
Reincarnated in DC as Hippolyta's Son

Max was huge fan of DC for as long as he could remember. As a kid, he once has a green lantern pillow that helps him to sleep, a Superman shirt that he always look so smug about, and a Batman cowl that he often wears at home. He would always imagine himself flying cities after cities, saving everyone that he could see and be revered as a great hero, marrying a beautiful heroine and save the entire planet. Thus, when he was offered with the chance to get reincarnated into a world of his choice after dying, he didn't hesitate for a second and chose the DC Universe and be reincarnated as Wonder Woman's little brother! He was ecstatic about everything, excited to meet his favorite heroes, get in a relationship with his favorite heroine and to finally become the greatest hero known to history. When he felt himself finally getting born, he excitedly opens his eyes, not caring how blurry it was, as he was dying to see the beautiful Amazons around him. Alas, he did not know how naive he was the entire time, as what greeted him were not gentle looking and beautiful Amazons, but numerous pairs of cold eyes that was directed at his direction. Getting locked and tortured into a dungeon for thousands of years, Max realized how stupid he was. As that thought surfaced in his mind, his mind finally broke. Note: Ahh, not an original idea, I know. But I really like the concept so give me a chance to do this. Tag: Anti-Hero, Action, Adventure, Mature, Harem, Tragedy, Cold MC, Reincarnation, System About 2 or 3 Harem members only. Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from OC's. The cover is also not mine, credits goes to its owner.

FanfictionLover2 · Anime & Comics
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{{Mission: Survive}}

Rewards: +1 Status, Ability, Skill Points

Punishment: Death

A blue-framed hologram appeared right in front of the baby's face. But even though it was right over in front of him, his attention was completely into something else.

He ignored the possibility of losing his life once again just after getting born, as his attention was focused into the numerous pairs of cold eyes that were staring at him menacingly.

'Are they all staring at me? N-No right?' The young man who was now a baby, naively thought.

A cold shiver run up the baby's spine, as raw killing intent were fully directed at him from all directions.

Which in return, made him lose the ability to properly breath as he literally ceased from exhaling the air he just breathed in when he was born. Not to mention that this was also the first time that he ever experienced this kind of feeling in his entire life!

'Can't breathe!' The young man alarmly thought as tears gushes out of his eyes. He was scared!

"That's enough!" When suddenly, a powerful voice of a woman echoed through the place, which made all of the people in the room to take back the killing intent they were exuding.


The baby gasp as it panickly sucked in a mouthful of air, fear evident in his eyes.

"What are you all doing?!" The same voice of the woman was heard throughout the room.

Hearing the woman's question, another fierce looking woman who was wearing an armor took a step forward and bowed down to the same woman earlier.

"But my Queen, he was the prophesied one that would destroy us all!" The fierce looking woman respectfully reasoned.

"Did I ever asked about your opinion?!" The woman who was called a queen roared back.

"I-I... Apologies, my Queen". The woman flinched as she realized her mistake as she immediately bowed down and took a step backward.

The baby or the young man who was inside it doesn't have the time to listen to them as his mind keep on flashing back to the dreadful feeling that he felt earlier.

Which made him unable to breath once again, slolwly turning him into a purplish color, signifying that he was running out of fresh air to breathe in.

Seeing this, the same woman who yelled earlier picked up the baby and embraced him into her arms.

Feeling the warm embrace of what he could only think as his mother, the baby finally exhaled the air it was holding in due to fear as he shakily held the woman's body with his small little hands.

The queen frowned seeing the shaking baby as she whispered some words into the baby's ears, helping in calming him down.

Seeing the action of their queen, all the other women in the room visibly frowned.

"I know what you all are thinking about. Why shouldn't I just kill him right?" The woman or the so called queen spoke out loud.

No one replied, but they all nodded.

"This one is still one of my flesh and blood, do all of you really dare to take his life?" The queen questioned.

Hearing that, all the women in the room hesitatingly shook their heads.

The queen scoffed, her maternal instincts were urging her to protect the life in her arms.

"My Queen... The prophec-". Another woman who was also wearing an armor spoke, but the queen cut her off.

"I am well aware of the prophecy. But killing him is out of the question". The queen stated seriously.

Everyone fell silent.

Earlier, the queen was also looking at her son with the same cold eyes with killing intent visible on them, but it all suddenly crumbled as she hurriedly took back the killing intent she was exuding and ordered them to stop.

'What made their queen suddenly change her mind?' Is what all the women in the room was thinking.

The Queen's brows were furrowed in a beautiful frown as she comtemplated the whole situation.

The life in her arms was the prophesied person that would destroy them all in the future. She clearly doesn't want to let anyone who could harm her people and their place to possibly live.

But she changed her mind once she saw the expression that her newborn showed. It was a mixture of fear, panic, shock and helplessness.

She simply couldn't imagine an infant capable of expressing that same amount of fear that was showed in his eyes!

It reminded her of the old times where she was also wearing that same expression along with her people. She was not foreign on the fear and helplessness in her baby's eyes as she was also the same a long time ago.

That's what made her completely change her mind. She doesn't want to kill the life in her arms, if she could think of something, maybe... Maybe she could prevent it.

"My Queen, how about selling him to Hephaestus like the other male offsprings?" Another woman with the same armor as others suggested to her queen.

But all she received was a very fierce glare.

Seeing her Queen's glare, that same woman couldn't help but avert her gaze and bow her head low.

"A son of your Queen and the king of Gods, and you suggests to sell him as a slave to another God?!" The Queen roared.

"Queen Hippolyta, please calm down. She realized her mistake". Another woman with the same armor defended the woman who was yelled at.

The Queen, who was actually Queen Hippolyta, scoffed once again as her hold in her baby tightened, but not tight enough to hurt him.

Meanwhile, the young man, or the baby finally got himself back as he listened to the conversation between the women in the room.

All of the things that had happened so far was far from his expectations!

He really didn't expect to be greeted like earlier, it traumatized him! As such, the only way for his fear to subside at least a little was by holding the woman that was hugging him with his little hands.

He was at least glad that someone was willing to protect him.

But as though to betray his thoughts, he suddenly heard Queen Hippolyta speak. Her tone was heavy, as though she had decided into something. "I don't want this one to die. But as a Queen, it's indeed my duty to keep you all and Themyscira to safety. As such, Philippus, take him to the Dungeon". Hippolyta ordered with sadness clear in her voice.

The woman named Philippus, step forward and grabbed the baby from Queen Hippolyta's arms, which made the baby cry out loud as though his life depended on it.

"Yes, my Queen". Philippus showed her respect first before taking the baby away from the room.

Hippolyta could only watch her crying son being taken away with sadness clear in her face.

"I'm sorry". Hipoolyta could only apologized in a low voice.

'No!! No!!! This is not happening!!! No!!!' The young man wanted to yell those out loud, but he could not. As such, he could only cry in denial.


(A/N: This is pretty much AU by the way.)

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