
Reincarnated in cobra Kai

Ben valasgez a fan of cobra Kai dies by getting shot by a robber and finds himself in a void.He then meets Rob who is kind enough to let him reincarnate in a world of his choosing.and you know which world he chose? “cobra Kai”

Shadowking123 · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 4:Miguel’s agrresion

Nathaniel was training in his room his 6 pack and and big shoulders and muscles could be seen clearly and anyone who saw him would instantly know not to mess with him.

Nathaniel than got a text from Miguel.

Text message from Miguel:Hey Nathaniel guess what?Johnny Lawrence has become my sensei he said he would teach me karate and thst im his first student I'm so happy now!

Text message from Nathaniel:well that's good but how about your mom?will she be ok with you taking cobra Kai classes?

Message from Miguel:well no which is why I told her it's yoga clsss becasue she hates anything violent and I know she won't let me do karate if she knew I was taking classes.

Message from Nathaniel:ok see you at school bye.

Nathaniel than turned his phone off and started getting ready fors school.

Nathaniel than met with Miguel as the entrance of west valley high.

Nathaniel:wassup man.

Miguel:Hey man.

Nathaniel:so now your getting taught karate huh?how was it?

Miguel:well it was ok I mean sensei Lawrence just got me to scrub windows and paint the walls and scrub toilets but I think that's a pet if my training.

Nathaniel:Training?what are you a slave now?how about you come to my house and I'll train yiu yu having you vacuum.

Miguel:shut up nathaniel.

Nathaniel than went to his class which was English he then sat behind Yasmine he looked at him and smiled.

English class

Yasmine:Hey cutie.

Nathaniel:Hey sexy.

Nathaniel decided to try and get with Yasmine since he really liked her.

Yasmine:what are you wearing for the Halloween dance?

Nathaniel:haven't decided yet since it is in a couple of weeks you?

Yasmine:a sexy dress maybe I don't know will let you know though.

Yasmine said in a teasing tone.

The teacher then started class and when around giving out the test paper results.

Teacher:Mr Crawford your results where very low so I suggest you stop talking!

Nathaniel than looked at his paper and found out that he had the lowest grade in the class.

Yasmine:Need some tutoring?I could help you if you like?

Nathaniel:Do you even know how to tutor?your not even smart?

Yasmine:I mean private lessons at my house after school just you and me.

Yasmine whispered the last part in his ear.

Nathaniel:sure drop the number.

Yasmine then have Nathaniel her number and address and told him to come after school.

Meanwhile cobra Kai dojo

Johnny:Correct your stance Diaz.

Miguel:yes sensei!

Miguel than began punching the dummy.

Johnny:No not like that stop punching like a pussy you punch throught the nose like the person you wanna hit is on the other side using all your power.

Miguel:yes sensei!

Miguel than out all his power in his fist and punched the dummy.

The dummy then fell to the ground as Johnny then looked suprised and impressed.

Johnny:That's it for today kid go home.

Daniel Larruso was a car salesman former all valley champion everything was going well for him he had a wife and 2 kids and hand a dealership that was thriving he lived his life and as far as he knew nothing could change that until his peace was broken.

Daniel saw something he thought he would never see again he saw cobra Kai.

Daniel:what the hell?!

Daniel then went inside the dojo.

Johnny:where closed come back tomorrow if you wanna sighn up!

Daniel:Really?This is what it's come to?

Johnny recognised Daniel's voice and whent to the front of the dojo where he was face to face with Daniel.

Johnny:what do you want Larruso?

Daniel:what is this?reopening cobra Kai?are you insane?

Johnny:No I'm not ok now this is my dojo get out.

Daniel:you made a mistake Johnny bring back cobra Kai.Im shutting you down!

Johnny:I dare you Larruso!I dare you!

Johnny said as Daniel furiously stormed out of the dojo.

West valley high

Nathaniel and Miguel where talking while walking In the hallways.

Miguel:wait?you really got her number?

Nathaniel:yeah I did and I went to her house for s private session.

Miguel:wait did you guys do it?

Nathaniel:No we did kiss like a lot she is definently a good kisser and it was definently good but we didn't have sex.I left after like an hour.

Miguel:wow man your so lucky now you have a girlfriend!

Nathaniel:well she's not my girlfriend I mean we did kiss but she's not my girlfriends but I'm sure you can find a girl to Miguel.

Miguel:No I can't.

Nathaniel:How about sam?

Miguel:I don't know if I can.

Nathaniel:Hey!what has your sensei been teaching you for then huh?strike first and strike hard and never accept defeat!Go ask her out.

Miguel:your right!I have to remember senseis lessons and not put them to waste.

Nathaniel:Wait!Dint ask her out now!she doesn't think your cool yet you know so how about you use some of them cobra Kai moves in a fight!

Miguel:I don't know if I should be starting a fight?

Nathaniel:you don't wanna get revenge on kyler and his bullies?after what they did to you?I beat the shit out of that guy and he doesn't say shit to me now so you should do the same and he won't say shit to you!

Miguel:your right!

kyler was walking to maths when he saw Nathaniel and Miguel he then waited for Nathaniel to leave and then followed Miguel and pushed him into a locker.


Miguel than pushed kyler back.

Kyler then looked suprised at Miguel and started smiling.

Kyler:what whant another beatdown Rhea?

Kyler said as he grabbed Miguel and threw him into the locker and then threw him on the ground.

Everyone states getting there phones out and started recording.

Sam was there and tried to stop the fight.

Sam:Kyker stop it your hurting him!

Kyler:what are you gonna do?your just a dumb bitch who likes to suck dick!

Kyler says as he makes a sucking dick motion with his hand.Everyone then laughs at Sam.

Miguel:Leave her alone.

Miguel says as he kicks kyler into the locker he then begins to punch Kyker in the body repeatedly and then punch him in the face and the starts beating Kyker up on the ground.

Miguel than knocked out Kyker as everyone watched.

Nathaniel than saw as Sam the slut looked at Miguel like she wanted to ride his dick right there.

Everyone started cheering for Miguel and I started telling everyone that he's from cobra Kai so more students can join.

I was also thinking about Joining soon.

Now since things have happend slot earlier I still need to make sure that Robby sees Johnny give Miguel the gi so he can Join Daniel and learn miyagi do.

Nathaneil:"Now I seriously need to stop fucking up the plot!"

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