
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Alchemy's Craft: Corkus' Magical Journey Begins

(A/N: Usually I wouldn't upload because I am way too far from my goal but I would like to honor and thank my loyal reader Exel for giving me his power stones every day by uploading this chapter.

I don't have any proofreaders anymore so I will be doing everything so I will try my best to not create any plot holes or make any mistakes.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter it is quite long 2.4k words. I would like to move the author's note to the auxiliary but I can't find how to do that.)


Corkus found himself once again in the heart of the forest after hours of traveling. Instead of Zarvash, a mysterious figure awaited him.

"Who are you?" Corkus questioned, his eyes fixed on the stranger.

"It matters not who I am. What matters is that I'm here to guide you to the master," the enigmatic figure replied.

The figure's pale skin clung to its frail form, a visage drained of life. Its eyes held an odd hunger, as if yearning for release, yet also possessing a macabre craving for something darker.

The figure's restraint from attacking Corkus seemed almost unnatural.

"And what are you? You don't appear to be human," Corkus observed, his curiosity piqued.

"I am a ghoul, an undead entity, that is bound between life and death" the figure, now known as a ghoul, responded curtly.

As they moved deeper into the forest, Corkus attempted to engage the ghoul in conversation, hoping to glean more information.

However, the ghoul remained largely silent, its occasional glances at Corkus hinting at a hidden depth of purpose.

After a time, they reached an open area surrounded by towering trees, creating a space untouched by the sunlight.

The ghoul paused near a tree, and a concealed passage opened, revealing a narrow, dimly lit staircase descending into the earth.

The stairs appeared ancient, each step bearing the weight of countless years.

With an eerily calm demeanor, the ghoul retrieved a torch from the wall and ignited it.

The flickering light cast eerie shadows, painting the surroundings in a haunting dance of illumination.

The staircase stretched into the abyss below.

As the ghoul began its descent, Corkus hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting from the ghoul to the darkness that awaited them.

Gritting his teeth, Corkus made his choice.

'Here it goes' he thought as he took a deep breath and began his journey down the worn steps.

Each step echoed in the dimness, the chilling air growing more pronounced as they delved further into the depths.

The torch's feeble light struggled against the darkness, revealing only fragments of their surroundings.

Corkus felt a shiver run down his spine as a sense of unease settled over him.

In the dim glow, the ghoul's skeletal form moved with an eerie grace. Its empty eyes remained fixed ahead as if driven by an unshakable purpose.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached their destination.

The underground chamber was vast and sprawling, resembling a laboratory cloaked in mystery.

At the center of the room stood Zarvash. Symbols adorned the walls, and arcane artifacts were scattered throughout the chamber.

The air itself hummed with otherworldly energy.

Zarvash turned to regard Corkus with his indigo eyes, his expression unreadable yet somehow welcoming.

"You are late, but you are still welcome, before actually delving into the world of magic, you will learn about alchemy," Zarvash said with a sharp tone.

"Why? Are magic and alchemy connected?" Corkus curiously asked.

"Of course, it is to say that you will learn alchemy and not magic at the start is supposed to mean something.

Anyway, like I was saying, Alchemy is the dance of elements, the manipulation of their essences to shape the world's fabric.

It is a language older than words, a symphony of magic that binds the universe together,

So in simpler words, you can understand that alchemy is the art of transcending the boundaries between the physical and the astral realms through the understanding and manipulation of natural elements.

Rooted in the belief that the universe is a harmonious blend of four fundamental elements: earth, air, fire, and water, alchemy is a language that allows practitioners to communicate with the very fabric of existence.

Zarvash began, his voice carrying a weight of ancient wisdom.

"Through alchemy, we converse with the astral plane, coaxing it to our desires. The symbols you see around you are bridges to the ether, conduits for power and understanding.

Take as an example the symbol on the wall behind you. It is just a picture, just a weird triangle? No! It's the symbol of earth and, like the symbols of fire, water, and air, it has a different meaning.

• Water: Cold and moist, representing fluidity and change.

• Fire: Hot and dry, symbolizing transformation and energy.

• Air: Hot and moist, embodying the breath of life and communication.

• Earth: Cold and dry, signifying stability and substance",

Zarvash's words enveloped Corkus, igniting his curiosity and kindling a newfound passion.

"That's very interesting, I never thought that alchemy and magic are connected in that way!" He said with awe.

"Magic is a complex thing and that can be said with alchemy for example, through the arrangement of symbols, wizards create charms and talismans that harness the elemental forces, granting access to nature's hidden potential".

Corkus's gaze wandered, absorbing the enigmatic symbols around him.

"Charms and talismans?" Corkus inquired.

"Yes, precisely," Zarvash affirmed. "Wizards and witches wield their form of magic, derived from their attunement with the natural world, so basically they use nature magic that comes from four spirits known as the four kings of the world.

They utilize alchemical symbols to cast spells, commune with astral entities, and manifest magical effects. Each symbol represents a gateway to a specific aspect of reality, a key that unlocks the flow of energies between the two realms."

Zarvash gestured to the intricate designs etched into the walls. "These symbols are not just pretty pictures; as I said previously, they're the threads that weave the tapestry of magic. They are imbued with intent, each line and curve guiding the energies to the desired outcome."

Corkus took a moment to study the symbols, his eyes tracing the intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with hidden power.

"And the four elemental kings?" Corkus asked, recalling Zarvash's previous mention.

Zarvash's expression grew more solemn. "The elemental kings are the personifications of the four elements themselves. They hold dominion over their respective realms and bestow their blessings on those who are attuned to their essence. Summoning their power requires a profound understanding of their symbols, their nature, and a connection that transcends the physical."

To be more precise, the Four Kings of the World are a powerful group of four spirits that dwell deep within the Astral World. These beings govern over air, water, fire, and earth, acting as benevolent figures who love and protect humanity. They are documented as the four cardinal guardian angels in the Holy See's scriptures, though most priests still deny the existence of magic.

Corkus felt a newfound reverence for the world Zarvash was introducing him to. The universe, once perceived as mundane, now appears layered with intricate layers of meaning and potential.

"And these charms and talismans, do they grant specific abilities?" Corkus inquired.

Zarvash nodded. "Indeed. Charms and talismans are conduits that allow a practitioner to draw upon specific aspects of the elements. An air charm might protect by manipulating the currents of air around the caster, deflecting attacks. A fire talisman could ignite flames. Their effects are limited only by the practitioner's understanding and skill."

As Zarvash's words painted a vivid picture of the intricacies of alchemy, Corkus's fascination deepened. The world of symbols and magic unveiled before him was a realm of endless possibilities, a domain he was eager to explore.

"So, to master this art, one must delve into the symbolism of the elements and learn to communicate with the astral plane," Corkus summarized.

Zarvash nodded approvingly. "Indeed. Alchemy is a journey of self-discovery and a dialogue with the universe's fundamental forces. But remember, every action has its repercussions. Mastery of this art requires not just knowledge, but also responsibility and an unwavering respect for the balance between worlds."

Corkus absorbed Zarvash's words, a sense of purpose awakening within him.

Of course, alchemy has a more practical use like creating potions with various effects, for example, creating a potion that can heal minor injuries by using as a main ingredient fairy dust from the wings of an elf.

Or tools that can harness the power of certain elements, enchanted objects you could say" Zarvash continued.

Corkus's interest was piqued once more. "Enchanted objects? Magic weapons?"

Zarvash nodded. "Indeed. Just as symbols hold power, so do certain objects infused with these symbols.

Enchanted rings, amulets, and even weapons are crafted with meticulous care, and inscribed with runes and sigils.

They harness the essence of elements, granting unique abilities to their wielders."

Corkus's mind raced, imagining the possibilities.

'So like Serpico's cape, but of course, it can be used further by enchanting his boots to become even faster and agile' he thought.

"The craftsmanship of these items requires not just skill, but also a deep connection to the elements," Zarvash elaborated.

"The creation process involves inscribing the symbols using alchemical inks infused with magic. The combination of alchemy and enchantment yields artifacts of remarkable potency."

Corkus envisioned a master artisan laboring over a blade, each stroke of the quill resonating with purpose. He imagined the sigils glowing as the weapon absorbed their essence.

"And what of magic weapons?" Corkus inquired.

Zarvash's eyes gleamed with ancient wisdom. "Magic weapons are rarer and more powerful. These are born from an elemental affinity—a bond between the wielder and the element. A sword might resonate with fire, channeling flames with each strike. A bow could be attuned to air, launching arrows with the swiftness of the wind."

Corkus's thoughts raced, envisioning battles enhanced by these extraordinary tools. He saw himself wielding his axes that burned with an inner fire, striking fear into his foes.

"Mastering these arts requires discipline and patience," Zarvash cautioned. "Enchantment and creation are delicate processes, and failure can have dire consequences. But with dedication, you could become a conduit of elemental might, shaping the world around you."

As Zarvash spoke, Corkus's heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and reverence.

The world of alchemy and magic was a vast, uncharted sea, and he was just setting sail on its surface.

"But of course, to do that on your own it will take you years. You need to be able to comprehend but also have some sort of talent.

Corkus listened intently, absorbing every word as he ventured deeper into this new realm of knowledge and potential. The threads of magic and alchemy were intertwining before him, weaving a tapestry of understanding that he was eager to explore.

"Alchemy, enchantments, symbols, and magic weapons," Corkus mused, his thoughts dancing with the myriad possibilities. "It's all so much to take in, but I can feel the power behind it."

Zarvash's indigo eyes gleamed with approval. "Indeed, Corkus. It's a path of discovery and mastery. But before you tread further, there's a practical aspect of alchemy that I believe would serve as an apt starting point."

Corkus raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Practical aspect?"

"Yes," Zarvash nodded. "Alchemy isn't just a realm of theory and symbolism; it's also a craft that produces tangible results. Potions, elixirs, and concoctions that harness the essence of elements for specific effects like I said before but this time I will show you how is done so you can get a clear picture."

Corkus nodded, captivated by the idea. " So it will be a potion maybe a healing one?"

Zarvash nodded. "Exactly. And, I'll guide you through the process of creating a basic healing potion. It's a skill that, while seemingly mundane, will provide a solid foundation for your journey into alchemy."

Corkus felt a surge of excitement. ' The prospect of crafting something with my hands, something that could hold the power of magic or to be more precise alchemy has ignited my curiosity'.

Zarvash led him to a section of the chamber where various herbs and vials were neatly arranged. "Alchemy requires an understanding of both the physical and metaphysical aspects. For instance, to create a healing potion, you'd need herbs with innate healing properties as well as the knowledge to infuse them."

Corkus's eyes scanned the array of herbs. "So it's about combining the right ingredients with the right intent?"

"Exactly," Zarvash affirmed. "And as we progress, you'll learn to channel your intent through alchemical symbols, enhancing the potion's potency."

With Zarvash's guidance, Corkus selected a handful of herbs known for their healing properties. As he crushed and mixed them in a mortar, Zarvash explained the significance of each step. The process was a delicate dance of precision and intention, a fusion of the physical and the metaphysical.

Once the mixture was ready, Zarvash handed Corkus an empty vial. "Now, focus on the essence of water. Visualize it flowing, purifying, and healing. Channel that essence into the mixture as you transfer it to the vial."

Corkus closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. In his mind's eye, he saw clear, pure water washing over the mixture. He felt a connection, a resonance as if the essence of water responded to his call. Carefully, he poured the mixture into the vial, his intent guiding the energy.

As he opened his eyes, Corkus felt a subtle shift in the surrounding air. Zarvash smiled knowingly. "You've succeeded, Corkus. The potion now carries the essence of water's healing properties."

Corkus held the vial in his hand, marveling at the simple yet profound transformation he had witnessed. "It's incredible. I can feel it. The water's essence is there."

Zarvash nodded. "Alchemy is a bridge between the seen and the unseen, the physical and the metaphysical. And now, you hold a tangible result of that connection."

Corkus' gaze shifted between the vial and Zarvash. "This is just the beginning, isn't it?"

Zarvash's smile held a hint of mystery. "Indeed, Corkus. This is the first step of a journey that will lead you to uncover the depths of magic and alchemy. But remember, each step requires patience and understanding. Mastery is not achieved overnight."

Corkus nodded. "I'm ready for this journey, Zarvash. To learn, to discover, and to become something better"

Zarvash's eyes gleamed with approval. "Then let us continue, Corkus. There's much more to explore and uncover on the path of alchemy."

As he looked ahead, his heart brimming with anticipation,

'I never expected that my path would take such direction, but of course, I know that every step I will take will lead me closer to becoming a true practitioner of alchemy and magic, and I will, later on, later on, combine it with my axes and my fighting style to become even Stronger he thought,

hell-bent on his decision.