
Reincarnated In Dxd With Denial Of Nothingness

Lets Watch Our Average But Proud Virgin Bachelor Mc Tackle The Absurdity Of Anime Logic And The Unreasonable Species That Is Also Known As Anime Girls. How Will The Mc React To Cringey Anime Bullsh*t He Will Face,How Will Mc Answer His Parent's About The Misunderstandings He Will Most Definitely Create That Defy The Laws Of Physics. Famous Mc Quotes And Quotes By The Memes He Watched "The F*ck Do You Think How Ill React You F*ckin Killed Me,I Mean Who The Fuck Fall In Love's With His/Her Killer Im Not A F*ckin Retard Who Thinks With His D*ck Or A Simp Who Let's A Girl Step All Over Him Just Because She Has A Pretty Face Ill Let You Know Im An Advocate Of Gender Equality Like Lord Kazuma You F*ckin Bimbo Goddes" "Sigh... As a Wise Man Said 'Sometimes It Takes A Real Man To Be Best Girl'...Why The F*ck Do I Look Like A Trap Version Of Merlin!!!!" "How Did My Slowpaced Average Life Became A Huge Clusterf*ck Of... I dont Even Know How To Describe My Life!!!!,This Just Shows How Absurd This Sh*t is" "God Please Take Me Back To My OG World I Cant Take The Absurdity Of This Anime World,Please Biblical God I Promise I Wont Masturbate At Jeannes And Gabrils Picture" "Ze F*ck Is This..., Hold Your Baby Instincts Shan.... Hey,Hey,HEYHEYEHY, WAIT.....I Can Now Proudly State That I Am Now Traumatize At Nipples.. Bleghhh" "Warning We May or May Not Watch Mc Avoid Girls Because Of His PTSD"

Merlin_Best_Girl · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Start of Work/Plot And Omake


A week already passed~~,

Blank's School life is complicated, He also gained the moniker of, "Trap Queen", on the second day of him attending kuoh academy.

Many Guys also confessed their "love" to him, fully knowing the fact he is a boy, they were mercilessly rejected, of course. But that still didn't stop them.

Blank to this day, is still afraid.

Knowing the fact that someone is going after his anal virginity, makes him truly uncomfortable. which is weird considering the fact that he no qualms about killing.

Near the end of the week, Blank heard a rumor about, Issei getting a girlfriend. You may also wonder if he'll just let the Devil reincarnate a human possessing a Longinus, the answer is yes he didn't exactly like the devils, but the thought of him saving the idiot Is very troublesome.

And he doesn't fully possess a god complex, it isn't for him to decide the fate of Issei Hyodou, he can interfere yes, but he didn't have an obligation to do so, as he doesn't even have any emotional ties with issei. If he is his friend.., yes he will undoubtedly save him.

- - - - - - -

Inside Blanks and Kazumas Apartment~

Inside Kazuma and Blanks's apartment, we see them talking to each other.

"Oi!, Blank what are you gonna do this weekend?"

"I have a part-time job, remember. How about you what are you gonna do this weekend?"

"Mehh, nothing much ill just explore kuoh, so I can familiarize the town more"

Blank hearing Kazuma thought, Is he gonna meet raynare and issei, considering anime logic that should be possible, I don't need to worry though, considering Kazuma has killer queen it should be easy to handle fallen angels.

"Okay Bye"

- - - - - - - -

At the Stile Cafe~

As blank opens the door he quickly greeted his senpais,

"Ohayo, Maika senpai"

Blank greeted, a black-haired girl wearing a pink uniform.

"O-ohayo.., Bl-blank-san"

Maika replied timidly,

Blank hearing maika's reply just nods at her and smiles.

"Ohayo, Kaho-senpai"

Blank greeted, a blond-haired girl with big tata's Also wearing a uniform but blue this time.

"Oh!, Ohayo Blank-Kun!"

Kaho replied enthusiastically,

Blank just nods at her,

"Ohayo, Miu-senpai"

Blank greeted another girl, with red hair and with also big tata's, she is also wearing a red cafe stile uniform

"Ara~, Ohayo~ Blank-Kyun"

Miu replied with an onee-san voice,


Blank is not amused,

"Mafuyu-senpai, Ohayo"

Blank greeted another girl this time a loli to be exact, she has brown hair and purple eye's,

"Nod*, Ohayo"

Mafuyu just nods and replied with a plain tone,

Blank seeing this, is not offended,

"Ohayo, Hideri-senpai"

Blank greeted a fellow femboy,

"Hmm!!, Ohayo Blank-san!! ( *・∀・)ノ゛"

Hederi enthusiastically replied to his fellow femboy,

Blank seeing hediris enthusiastic reply, just waved at him and smile,

"Ohayo, Manager-senpai"

Blank greeted the manager,

"Ohayo!, Blank-kun!, looking good today!👍"

The manager replied with a thumbs up lively,


"You too.., I guess..,(⌒_⌒;)"

"Urkk!!" the manager dramatically kneeled and touched his heart, seemingly depressed,

Door Opens*

The door suddenly opens, and Akizuki suddenly entered,

as Akizuki enters the door, he saw the manager kneeling and grabbing his heart with a depressed face, curios that he is, asked the other staff members what happened,

"What happened to the manager, why is he like that?"

Akizuki asked curiously,

The other staff member's just pointed to Blank,

"( *・∀・)ノ゛, Yo?"

Blank casually waved,

"Hmm? Blank what did you do?"

Akizuki asked,

"I dunno I just complimented him,¯\_( ツ )_/¯"

Blank shrugged casually,

As Akizuki was about to reply, but a clap interrupted him,

Clap*, Clap*,

(* ゚∀゚)ノシ

"Okay everyone be prepared, we will be opening soon"

The manager said with clear enthusiasm in his voice,

Everyone of the staff member was just wondering how fast did the manager recover,

- - - - - - - -

The cafe is already opened, and the customer was coming in,

Blank of course served customers too, acting as a Kuudere,

He is still uncomfortable wearing girls clothes, but he needs to do his job to earn money,

When he saw customers waiting at the door, he just says,

"Welcome To Cafe Stile I guess..., come with me"

In a Montone's voice, a Bored tone, and a stoic face,

The customers being a masochist breathes heavily,

Blank seeing this is, crying on the inside, why did he choose this job anyway,( T▽T ),

While he was serving customers, he sees a familiar face that he sees in school,

It Was Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejema,

They are the Two Great Onee-Samas in Kuoh Academy, also a devil,

Why are they doing here anyway,



Ehem, anyway he may dislike devils, but he won't let his dislike toward devils affect his job,

Blank is valued professionalism,

Blank walked toward, Rias and Akeno,

He then says in a monotone voice and a Bored tone, with a scary look in his eyes that can be Mistaken as an Ice Piercing Glare,

Rias and Akeno were surprised, seeing the so-called "Trap Queen" working in this cafe that they recently discovered, They were also wondering why his attitude is different from school but they didn't question it.

"Fufufufu~, I didn't expect you to be working here, Blank-kyun~",

Akeno said in an Ojou-sama voice.

" I am currently at work, so please refer to me as such"

Blank said in a monotone and bored voice,

"Fufufufu~, acting professional eh, I can live with that~"

Akeno replied,

"Please, follow me., right this way"

Blank said in a bored monotone voice

As Blank finished guiding rias and akeno toward an empty seat, He quickly handed them a menu and continued his work,

Minutes later Rias and Akeno finally ordered something, and he was tasked to give them their orders,

"Here's your order, Miss"

Blank said stoically,

"Thank you"

Both Rias and akeno replied at the same time,


Blank just nods at them,

He then suddenly thought, "What is Kazuma doing currently"

- - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile With Kazuma

"How did I get in this situation in the first place?"

Kazuma thought to himself,

At first, he was just exploring the town, then he arrived at the park, And then suddenly people just started leaving at the same time, it was truly a weird sight,

Minutes later the park is already empty,

His first thought was, "This must be a work of an enemy stand",

he jokingly thought, but his friend did say that magic is real, so maybe it was the cause of this,

As he was looking for the culprit, he suddenly saw a corpse, to be more specific isseis corpse one of the pervert trios, there is also a woman with Black wings or as his friend call them fallen angels,

At first, he was disgusted by the corpse, but he managed to put himself back together, his friend completely told him that sooner or later, he will have to get used to seeing the corps, and someday I will have to stain my hands with blood.

If you were thinking that Kazuma was just about to attack the angel for the sole reason of, "avenging a classmate", you are entirely wrong, Kazuma is not a hero, he won't go saving everybody just because.

Blank was subconsciously influencing Kazuma with his rants about how heroes being heroic is stupid when blank sometimes goes to Kazumas house watching TV about a hero saving everybody.

Kazuma's thoughts were, why do I need to kill the fallen angel? He didn't notice me so I should just go home, even if I kill her it won't bring back Issei to life, and I didn't even interact with him anyways, I dont have ties with Issei so it's just okay for me to go home.

As Kazuma was about to go back he suddenly stepped on a branch,



The fallen angel demanded/screeched,

Kazuma hearing this immediately cursed himself for doing such a dumb and cliche action, But first, he steeled himself he knew that now, he needs to fight this woman and possibly kill her.

He then slowly showed himself in front of the woman, and quickly threw a coin at her,

The fallen confused why this human gave him a coin asked, "What are you trying to do humans

Kazuma only replied with,

" Killer Queen has already touched the coin"

The fallen was about to ask what was that supposed to mean but before he could,


She was already dead,

Meanwhile, Kazuma is thinking"This is Killer Queen's special power, the fallen angel has been eliminated without a trace"

Kazuma then threw up,

what can he say that was his 1st kill unlike blank who is slowly losing common sense and sense of moral, Kazuma is still "normal".

- - - - - - - - - -

At the Cafe Stile~~,

It is already evening and the cafe is Already closed,

All the staff members are still in the cafe,

" Blank-san, do you know the red-haired girl earlier?"

Maika timidly asked her kouhai,

"The red-haired girl, do you mean Rias Gremory? If so then yes, she is my classmate"

Blank replied,

"Ohhhhh, her name is not Japanese is she a foreigner"

Maika asked with stars in her eyes.

"Well yes, she said she originates in Europe, she does speak in perfect Japanese"

Blank said while also thinking, "Europe my ass and their instinctive skill to comprehend and translate languages is a cheat"

"Ohhh, how does it feels to talk with a foreigner"

Maika asked enthusiastically

Blank hearing this raised his eyebrows, "You Are really enthusiastic about foreigners, huh?"

Maika haring this enthusiastically nods, a sudden question suddenly popped into her mind, "Can you speak other languages Blank-san?"

Blank hearing this thought, "Well I did made my ring a supercomputer with [Denial Of Nothingnes], I can just command the ring to input information directly to my brain, so if I want to learn a new language I can just command the ring to do so"

Blank after finishing his thoughts immediately replied with "yes",

Maika hearing this immediately asked," Can you speak English? if yes can you demonstrate, I would love to hear English"

Blank hearing this just nods and proceeds to say,

"Hello, My Name Is Blank Kanvas. It's Nice To Meet You"

Blank said in perfect English,

Maina hearing Blank speaking English, have stars in her eyes,

Unknown to them,

Their Co-workers were currently Eavesdropping,

Miu was breathing heavily writing something on her notepad,

Mafuyu was taking pictures of Blank and Maika, as she thinks they are cute,

Kaho was just watching them, thinking they were adorable,

Akizuki was taunting Dino, on how they look like a couple, he was just doing this so that Dino can confess already, what a great wingman,

Hideri was trying to stop dino from bursting through the door,

Dino was jealous and cursing blank in his head


- - - - - - - - - -

Omake (Not Canon)

In Chaldea,

We see Blank and Merlin Interacting With each other,

"Who are you!!?"

Merlin said, suspiciously

"I Am You, But Better"

Blank said haughtily,

"What are your Goals"

Merlin asked annoyed,

"My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding"

"You were saying that you're better than me, we can only solve this by doing the " THING".

Merlin said seriously,

"Yes, we should do the " THING"

Blank said approvingly,

Merlin and Blank Then Stared At Saber,



Saber seeing 2 merlins staring at her became uncomfortable, she wants to escape but with so many servants looking in her direction, she would lose dignity as KING, if she fled in cowardice.

Merlin suddenly said,

[Futa Magecraft: Bestow Dick]

As Merlin said that, a magic circle appeared under sabers location, it then lights up for a few seconds before disappearing.

"Huh!, how about that how can you beat my Magecraft!"

Melin said proudly,

Saber then feels a ding ding dong, suddenly appeared I her crotch,


Saber exclaimed, her face beet red and looking at Merlin like she wants to kill him,

The Knights Of The Roundtable wants to beat up Merlin too for 'humiliating their king,

"Fuwahahahahahahhaha, Entertain me more, ZASSHU" Gilgamesh was just enjoying the show, presented to him by "Jesters".


The majority of the servants was also chuckling,

" Heh"

Merlin heh'd smugly,

Blank just Shook his head, he then said to Merlin,

"This is how its done Merlin"

Blank Then said,

"[Star Platinum Over Heaven: Futa Rewrite]

A White Humanoid suddenly appeared behind Blank, the Humanoid suddenly shrine bright, a few seconds the light finally dimmed down,

" What did you do?"

Asked Merlin,

"Ahh Just Wait In,





Multiple Voices we're heard, but they immediately noticed it all originated from the saber faces,

"What did you, d-do?"

Merlin asked shakily,

"Heh, I Just Used [Star Platinum Over Heaven] to rewrite reality, so that all saber faces will have ding ding dongs,"

Blank Proudly said,

Merlin then looked at him in despair,

"You have doomed us, idiot"


That Day Blank and Merlin were hanged by the saber faces,

They also forced Blank to refer them to normal,

Blank Complied,

But He Still got Beaten Up by the saber faces,

The moral of the story Is,

Don't mess with the saber faces,

- - - - - - - - -

Author's Thoughts

Sorry For Late Chapter,

I Fell Asleep Mid-way,


I Hope The Omake Made up For It,

Also, Omake is Not Canon,

It's just for fun~~,

Bye~, Bye~



Weeb A asked


Weeb B repeated in a confused tone

Weeb A and B then look at each other, they then nod,


Both is Good 2x

They said at the same time