
Reincarnated In Dxd With Denial Of Nothingness

Lets Watch Our Average But Proud Virgin Bachelor Mc Tackle The Absurdity Of Anime Logic And The Unreasonable Species That Is Also Known As Anime Girls. How Will The Mc React To Cringey Anime Bullsh*t He Will Face,How Will Mc Answer His Parent's About The Misunderstandings He Will Most Definitely Create That Defy The Laws Of Physics. Famous Mc Quotes And Quotes By The Memes He Watched "The F*ck Do You Think How Ill React You F*ckin Killed Me,I Mean Who The Fuck Fall In Love's With His/Her Killer Im Not A F*ckin Retard Who Thinks With His D*ck Or A Simp Who Let's A Girl Step All Over Him Just Because She Has A Pretty Face Ill Let You Know Im An Advocate Of Gender Equality Like Lord Kazuma You F*ckin Bimbo Goddes" "Sigh... As a Wise Man Said 'Sometimes It Takes A Real Man To Be Best Girl'...Why The F*ck Do I Look Like A Trap Version Of Merlin!!!!" "How Did My Slowpaced Average Life Became A Huge Clusterf*ck Of... I dont Even Know How To Describe My Life!!!!,This Just Shows How Absurd This Sh*t is" "God Please Take Me Back To My OG World I Cant Take The Absurdity Of This Anime World,Please Biblical God I Promise I Wont Masturbate At Jeannes And Gabrils Picture" "Ze F*ck Is This..., Hold Your Baby Instincts Shan.... Hey,Hey,HEYHEYEHY, WAIT.....I Can Now Proudly State That I Am Now Traumatize At Nipples.. Bleghhh" "Warning We May or May Not Watch Mc Avoid Girls Because Of His PTSD"

Merlin_Best_Girl · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Blank In The Car Was Experiencing A Crisis

Sorry for the late update,



Kanvas Household-

We see Blank still asleep in his room.

Knock*, knock*

Blake was awoken by someone knocking at his door.

Blank still in bed, tiredly said"Come in.."

The door opened, and Blanks Mom Kei Kanvas walked through his door and said

"Blank wake up and take a bath you still have school, also breakfast is already ready"

Blank still in bed, tries to leave the bed but failed to do so, as he still wants to sleep

"Mmmmm~, just wait a few minutes"

Grumbled Blank trying to stall her mother.

"Sigh.. do you want to get splashed by water Blank?" Kei asked her son in a threatening manner.

Blank hearing his mother's threat, immediately leaves his bed, greets his mother, leaves his room, and quickly ran to the restroom trying to bathe.

Kei seeing her son leaving his room thought, "Sighh.., I cant understand my son sometimes, sometimes he acts childish, sometimes he acts too mature for his age, that you can even mistake him as a teenager"

- - - - - - -

Dinner Table~

We can see Blank, Kei, Eiss, and Jibril eating at the dinner table together.

"How was your 1st day of work, Jibril-san," Kei asked curiously

"Ufufufu~, nothing significant happened, Kei-sama," Jibril said mysteriously.

"Hm? how about you, Blank anything particular happened in school?" Eiss asked his son, also trying to make small talks. He ain't gonna lose to the ladies.

Blank currently eating, stopped as he heard his father asking him a question.

"What? Can you repeat it" Answered Blank politely to his father.

"Ehem, I said does anything that happened in particular happened while you at school," Eiss said repeatedly.

Blank hearing this searched his memories, with his ring providing him editic memory, he can clearly remember all events in school.

"Hmm, There this one thing, at recess my friend Kazuma recently made a promise with a girl that, when they grow older they will marry each other, I guess" Blank said in an uninterested tone.

(This is Canon By The Way)

However unknown to blank, his parents thought that their son was jealous of his friend. So like any good parent, they try to cheer their son.

Even though Blanky didn't need it, but did they know about this? of course not.

"Don't worry son, I and your Mom are sure when you grow up, girls will be chasing after you" Eiss said haughtily.

"Yes son, just wait a few more years I'm sure your face will be more developed by then," Kei said also in a haughty manner.

Blank hearing his parents words nearly choked on his food, where did they get the impression that he was jealous of his friend, Lord Kazuma.

Jibril finding an opportunity to tease her master, immediately acted, "Ufufufu~, don't worry Blank-Kun if you are still single by then,dont worry I'm sure I'll marry you in the future I promise"

Blank noticing Jibril trying to tease her is speechless, why is she even trying to tease me? I'm a 5-year-old dammit. I don't have the hormones to even make me horny, and even if I do I'll just probably ignore her...probably.

Blanks parents also heard jibrils proclamation, of course, they were also surprised, but they just didn't think much of it as they thought Jibril was just also trying to cheer up their son, what a sweet girl~~

As blank was already finished eating and currently trying to wear his current school uniform, he heard his dad say.

"Blank!!, Come quickly inside the car or we will be late for school"

Blank Of Course Complied

- - - - - - -

In the Car-

"Did you already wear the seatbelt, son?" Miss asked his son, trying to remind him of safety

Blank hearing his dad quickly replied with a simple "Hn"

Miss seeing his son wearing the seatbelt, did not discuss anymore. As he drove his car not saying anything leaving his son to his thoughts.

Blank seeing his father silent, immediately tried to think of something to distract himself.

Blank somehow decided for him to re-play the past event, and tried to recollect himself.

"Sigh, It has been 5 years since I reincarnated huh?" Blank thought to himself.

"It has also 1 year since I met Jibril" Blank also remembered.

Eiss noticing his son's, unusual silent attitude is curious, but he won't interrupt his son. Ass his son appears to be thinking to himself an inner-monologue

Meanwhile Back At Blank's Inner monologue

Now that I think about it, I am now too different from my past self, In the past, my goal was just to quickly go back to my OG world, but now I can't even decide if I can leave my new family here.

I know that in the past I dissed, reincarnators for not coming back to their old family, but this is hard you know.

In these past 5 years, it's hard not to love your new parents who also love you unconditionally..... Sigh, I am truly a Hypocrite.

I mean how can I just also abandon them easily when I also hold a clear emotional attachment to them...., And how can I even also enjoy myself knowing that I'm also not in my OG family.., I did wish for the Goddess to stop the time there, right?.., does that mean I can justify my action because just because they won't notice me gone..No! even without them noticing me it still did not change the fact that I am still here enjoying life with a new family...

Those Fanfics I read in my past life made it so easy to just also abandon their new parents.

Ughh!!, Thinking about this is troublesome and makes my brain hurt.

Let's talk about less troublesome things. (Procrastination as its finest)

Hmmm? how about Jibril let's see...,

In the past year, nothing too much happened if you exclude her debut in the supernatural. Nothing too much happen between us. She is just too busy reading books. Speaking of her debut I wonder how many devils did she massacre?.

Speaking of Massacres, When did I go too accustomed to killing?

I also killed a stray devil a few weeks ago, but why didn't I feel bad for the devil. I mean it was my 1st time killing someone even with my dislike towards them. I can't logically just kill them in cold blood without feeling remorse.

It just didn't make any sense? Since when did I got accustomed to killing? I clearly remembered his headless body, but why don't I feel bad? I'm not a serial killer that can pull that sh*t off. i'm sTiLl a NorMAl person..., right??, can I still be considered a normal person?.

Anyways let's stop that before I go insane.

Maybe it was Jibrils fault, we have been living like a year, after all, she is practically a mass murder machine back in her world.., No I can't blame her, well maybe a little but that still not answered my question. Since when did I get too accustomed to murder?

I even let Jibril go massacre entire innocents of devils for f*ck sakes, is it just really I hate the devils that I am okay killing them is the answer.

No, I don't even hate them that much, I merely dislike them because of what they doings to humans, But I'm not really like a hero that goes and kills devils to free the humans or like that, that's Cao Caos Job.

I just want a peaceful life..., Do I even want a peaceful life?? If I truly want a peaceful life, why did I let Jibril announce her presence in the supernatural world? that just contradicts my statement regarding me about wanting to have a peaceful life.

Do this mean I'll try actively looking for trouble now?..wait, wait chotto matte, Me, don't get too arrogant or you will be one of those Mcs where they always try showing off their powers for no reasons but I do have a reason tho, but still---

"Hey Blank!!, we have already arrived at your school"

Blank snapped back as he hears his father calling him

"Yes Dad, Good Bye, see you later"

"Yes yes, now go of you will be late"

- - - - - - - -

Author's Thoughts

Sorry for the edgy chapter and poor execution I was already tired of writing the chapter, so I was drowsy writing this part.

I'm currently trying to fill the previous plot holes.

We can also see that Mc is currently confused about what should he be doing, whether to go back or stay with his new family.

I honestly didn't think this story would be this popular,

I mean we almost at 100k views and the fic isn't even 1 week old.

I don't know if this is considered to be normal here in Webnovel,

But I thank all of you guys for reading this fic

It truly means a lot to me, Remember this is my first fic

I didn't even think that I can even go this far.

I hope we can reach 100k views before this novel reaches a week old.


*Insert Happy Author Noises*

(I know it's not a meme but, what you gonna do sue me?)