
Death and Reincarnation

The dark clouds covered the whole sky as it hovers above the city. The whole city was engulfed in darkness, the only sounds that can be heard were the roaring vehicles and the sound of rain hitting the ground.

On some random alley, the sound of a gun firing was covered by the sound of the heavy rain. A shot that had claimed a life was not heard or was ignored by the passer-by.


"Now that you've died, I will finally be number 1!"

My consciousness was fading, I can hardly make out the laugh of my crazy business rival.

"Don't worry about your businesses, I'll be taking care of all of them. You can be at ease and die peacefully, hehehe~"

He laughs or from what I can make out of from my fading consciousness. I don't really care anymore. Even if I'm not willing to die, no one will be able to hear this maniac's laughter. Why did it even have to rain today?

I suddenly coughed out a lot of blood, I guess I really am dying here. Knowing that my death is near, several thoughts ran into my mind but most of it was the regrets of my life.

Even though I've become a very successful businessman, I sacrificed my family, lover, and friends just to reach this point. I may have achieved the success I always wanted, reached the peak I always yearn for but the cost of it was heavy.

My family, friends, and lover... They-

There's no use thinking of it now, my life's about to end and I can't right my wrongs anymore. But if there's a god, can you reincarnate me? I will do my best not to mess it up again, I'm sure of it.

Laughing at the sudden childish thought and wish I made, I draw my last breath and then everything went blank.


The police cars were park just a few meters away from an alley, where a murder scene was found by a homeless person. The police were immediately sent to investigate and were surprised to find out that the person killed was the number one businessman in the world.

The killer was soon captured with the help of the CCTV cameras placed on a store nearby. The culprit was also not in the right mind and have confessed to his crime while laughing.

The victim's family soon came, the time of his death was also known from the autopsy.

November 17, 2018

The number one businessman in the world died and at the same time, was reincarnated to another world.


When I thought that it would be the end of me, I suddenly felt that I can move again. The pain on my chest was gone, I opened my eyes and sat up to find that I was in an unfamiliar yet familiar room.

"Huh? I didn't die?"

It was a rather stupid question knowing that I am breathing and very much living. But waking up in a room that gives you a strange feeling of familiarity yet unfamiliarity at the same time, feels weird.

I look around the room trying to find anything that can tell me where I am. I then found a student card on the table just beside me.

"Fujii Natsuo"

I find the name familiar, but I have no idea where. The name feels like the room, but this time, it was a lot stronger. It feel like I've known it all of my life.


My thoughts were interrupted by the grumbling sound of my stomach. As much as I want to ignore it and continue thinking about my current situation, I feel like I haven't eaten in days.

"I better find something to eat first."

I sighed as I came out of the room, a little surprised why I know the way to the kitchen but it was soon thrown at the back of my mind. I was focused on trying to fill up my stomach.

Inside the kitchen, I didn't see any cooked food. I open the fridge and saw that there were only a few simple ingredients. I then stared at the two ingredients in the fridge and a dish appeared in my mind.

"Chicken and egg. I guess I'll be cooking that."

Preparing all the ingredients that I would be needing in a skillful manner with no movements wasted. Before I died, I loved eating delicious food so I learned how to cook raising my skills to be the same as a 5-Star Hotel Chef.

I cut the chicken into bite-size and then prepared the mix of shoyu, garlic, ginger, and mirin. After I finished preparing the mix, I put the chicken inside a plastic bag and pour the mix. I let it soak on the mix for five minutes while softly squeezing it so the chicken meat can absorb more of the mix.

After waiting for five minutes, I took out the chicken meat and then I mixed it with flour and egg. When the chicken meat was covered with a mixture of egg and flour. I had already preheated the pan earlier with oil and now that it was now in my desired temperature, I fried the chicken meat until it's color change into brown after a few minutes.

The dish that I am cooking is a Karaage, one of my favorites from Japan. I cooked the remaining ones when I heard a door opening. From the sound of it, it must be the front door.

'That must be my dad, Fujii Akihito. Wait! Dad? But my dad's name was...'

Before I could even finish what I was thinking, he greeted me as he entered the kitchen.

"I'm home! Hmm? What's this smell?"

He seems to be curious about the sudden aroma he smelled. When he turned his head and look at the one cooking, he froze and dumbly stared at me.

"Na-Natsuou?! You're cooking?"

He looked really surprised.

But the same can be said with me also, he just called me Natsuo so that means the student card I saw on the table was mine. But my name was surely...

A sudden realization struck me, I suddenly took off my apron and passed the tong to 'my' dad.


"Watch it for me for a second."

I then went to 'my' room and look at my reflection on the mirror. A young man with black hair and olive green eyes. It was different from my mature face and I know the reason why.

"I reincarnated."

Yes. It was one of those cliche moments when someone dies and gets reincarnated in another world. But in my case, I got reincarnated into Earth but according to a romance manga. I now also know why I find the name Fujii Natsuo familiar.

"I freakin' reincarnated into the World of Domestic Girlfriend."

It may be something hard to believe but the fact that I really am is so surreal. I also find it strange that I am accepting all of these so positively, must be also because of years being a businessman that I adapted pretty quickly.


"Ah! I still hadn't eaten."

My stomach complained yet again and there is also no use in thinking about my current situation. It was simple, I got reincarnated just like what I wished for, so all I have to do now is to not fuck it like my past life.

I made my way downstairs and then to the kitchen, I found my father picking the Karaage from the pan and put it on a plate. It seems to be already cooked, it took me a long time to accept my current situation but I think I can manage now, I think.

"What happened? You okay, Natsuo?"

My dad asked me anxiously as he looked at me with eyes filled with concern. Ahh... this must be what it feels like to have someone worried about you, why did I even leave my family?

It was a question that I won't be able to answer anytime soon, so I decided to answer dad's worry.

"I'm okay dad, just got something to do."

I smiled as I picked a piece of chicken meat and put it in my mouth. As soon as I chewed on the chicken meat, a sudden gush of juice came out of the chicken meat making me feel like I was inside an onsen. It was really good and I believe my dad agrees with me.

"Whoa!! It's really good! Natsuo when did you learn to cook like this, huh?"

My dad mirrored my actions as he also took a piece of chicken meat and throw it in his mouth. As soon as he bites the chicken meat, his eyes widen in surprised and stared at me disbelievingly.

"Well, I've been secretly learning for years now. I just decided to reveal it today. So what do you think dad?"

"It's good! Really good! No, it not just good, it tastes amazing!"

"Okay then. Let's eat."

Both of us then took our seats and eat together. The man in front of me, Fujii Akihito, is my dad. From the memories of Natsuo, he was a loving father that does his best for his son. He had done everything for Natsuo that Natsuo wants him to be also happy.

After we were done eating, I cleaned the dishes as he sat on the chair and began to ask me.

"The holiday will be ending in a week. Have you got everything prepared?"

"Yes. I've prepared everything."

"Good. It seems like being the second year in high school made you much more responsible."

We continued our Dad-Son talk, from how his job was to how was my day until it was already late at night before we even realized it.

"I'll sleep first. Don't forget to turn off the lights, alright?"

I nodded to my dad as he stood up and made his way to his room. I watched his back until I can't see him anymore. After I made sure that he was really up in his room, I made my way back also to mine.

I have now become Fujii Natsuo from a romance manga I once read. His dream is to become a novelist which is why I searched all the famous novels on the net.

But to my shock, I did not find the ones I was looking for. I suddenly thought of something and began searching. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, A Game of Thrones, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 50 Shades of Gray, all the books I have read and could think of. Then I began to search my favorite songs such as Grenade, Just the Way You Are, One Thing, What Makes You Beautiful, and many others. Then the next thing I searched was my favorite mangas Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tale, Sword Art Online but just as the same to the ones I've searched before, they don't exist.

That means I can make them my own! This way, I can make money off them, it's not like they will be made later since it is already 2013. I just apologize to the owners of the ones I'll be using from now on, you've done a great job, now let me make money with them.

After making plans for the future, I sleep.

Words: 1903

Overall Score (Grammarly): 80

I have changed a few things in the first chapter. Let me know if I've done it good or badly. Don't really know, just let me know any mistakes I made or if you have any suggestions to say.

LazyKhriscreators' thoughts
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