
Chapter 9: Naze Youka

As soon as he said that, he felt the air by the left side of his face shift.

Without thinking, he raised his left hand up and grabbed the girl's right wrist and divert it upwards. He then tightened his grip on the girl's wrist.

Something fell and shattered on the ground.

Narrowing his eyes at the one eye of the strange looking girl in front of him, he glanced down to see what was she was about to inject him with.

From Clint's techniques and experience as a master assassin, the amount of force and the way she moved to attack him was a move meant to inject something into someone's neck. Heck, it was one of the most basic techniques an assassin such as him was expected to learn as he sometimes have to knocked out some innocent bystanders in the way of his target/s, or even use it on said target/s.

There on bottom left side of his seat, was a shattered syringe with some white liquid that most would have wrongly guessed as water.

Zenkichi however, with Clint Barton's assassin knowledge, quickly knew what that type of liquid is.

Zenkichi's eyes widened in disbelief as he analyze the syringe before turning to stare indignantly towards the girl in front of him, still looking nonchalant and stoic despite trying to stab him with a syringe.

"That's a syringe filled with Propofol! Were you going to sedate me for 48 hours?!"

The girl's only exposed eye revealed a flash of surprise. "You were able to guess what type of drug I was going to inject you with, with just a mere glance? My, I'm slightly impressed. Though you still fall behind me with my analytical knowledge of almost all known chemicals."

Zenkichi stared at her with a gaping mouth.

'Are you actually going brush off the fact that you were going to sedate me?!'

Okay. Before this entire situation goes awry, he has to get the upper hand first.

Raising his right hand to the strange girl's stomach area, continuing to keep his eyes locked with the girl's, he pulled out a fully loaded Glock 19, with its safety off, and pressed its barrel straight at the girl's stomach.

The girl noticed the cold hard barrel of the gun pressed against her clothed stomach and looked down, her single exposed red eye widened in slight surprise at the appearance of a gun against her stomach.

'When did he...?' Her mind started replaying the entire conversation she had with the boy in front of her and tried to recall him having a gun hidden under his clothes.

As someone as smart as her, it was expected for her to have a photographic memory and a fast thinking process. It had only took about 0.1 second for her to both perfectly recall and analyze her entire conversation with the boy and realized that she hadn't managed to see him carrying a weapon.

It was almost impossible for someone to hide the information of their bodies from her, as she is someone that is an expert in the field of biology. Her abnormality also aligns with her knowledge of biology; remodeling people. So for the guy sitting in front of her was able to hide a gun from her means his talent in hiding weapons is on par with a certain colleague of hers, Munakata Kei. As reluctant as she is to admit, he's the first person who is fully capable of hiding the weapons he has in his body from her.

She looked up and stared straight into Zenkichi's eyes, her lips slowly curled up into an evil grin.

'Truly, I have the best observant eyes. I was just intrigued by sensing your higher than average body heat, but now, I'm curious.'

Zenkichi's right eyebrow twitched, feeling apprehensive the nonchalant expression on the girl's face.

His eyes narrowed and pressed the barrel of the gun further into her uniform and stomach. His eyes stayed locked at the girl's eye.

For some reason, looking at her eye, a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling surges up in his stomach but he doesn't know why. It's like, he's seen that kind of eye before but not at the same time.

Zenkichi didn't realize it but his face was just inches away from the girl's, almost like he was going to kiss her, as he tries to figure out why does she look so familiar to him.

The strange girl continued on grinning and said, "Oh, coming too close there boy. Tell me, with that gun threatening to punch a hole to my stomach, are you going to rape my lips? Or go even further, and take my chastity?"

Zenkichi coldly glared at her and didn't react to her comments. He slowly stood up in place, simultaneously, the girl slowly back away as well. He towered over the girl by several inches and let go of her wrist. He used that moment to change Excalibur Mimic into a steel bladed military knife and pressed it under her chin, the girl didn't seem surprise by the cold sharp steel pressed below her head, instead, it made her grin grow wider.

He stared straight into her eyes and coldly asked, "Who are you?"

The girl tilted her chin up to stare directly at his eyes, her expression reverted into complete stoicism, and said, "My name is Youka Naze, second year class thirteen. Part of the Thirteen Party and I am also known as my project name: Black White, the current Flask Plan's unification Supervisor."

'Thirteen party? Flask Plan?'

"What's the Flask Plan–?!" Zenkichi wasn't able to finish what he was going to say as a force equal of a fast speeding ten wheeler truck struck the right cheek of his face. It made his neck snapped to the left with a sickening crack, the following whiplash was strong enough to cause a small shockwave to spread. His arms dropped to his side as Youka Naze stared in shock.

"Naze-chan!" Suddenly, Youka Naze was grabbed by the arms of a short, red haired girl wearing a red jacket with pink fur lining that leaves her midriff and chest uncovered, exposing her white bra. She also wears red hot pants with a white belt and red shoes. Her name is Koga Itami, second year class thirteen and part of the Flask Plan and thirteen party: project name Best Pain.

Quickly recovering her footing, Naze looked unsurprised as she turned to stare at her BFF. "Koga-chan? What are you doing here?"

"You were taking too long getting us snacks so I got worried. So I decided to look for you all around the entire school, which looks really beautiful at night. And here I found you held at gun and knife point by the freaking Student Council Vice-President, the Demon Dog, Hitoyoshi Zenkichi! Holy shit. I knew he was violent but I never thought that he was THIS crazy to bring both a military knife and gun, and use it at a student! He's like Munakata-kun..." Koga Itami ranted as she hugs a dazed looking Naze.

'Zenkichi...Hitoyoshi? Why does that sound familiar...' She tried to remember where she heard that name before, but it came in blank and a prickling feeling in her head. 'Does he have something to do with my childhood? Before I lost my memories?'

"...Well, at least we don't have to worry about him anymore. I think I punched him too hard and killed him. Hahahahaha." Koga nonchalantly said as she waves her hand around, as if the act of killing someone didn't faze her.

But Naze knew her. She can see her hand trembling and her voice was lower than how she normally speaks. Her eye softened and looked away, feeling slightly ashamed because she was the one who made her like this.

But she doesn't regret it! Although it pains her, makes her unhappy, sad, ashamed: it makes her happy.

"Hm?" Koga raised an eyebrow as she turns towards where Zenkichi stood. Her eyes slowly widened. "Hey Naze-chan, is it just me, or did the temperature suddenly rose? And why is the vice-president's head covered in smoke?"

Naze blinked her eye and turned towards where the supposed dead body of the vice-president stood, only to do a double take as smoke covered the boy's face and extreme heat started to emit from his body.

The sun had long since set and the moon started to appear in the sky. Night time was supposed to be a cold time for everyone, especially during this time of year, yet Naze and Koga felt as though it was still the hot mid morning.

They both watched in shock as the smoke cleared from Zenkichi's face, showing them his orange glowing skin, visible red veins, bits of magma falling from his mouth and sharp red eyes glaring at them. It was like his body was overheating, in fact, his upper uniform had burst into flames.

He was rubbing around his jaw as he looked at them with grinded teeth.

"Fucking bitch. You broke my fucking jaw and teeth!" He yelled at her in anger, contradicting what he said cause he was still capable of speech and his mouth looked normal, if you ignore it being as hot as lava and bits of magma spewing out.

Koga's jaw dropped and pointed her finger at him, "How are you alive?! My punch should have snapped your neck and kill you!"

To prove her point, Zenkichi cracked his neck around: causing a loud and cringe popping sound. He rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand, Excalibur Mimic had returned to its ring form, and said,

"What can I say? I heal fast."

"Bullshit! Even I can't heal from a twisted neck!"

Zenkichi's smiled mockingly at her and shrugged his shoulders, "Well, maybe I'm just better than you." Koga hissed at him in retort.

The truth is though, was that in a split second when his neck twisted to the side, his healing factor kicked in and was able to keep him alive long enough to rewind the time of his neck before it was twisted at 90 degrees. He was going to rewind the damage done to his face cheek but the Extremis Virus' regenerative ability kicked in.

Well, hiding his abnormal abilities wasn't going to last anyway. Though he would be hiding his system and magical abilities, he didn't want them to know all of his fighting abilities and use it as an advantage against him.

"But don't change the subject. I wanna know what's this Flask Plan Youka Naze was talking about and why you wanted to kill me just now, so you both are going to start talking. Whether it be voluntarily or force." He raised his right hand, still holding the Glock 19, and pointed the gun at them. "Trust me, I would get my answers even if I have to put extra holes into your bodies."

Naze and Koga both stared at him with flat eyes and said,

"That's sexual harassment, you sick pervert."

"Oh fuck off! I just got my neck twisted and my mouth falling in pieces!"

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