

"Ohhhhhhh, Momo-chan!" Izuku said, running up to Momo.

"Hi, Onii-sa-Oof!" Momo started to say but then was tackled by Izuku.

"How's it going Momo!" Izuku picked up Momo and started spinning her around.

"Onii-san! Stop!" Momo punched Izuku in the head.

"Ow. *Sniff* Why?" Izuku faked starting to cry.

"Because, your annoying Onii-san." Momo huffed.

"I'm annoying huh," Izuku said in a corner poking a stick around with rain clouds over his head.

The people who were watching didn't know whether to laugh or sweatdrop.

'So, he's a sis-con.' Everyone thought with a shiver. Rias and Sona the most.

"I'm surprised that you didn't tell your little boyfriend about us, Rias-senpai." A smug voice said.

"Oh, Saji. How great it is to see you." Izuku said with his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Hello, Bishounen Asshole-senpai," Saji replied with venom.

Izuku and Saji didn't like each out. Izuku plays pranks and other things to Saji, once he found out that his sister likes the annoying boy.

"Izuku behave!" Momo said with a glare.

"Ok!" Izuku said quickly with a shiver.

The last time he did anything too bad to Saji, he got kicked the nuts.


As strong as you may be, there's no coming back from getting hit in the nuts.

"Saji enough! He already knew about us!" Sona yelled at Saji.

"Ok, Sona-Kaichou!" Saji yelled out with a frightened expression.

"*Cough* Whipped *Cough*," Izuku said with a smug voice. Quitely enough so only Saji could hear.

Saji glared.

"I apologize for my Servant's behavior Hanakai-Kun." Sona briefly bowed at Izuku.

"It's fine Sona-san, no need to apologize," Izuku said with a smile and a taunting glint that only Saji could see.

Saji clenched his fists.

"Ok, Introduce yourselves," Sona ordered.

The first person to introduce herself was the Woman with the long black hair.

"I'm Tsubaki Shinra, a 3rd Year. Vice President of the Student Council and Sona-Kaichou's Queen." Tsubaki said with a bow.

Next was a small girl with long brown hair in two braids, Matching Brown eyes, and a blue headband atop her head. "Kusaka Reya, 2nd Year and Sona-Kaichou's Bishop."

After her, was Momo "I'm Momo Hanakai, 2nd Year, and Kaichou's second Bishop. I'm sure you all know, that idiot's my brother." Momo said while pointing at Izuku.

"Idiot. Idiot. Idiot." Izuku said over and over again, back in the corner with the depression cloud over his head again.

Everyone sweatdropped.

Up next was a girl with shoulder-length, reddish-Brown hair and brown eyes with swept bangs and a single strand of hair sticking out. "I'm Kaichou's Knight. Meguri Tomoe. Hope we get along~" Meguri said cheerfully.

Next to come up was a tall girl with a head of blue shoulder-length hair and eyes of the same color. "I'm Yura Tsubasa, 2nd Year student and Kaichou's Rook. Nice to meet you."

The final girl came forward, she was a short girl with twin brown ponytails and green eyes. Name's Nimura Ruriko, Sona-Kaichou's Pawn and a 1st Year."

The last one up was Saji. "Saji Genshirou. I'm -"

"That's enough, I don't need to hear more" Izuku waved his hand.

"Izuku that's rude!" Rias said to Izuku.

"He doesn't need an introduction," Izuku said.

"Izzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkuuuuuuu!" Izuku turned as paled as Orochimaru and saw his sister with dark purple aura and the Shinigami behind her.

"You can continue." Izuku quickly said.

Saji snickered and said with pride. "As I was saying, Saji Genshirou. I'm a 2nd Year Student and secretary of the Student Council. I'm also Sona-Kaichou's Pawn.

After Sona's peerage was done introducing themselves, Izuku and Asia stepped forward. "Um. I'm Asia Argento Rias-Buchou's Bishop. Take care of me from now on." Asia bowed.

"Yes, let's get along well Asia-chan," Saji said as he started to walk up to Asia.

He was stopped with a glare.

Suddenly the room darkened and Izuku was in a ninja costume.

Old Japanese music started playing.

A Spotlight from out of nowhere shined on Izuku.

"Women quiver in lust with my gaze! Men hate me with a burning! Even babies look in wonder! I'm the brother of the beautiful Momo Hanakai. I'm am the Handsome Devil known as the known as The Silver-haired prince of Kouh! I am the awesome guy known as Izuku Hanakai!" Izuku did a weird little dance.


Total Silence.

Suddenly, Momo blushed in embarrassment and facepalms, Asia had a look of awe on her face and started to clap for Izuku and everyone else Sweatdropped.

"This is a new side of him," Rias said blankly. Everyone else nodded.

"Is this because of him being with his sister?" Kiba asked in wonder.

"I don't know if this is good or bad." Akeno also said blankly. Everyone else nodded again.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You're probably weak on top of of being weird. I took up 4 peices!" Saji said haughtly.

"Saji!" Saji fliched. "If you would have done your research, you would know that Hanakai-kun took up 8 pawn peices, which is 2 time yours." Sona informed.

"You don't have to call me by my last name. You can call me Izu or Izuku." Izuku told Sona.

"Ok...Izuku." Sona said with an almost unnoticeable blush.

"*Fake Cough* Anyway, Rias why do you have your familiars out?" Sona asked Rias.

"I was going to take Izuku and Asia to the familiar forest." Rias answered.

"Oh really? I was going to do the with Saji." Sona said, a bit surprised.

"Oh, well that's a bit of a problem. The Familiar Master only sees one peerage a month." Rias said with a frown.

"I don't think you'd let me go first?" Sona asked, already knowing the answer.

"Why don't we settle this with a game? The winner gets to go!" Rias said with a Challenging glint in her eyes.

" You're on!" Sona said with a smirking.

"You could always just play Rock Paper Scissors." Izuku said. His words went unnoticed.

THIS week should be back on schedule for the most part.

Chaarcreators' thoughts