

Years passed and Max incredibly became known as the world's most intelligent person to have ever lived advancing the world's technology far past it's expected time. From world saving machines that could safely extinguish and exploit waste products and other harmful substances that endanger the eco-system like his first invention which by the way eliminated the need for crude oil as a fuel source for most machines that are used in everyday life for example cars which expel the carbon monoxide into the atmosphere which is highly toxic. And thus through his invention that problem was eliminated. He continued on to advance the world and even take the world beyond earth by starting AND finishing the project to make mars inhabitable within only six years which left the whole world in awe of his brilliance and superior mind which gave him the idea to use his idea of transfusing waste into energy by transfusing the subzero particles in space into fuel with the application of using solar panels to collect and provide and energy source by storing solar energy.

Long story short the world was at the point where it was a sci-fi era fantasy in which flying cars and AI( totally safe AI by the way not apocalyptic world destroying AI) existed and were viewed as commonplace in the world. The environment was cleaner and most environmental disasters like global warming was eliminated permanently, but not only that but also the general health status of the earth's inhabitants was...superb!!! As it seems cleaning the earth up and purifying the earth's atmosphere even lengthened the life expectancy of some people which brought sheer happiness and ecstacy to many worldwide. No one would ever be able to forget the man who made it all possible. From that point onwards Max was treated as a national treasure, America spared no expense in ensuring his safety after all if any other nation were to get there hands on him he could be used to start a war by helping them manufacture weapons that could decimate hundreds upon thousands of people which America wanted to avoid at all costs.

Any person whose being given government protection would feel prideful at being given special attention but not Max.What he truly longed for was solitude for one in his life but ever since he became a world renowned genius people couldn't get off his back , always having an enterage at his back which was severly annoying ,however all of that would soon change within the end of the day....

As usual Max woke up at 8.am instinctively since programming his mind ,to him, was no different from programming a computer to do what he was. Call it muscle memory or whatever it was something of a habit with him.

'Damn I wish I could sleep longer for once but Lucy said I had a full schedule today so have to prepare early.' grumbled Max unsatisfactorily.

Suddenly someone knocked on his door and entered his room, probably the only one who is bold enough to do so dispute the fact that she works for Max. Yes it was none other than Lucy herself. Lucy Newman his most excellent and astute secretary among other things who had actually been working for him for over two years and in those two years Max and Lucy developed an unmistakable bond. To Max she was almost like a big sister albeit noisy and a real stickler for the rules. Amongst all his previous secretaries she has stayed the longest 'cause I noticed pretty early on they were scumbags wanting get famous and rich quick by working with the worlds most successful and wealthy child genius.

"Excuse me sir it's time for your early morning appointment and if you prepare fast enough we can get there ten minutes early."said Lucy curtly.

"What! Why would I want to go early?!!" exclaimed Max in righteous anger.

"Because it's good for appearance." said Lucy indifferently before closing the door but not before giving him that sassy look in her eye that said 'you better get up like now no buts'.

And so with much reluctance and grumbling Max got up did his morning ritual and finally taking a sit in his sleek Mercedes which happened to be the latest model on market,perks for being rich y'know.

As the driver was...well driving Lucy filled Max in on his schedule which basically boiled down to meetings with old political cronnies and money hungry investors.

'Sigh...why can't I get a much more peaceful and free life seriously I fell like becoming a genius too early in life robbed me of my childhood and all because of these bag of bones who can't help but obsess over money like it's some kind of god' thought Max as Lucy unbeknownst of Max's depression droned on about his schedule.

'Hah...at this point I could take anything just to get the life I had back...even become a girl!!! Like for real. Sigh...if only I hadn't shown dad that stupid machine that time in an effort to gain his approval. Alot of good that did me.' thought Max as he finally tuned Lucy out.

Max's new life consisted now mainly on participating in world affairs, researching with other scientists about how to improve existing tech and of course inventing the next big gadget. With his genius mind now high on the market time for playing with friends or going to the park was now irrelevant as Lucy so eloquently put it when he asked making life seem so mundane to him despite all the luxuries he had on top of his wealth. This made him now despise this life and desire freedom. Though acquiring said freedom is not as easy as it seems especially when almost the whole world is watching your every move. Thus he came to the conclusion that he despised this whole world in general.

'Lets just get today over with alread-' thought Max however he wasn't able to complete his thought when...


An insanely large explosion occurred right in the middle of the street. And unfortunately that explosive that created the explosion had been attached to the bottom of the car he was in. Somewhere about two blocks from the explosion sight a man in a black car wearing black clothing picked up a phone.

"Yeah boss it's done." said the man in a mysteriously rich Russian accent. The man promptly started the engine and drove off as inconspicuously as possible. It was later on realised that Russia after having been denied the opportunity to utilise Max's vast intellect were angered and planned to assasinate Max making America lose there most treasured diamond. And thus the short life of Maxmillian Grant came to an end...or did?