
reincarnated in dragon ball with infinite wishes

please go easy on me this is my first book . . . a 15 yr old boy gets ran over with truck-kun and gets reincarnated in dragon ball with infinite wishes

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reborn in dragon ball

:kyle: my name is Kyle and I'm 15 years old.

Today I died by the almighty truck-kun. I was a bit of a outaku

{time skip}

I have just opened my eyes and all I see is black nothing else {500 billion years later}

I was about to go mad when suddenly a light appeared I fly towards it as quickly as I can {100 million years later} I finally reached the light and nothing is the...

[do you want to reincarnate?]


I quickly press yes if anything can get me out of this black void I wouldn't hesitate to do anything

[which world would you want to go to?]

I thought for a few days

:Kyle: the dragon ball world please

[ok now you get three wishes of anything]

'wait anything'

[yes anything]

:Kyle: ok I my first wish is a system of a status.shop with everything in it. and it can talk to me. my second wish is to be reborn as a saiyan with the ancient legendary super saiyan 1 year before the destruction of the planet . my third wish is to have unlimited wishes.

[ok you shall be sent to the dragon ball world with your wishes]

then at that moment my vision went and darkness washed over me once again.

I wake up in a wet yet comfy room. I tried to move bot found out I couldn't.

'where is this place'

[you are in your mothers womb master]a mechanical voice said

:kyle: what who's there... o wait your are my syste aren't you

[yes mater I'm your system]

:Kyle: do you have a name

[no master I don't]

:Kyle: I name you then . I'll name you sky.

[thanks for the name master. would you like me to change my voice]

:k: yes sky can you change your voice to a beautiful voice.

:s:yes master is this one alright. said a beautiful soothing voice.

:k: yes that one I good.

:s:thank you master

:k:sky status


name: Kyle blackwood

race: saiyan

bloodline:ancient legendary super saiyan

pl:153 million

skills: infinite wishes




:k: sky why is my pl so high

:s:its because of your bloodline master. the ancient saiyan blood line gives a boos of 120 million master.

:k: how long until I'm born

s: 3 months master

k: ok how do I wish for stuff sky

s:master just has to say. I wish for and then the thing you want master.

:k: ok sky. I wish for perfect ki control. status




name: kyle blackwood

race: saiyan

bloodline: Alssj

pl: 4.24 billion

skill: infinite wishes

perfect ki control




k: sky why is my pl so high

s: its because of your ki control master

k: so I'm guessing the ki was chaotic and now that is has calmed down

s:you are so smart master

k: I wish for everything in the store to be free.

sky can you put me to sleep until I am born and also buy instant mastery and an observation skill thanks

s:ok it's done master bye now

{time skip 3 months}


k: sky what Wrong

s: you are about be born

k: sky can you put my pl to 354

s: sure master it's done

k: I don't know what I would have done without you. I really love you

s: y y y you l l love m me. said sky with a shy voice

k:of course I love you do love me?

s: idiot its not like love you or anything. plus you are about to be born

k: so you a tsundere sky

s: n n no

k:oooh I finally see light

he slowly got pushed towards the light . he got held up in the air

doctor: look mrs.blackwood this is your child

the a muscle coverd Male walked in ...