
Saving for future

Time surely flies fast, without I realize my age already reach twelve years old. It's been three years after my father teaching me about cooking for the first time. My father's restaurant also keeps growing. From the first time when he opens the restaurant with my mother only, then add one helper when the business gets better several months after he opens the restaurant. Add another helper again in his second years open the restaurant. And now it's his fourth year since he opens the restaurant, his helper already reaches four people, his regular customer also growing from time to time.

From his business, my father saves little by little the profit he earns from the restaurant. His dream is one day he can buy a place for his own restaurant, not just renting a shop as he did right now. My mother also supports my father's dream. That's what I heard from them when we have dinner in one night

"Husband, do we had saved enough to buy a shop in the commercial district?"

My father that in the middle of counting his saving, reply to my mother's question with a smile

"Almost my wife, in one or two months later I believe we will have enough money to buy the shop in the commercial district. As long as nothing changed, like if you suddenly falling ill, which need medication. That will need money to call the doctor and buy medicine, right?"

"Right, I will try to keep healthy, husband. Did you already set your mind on a certain place in the commercial district?"

"There several places that catch my interest, but if possible I want to buy the shop we currently rent. But that if the owner willing to sell it to us"

"Why not, husband? We always pay the rent on time, and we already rent it for some years. It almost like our second home"

"Yeah, I already ask that to Mister Bao about that. He said he will consider it if the price is right"

"How much he asks for that shop, husband?"

"One thousand two hundred silver tael, wife"

"Can you bargain it, husband?"

"It already the price from bargaining, wife. Initially, he asks one thousand five hundred silver tael"

"And how much we already save for that, husband?"

"About one thousand tael, wife, if one month we can save one hundred silver tael, we can buy that shop in two months"

"Um, I hope we can achieve it husband"

"Yes, I want to left it for my son when I'm retired from a cook. It's a father duty to left something for his son's future right?"

"Um, we working hard for our son future"

"I hope he can find a good girl for his wife, someone who can share happiness and sadness together. Like you, my wife"

"Ugh…husband, but you should give him some time for his own. Don't keep him all the time in the kitchen, he needs to know and meet kids on his age too"

"Don't worry about that wife, if he owns our restaurant later, there are girls who line up in our door to become his wife, hahahaha"

That's what my parent talking about one week before that accident happened.

It's time for the bad guy to show up, right?

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