
Reincarnated in cobra Kai

Ben valasgez a fan of cobra Kai dies by getting shot by a robber and finds himself in a void.He then meets Rob who is kind enough to let him reincarnate in a world of his choosing.and you know which world he chose? “cobra Kai”

Shadowking123 · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 2:Fucking up the plot!

Nathaniel had just moved to the valley with his family now it was time to adjust to the new house and get into west valley high which would be a little bit of a problem due to his fight record and his low grades.

At the school

Principal:This is your sons academic grade?

Nathaniel's mom:Yes?and is there a problem with that?

Principal:yes there is he had a low grade in every subject and he has gotten into a lot of fights in his previous schools.

Nathaniel's mom:What?!Proposterous!Look I'm sure this can all be sorted with a little pay check principal don't you agree?

The principal thought about it and reluctantly accepted the bribe of Nathaniel's mom.

Primcipal:Fine and it's principal smith you can call me miss smith or just principal if you like.

At home

Nathaniel's mom:The papers are all sorted you are starting west valley high on Monday.

Nathaniel:Oh thanks mom.

Nathaniel's mom:anything for you my darling.Now I've got to do some business around town your father will be home in a short while take care.

Nathaniel:Bye mom.

Nathaniel was then home alone once again and realised he was in the same area as Miguel his parents where rich but because of his wish they where still living near the same flats as Miguel though Nathaniel was living in the most comfortable house.

Nathaniel than started doing some push-ups and training.

A few days later

Nathaniel was now at west valley high he looked at the place and couldn't believe that it looked exactly like in the show Nathaniel was so happy that he could fuck up the plot and have fun in his favourite show.

Nathaniel walked in the building and followed the guide tour he then knew where's to go and went to his first class.

My first class was science with the main cast of Sam and Miguel how interesting.

Teacher:Class attention please!

The teacher said as the class started talking one of the people I recognised that got beat up by Miguel in the cafeteria threw a pencil at his head everyone started laughing and then the teacher silence the class and told the guy that bullying was unacceptable he then told the teacher it was a joke and she let him off.

Teacher:Now then class this is Nathaniel Crawford I want you all to be nice to him.

U then took my seat in the middle if the class next to Miguel and then started talking to him.

Nathaniel:Hi I'm Nathaniel.

Miguel:You talking to me?

Nathaniel:No I'm talking to the wall who else would I be talking to.

Miguel then realised the sarcasm in Nathaniel's voice.

Miguel:No,it's just that nobody talks to me you know I'm the new kid and everyone's been giving me a hard time ever since I joined this school.

Nathaniel:Well I'm new aswell and if people are giving you a hard time beat them up.

Miguel then laughs.

Miguel:actually I can't becasue my mom hates violence and all that and I have asthma so I'll just stick to trying to make friends.

Nathaniel:Ok but if you ever change your mind how about you ask around to see if Oskar one can teach you karate I means you never know there might be someone who could really change your life by teaching you karate.

Miguel:ok whatever I'll think about it.

Nathaniel than whent to his next class which was math with kyler and watched kyler and Brucks brutally bully Eli by calling him lips and beating him up Brucks also poured drink all over him.

It was just disgusting to see this bullying in person I mean the show didn't even show this but seeing them bullying him like this you can't blame him for turning into the monster that he was in season 3.

I then whent to 3rd period which was normal it was then lunch and I whent to sit by demitri and Eli at lunch.

Miguel:can I sit here?

Demitri:No I'm sorry you can't but I can put you on the list of applicants.

Miguel then started walking awaw when demitri said he was joking around he then gestured for me and Miguel to sit down and started explaining the school hierarchy to us.

Dimitri:What did you say your name was again?


Dimitri:well Nathaniel your pretty big I mean I can see you have a lot of muscle from here.

Nathaniel:Ok dimitri I don't like you already from what I can tell you and Eli here are both pussys who don't take risks ever here the phrase "high risk high reward"?

Dimitri:ok then hulk,let's see you try to talk to those girls over there or better yet go kick kylers ass.

Nathaniel:with pleasure.

Nathaniel said as he got up and started walking towards kyler.

Eli and dimitri where scared shitless and Miguel watched on with Curiosity.

Kyler then walked over to the table with his freinds with his tray he then saw kyler sitting down hugging sam and doing a little wave.

Kyler:Hey you lost there?

Nathaniel:No I'm exactly where I need to be

Dimitri and Eli were panicking when dimitri made a suggestion.

Dimitri:Shit he's gonna get his ass kicked out there!

Eli:maybe he'll beat him.

Eli said shyly and quietly but loud enough that dimitri could hear him.

Dimitri:I'm sorry Eli have you learned nothing over these years!He may be big and strong but come on he sat at the loser table with us so theres no way he can beat kyler!

Miguel:we will just have to wait and see!

Miguel said with anticipation.

Dimitri looked shocked at both Eli and Miguel.

Dimitri:Ok you guys do whatever I'm going to get a teacher if I come back and his dead body is on the floor it's not my fault.

Dimitri then ran out of the cafeteria to go and get a teacher.

The rest of the students started slowly noticing what was going on with Nathaniel and kyler starting getting there phones out ready too see the new kid get beat up and get out in his place by kyler.

Meanwhile in the corridor

Dimitri was running quick to the principals office trying to find a teacher to stop the fight.he then came across the principals office.

Dimitri:principal there is gonna be a fight in the cafeteria you have to come now.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria

Kyler then stood up with his freinds Sam,moon and Yasmine watched on with interest curiosity and worry.

Kyler:Hey new kid?got a problem?

Nathaniel:what are you going to do if i do?

Kyler and his freinds started laughing before he started pushing Nathaniel.

Kyler:looking for a beat down new kid?What just because you've been working out doesn't mean you can beat me!

Kyler then swinged at Nathaniel but Nathaniel blocked his punch and punched him in the face.Kyler then tryed to spear him earning a knee to his face then Nathaniel hit his back with the tray.

Nathaniel than got into a fighting stance.

Nathaniel:who's next?

Brucks then came forward trying to punch Nathaniel but Nathaniel dodged and kicked him in the stomach and sweeper his leg.The other bully's then tried punching Nathaniel but Nathaniel blocked and roundhouse kicking one and kicking the other bully.

Kyker than got off the floor and tried to hit Nathaniel hut Nathaniel did a spinning roundhouse kick knocking out kyler and his freinds.

Everyone looked shocked and was recording the whole fight.

The principal then came in to the cafeteria with a suprised dimitri and said.

Principal:Nathaniel Crawford to my office now young man!

She then dragged Nathaniel away and Sam looked st him with dreamy eyes but he wasn't looking at her he was looking at Yasmine.

Nathaniel then realised what he did.

Nathaniel:"oh shit I might have fucked up the plot too much!"


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter is over 1300 words