
Reincarnated by God as a Heretic in a Fantasy World

"Why me?" This was my first thought upon being reincarnated. I don't believe in God's. Even with a self-proclaimed Goddess standing before me I'd been doubtful. Now I'm reborn in a fantasy world, armed with a few skills, and.. what is this title? I'm screwed.

AuthorSenpai · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - A Fateful Encounter


It felt as if I was drifting in a vast ocean, surrounded by warm and enveloping waters that made me feel..


What happened? I couldn't remember. I couldn't open my eyes. All I knew was the warmth that embraced me.

Suddenly I heard.. whispering. I couldn't make out any words through the fog that enveloped my mind, but it felt like someone was trying to get my attention.

"&%$^ #@"

I strained to make out the words. It was as if I could hear them, but my brain couldn't translate them. 

"W%k^ u@"

It was clearer that time! I turned all of my focus towards the words, reaching out instinctively with my hand.

"Wake up."

My eyes snapped open, and in the waters I could see a hand reaching out from above. I struggled, extending my arm out as far as I could and fighting to grab the outstretched hand.

My fingers brushed theirs, and I made one final, desperate attempt to grab their hand. I succeeded, grasping it firmly as they pulled me out of the water.

The next thing I knew I was lying on a floor.

"Wonderful," started a voice in a pleased tone. "Not every soul is able to escape the void."

Soul? I thought, wondering what she was on about.

I looked up, seeing we were in a bubble of sorts, surrounded by water. Inside the bubble was a beautiful figure atop a turquoise throne.

She had long black hair, with a green hue from the surrounding ocean waters. Her eyes seemed to change as I watched, green to gold, and back again.

Her dress was well fit, covered in ornaments of gold that matched it's forest green color. It was revealing, but tactfully so. 

Above her head was a floating halo, which also seemed to change shape as I watched.

Did I pass out near some weird cosplay convention?

Her smile was smug as she crossed her legs, staring down at me. "My name is.. Mary. I'm the Goddess who is reincarnating you. I expect you to perform admirably in my name, so that the bard's sing of your glory and the masses convert their prayers in my name."

What was this woman on about?

I coughed, gathering my thoughts. I'd read about things like this in anime, obviously. So maybe this was an elaborate roleplay?

"I'm sorry," I started. "I don't believe in gods, though I think you did a great job with your costume."

It didn't take long for me to feel as if I made a mistake, watching her smile turn to a disgusted frown. 

"Do you not understand your position?" she asked. "You died. Do you not remember?"

Died? I thought, struggling to recall my last memories. I shook my head.

"The last thing I remember is leaving my place to head to a nearby mall."

If it was possible, her frown deepened. "Well then, let me make it clear for you. You died. Your vehicle was struck by another and you passed away on impact."

She stepped down haughtily from her throne, walking towards me and suddenly flicking my head.

My eyes reeled back into my skull, and a vision of my death played out in my mind. I felt the impact of the oncoming truck through my bones, but no pain.

My breathing became rough as I fell to the ground, my body processing that I wasn't actually dying.

"Do you see now?" she asked angrily. "You passed away, and when I called for a soul from the void you responded."

I was shaking. I didn't exactly believe in the afterlife, and I certainly didn't believe in god, but that was something I couldn't explain. This wasn't some kind of CGI roleplay experiment.

"I understand."

"Good." she stated, walking back to her throne and sitting more gracefully. Her posture still screamed that she was inconvenienced, but at least she seemed less annoyed. "Then let me explain why I've called you here."

She waived her hand, and images appeared like a screen in between us. 

"This is the world I watch over. The Pantheon, what we call the group of gods that watch over this world, has found that an imminent threat exists in the coming years."

Now she sighed, dismissing the screen that had come up. "We don't know what this threat is, and the Pantheon seems to believe that if we know that it's coming, it won't be a threat that endangers the world we protect."

"I disagree." she stated bluntly. "As the one who looked forward, I find it disconcerting that I can't see beyond this point in time."

Awkwardly, I raised my hand.


"Well.. what does that have to do with me?" I asked.

She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "I'm getting there."

Now she brought up a new image, showing what appeared to be humans using..


"I've taken it upon myself to summon a 'champion'." she started, showing various images of strong individuals using various forms of magic and swordsmanship. "While everyone in this world receives the blessing of the System, most people will never take full advantage of it."

A feral grin hit her eyes, and I felt myself shaking in response.

"That's where you come in, you're an anomaly. When reincarnating someone into the System we can provide them additional benefits."

I went to open my mouth, and found she was suddenly in front of me holding a finger to my lips.

"I can't go too crazy, or the other gods may notice something is amiss. I can give you two blessings of your choice."

A screen appeared in front of my eyes with various lines of information. As I looked closer I realized they were.. skills.

"Take your time, it passes by differently here."

Even I could take a hint as she turned away. She didn't want me talking, just figuring out what my choices were.

Fine, then I may as well make it worth my while.

I scanned through the list as she tapped a finger impatiently on the arm of her throne.

While scanning, I thought further about what was going on. She was in a rush to get me out of here.. and didn't want to actually explain things. I definitely wasn't convinced she was a god, though she may be some kind of advanced being acting like one.

Also, what was this talk about the System?

Without more details it was difficult for me to be sure, but I had some ideas. If it was similar to the System's that existed in various Isekai then..

Yes, I thought to myself. It would have to be these two skills if that's the case.

"It looks like you're ready." she stated. "What two blessings would you like?"

"Magic Affinity & Increased Growth."

"Excellent choices," she began while descending from her throne. "Then with that, I simply need you to swear your faith to me."

My discomfort must have been obvious with that statement.

"Are you unwilling to swear your faith?"

"Don't get me wrong," I started. "I believe you're a really advanced race acting as a deity, but I don't believe in gods."

At first she seemed stunned, but it quickly turned to rage as the energy in the room shifted.

"Why, in the name of the Seven, would I get someone as stupid as this? I wasted my ability to summon a champion on you?!" she spit out furiously.

It was like watching a toddler throw a tantrum as she stomped around. "I can't even kill you to summon a new one. It would be at least a decade before I could perform the summoning again without attracting the attention of the Pantheon."

Her movements suddenly ceased, and a devious smile crossed her face. "Fine, I'll still reincarnate you. But.."

My body was suddenly frozen in terror, an instinct that I couldn't fight as she approached with a dangerous look in her eye. 

"I'm changing one of your blessings. Perhaps this one will instill faith in you."

She waived her hand and a circle appeared around my feet. I struggled to say something, but it wasn't possible.

"May your attitude be more favorable, the next time we meet."


"One more push!"


I felt pressure around me, and as it dissipated it felt like the sun was blinding me through closed eyes. The next thing I knew it felt like I was being wrapped in something, and handed off to another person.

After a few moments the disorientation disappeared, and I struggled with opening my eyes.

A woman was smiling above me, with a man grinning behind her.

"He's perfect!" she yelled in excitement. 

Excitement shortly turned to concern, and I raised my arm up to see..


I screamed, and what came out was the scream of a baby.

That stupid, self-proclaimed goddess!

The concern quickly switched back to a smile when she heard my screams.

"Thank goodness, he was so quiet for a moment that I was worried."

"He has a fantastic pair of lungs." the man behind her said.

"Shhhhh.." the woman soothed. "It's alright Caine, Mommy's here."

As she lifted me to her breast I realized I was hungry, and stopped screaming as I looked at my options.

Well, I didn't really have more than two. I was a baby after all.

Internally, I sighed.

I'm going to kill that 'goddess'.