
Reincarnated in Black clover With 10 wishes

A guy saving a child life before he died got wishes lets follow his journey to where he lead

Ch_AN_G · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Meeting Asta

...…>Time skip 2 years<...…

Arthur now 12 years old and his magic practicing and his magic power reach the reach to senior magic knight of clover kingdom without his grimore.

Now arthur is practicing in a near the demon skull with magic and swordmanship and suddenly he heard a some shouting

?? I m going to be wizard king and marry sister lily damm you wait yuno

Then i suddenly turn around and see who is he then i understand is Asta.

And asta saw me with sword and ask with a vigilent

Asta: who are you and what are doing here tell me otherwise i will beat you up

Arthur: hey man calm down my name is ARTHUR andi am practicing my magic and swordmanship and who are you?

Asta: oh my name is ASTA

Arthur:- By the way why are you here?

Asta: No one takes me seriously so i am here to training my body

Arthur: why dont you practice with your magic?

Asta: I dont have any magic so i am gonna traning my body and bicome a wizard king and marry sister lily??

Arthur: if you dont have any magic how are you gonna wizard king and who is sister lily?

Asta: She's our church priest and take care all of us so we call her sister lily.

Arthur: oh, but sisters dont marry you know

Asta: what do you mean?

Arthur: i mean sisters dont marry basically they are gods servent

Asta: i dont care because i am gona be wizard king and marry sister lily

Arthur: 'well if i get in talk with this guy maybe my brain will hurt' well then i hope you good luck

Asta: thanks by the way where you live?

Arthur: I live in here while pointng looking at my house direction

Asta: oh so you live in here ?

Arthur: yeah by the way i leaving see you again

Asta: yeah! See you again

'Well i need a life and death battle to my swordmanship ' while thinking he Arthur return to his house.

....Time skip 3 years...

Its been a 5 years since i csme to this world and i keep practicing my magic and swordmanship while physically training. When i training both YUNU and ASTA occasionally come to me and we kind a became friends. But even so i dont want to be so close to the point that they were depend on myself.

Asta: So tomorow is the day of grimore

Yuno: yeah

Arthur: yeah

Asta: i dont know what will be my grimore look like so see you tomorow arthur

Arthur: yeah good luck

Yuno: by arthur

Arthur: by

While looking at both of them arthur face became serious 'i dont care anything about clover kingdom while they think noble is the most pure human if any noble pisses me of i will slaughter there entire noble family even if he's king'.